They do glow blue. The entire comic is in black and white aside from the cover. So use the thing that is in color. What color is his eyes?
The cover is an exception to everything else when it comes to actual canon design (read: not Hearthstone)
Are 1st gen Death Knights the LK Death Knights? By your logic they must be because they are called Death Knights.
No, I know you think they are because you’re confusing your headcanon with the actual lore but they have nothing to do with the Scourge.
The OG horsemen are 2nd gen DKs.
No, as I’ve already explained to you multiple times now, the OG Horsemen are not Second Generation because they do not meet the very specific requirement to be Second Generation.
If you claim they are given a skin for a reason, whitemane has that skin as well so she must have been given that skin for a reason too. But it’s been proven that eye glow doesn’t work on the faces with these face scars or tattoos. Not a single one has an eye glow but we know Whitemane has blue eyes, as also know Thassarian has blue eyes.
No it hasn’t, in the case of Whitemane Blizzard’s just a lazy company and in the case of Thassarian it’s because he doesn’t have blue eyes.
Whitemanes eyes aren’t blue because of an in game limitation. You have got to be trolling at this point.
Finally you accept that Whitemane’s eyes aren’t blue because of an in-game limitation, which is what I’ve been saying repeatedly: it’s just because Blizzard is lazy. And no, I’m being quite serious with all of this because I’m using the actual canon.
Runeblades aren’t exclusive to death knights either. Have you played this game at all? Even the slightest? And paid attention to what was going on?
Never said they were, and I have. Have YOU played this game even in the slightest? Have YOU been paying attention-… Actually silly question, you haven’t.
You haven’t explained anything. You grasp at straws saying I’d something is called a Death Knight then it’s a LK death knight which isn’t true. That if you have a runeblades you must be a DK like others can’t use them or something. You are just trolling at this point, you have absolutely nothing.
I have explained everything as clear and as concise as I possibly can – you’re the only one grasping at straws by making up false claims of me saying that if something’s called a DK than it must be a Lich King DK or that if someone has a Runeblade than they must be a DK. You’re the only one trolling here, you’ve not said anything remotely accurate throughout this entire argument.