Modern Death Knight character customizations

They do glow blue. The entire comic is in black and white aside from the cover. So use the thing that is in color. What color is his eyes?

The cover is an exception to everything else when it comes to actual canon design (read: not Hearthstone)

Are 1st gen Death Knights the LK Death Knights? By your logic they must be because they are called Death Knights.

No, I know you think they are because you’re confusing your headcanon with the actual lore but they have nothing to do with the Scourge.

The OG horsemen are 2nd gen DKs.

No, as I’ve already explained to you multiple times now, the OG Horsemen are not Second Generation because they do not meet the very specific requirement to be Second Generation.

If you claim they are given a skin for a reason, whitemane has that skin as well so she must have been given that skin for a reason too. But it’s been proven that eye glow doesn’t work on the faces with these face scars or tattoos. Not a single one has an eye glow but we know Whitemane has blue eyes, as also know Thassarian has blue eyes.

No it hasn’t, in the case of Whitemane Blizzard’s just a lazy company and in the case of Thassarian it’s because he doesn’t have blue eyes.

Whitemanes eyes aren’t blue because of an in game limitation. You have got to be trolling at this point.

Finally you accept that Whitemane’s eyes aren’t blue because of an in-game limitation, which is what I’ve been saying repeatedly: it’s just because Blizzard is lazy. And no, I’m being quite serious with all of this because I’m using the actual canon.

Runeblades aren’t exclusive to death knights either. Have you played this game at all? Even the slightest? And paid attention to what was going on?

Never said they were, and I have. Have YOU played this game even in the slightest? Have YOU been paying attention-… Actually silly question, you haven’t.

You haven’t explained anything. You grasp at straws saying I’d something is called a Death Knight then it’s a LK death knight which isn’t true. That if you have a runeblades you must be a DK like others can’t use them or something. You are just trolling at this point, you have absolutely nothing.

I have explained everything as clear and as concise as I possibly can – you’re the only one grasping at straws by making up false claims of me saying that if something’s called a DK than it must be a Lich King DK or that if someone has a Runeblade than they must be a DK. You’re the only one trolling here, you’ve not said anything remotely accurate throughout this entire argument.


So were banshees.
Neither are related to Death Knights. They’re their own classes.
What’s your point, contrarian?

You’re better off just putting them on a forum ignore and moving on.

Not that that’ll help them out much, since to my understanding they still reply to people who have them on ignore like it’ll do something, but at least you won’t have to read the drivel in every reply.

Hearthstone is canon tho. it is a card game that exists in Azeroth.
So in terms of art one can assume they are directly in universe representations or ideas.

It might not change the lore of the game but it is still itself a point of reference we can draw from.

Yeah but characters in the setting make stuff up all the time.

Like the troll who tells the horde what happened when Rastakhan died.

No its not.

What the world are you talking about? YOU are saying that anything called a Death Knight is a LK created Death Knight. And you do know the scourge is part of the Burning Legion right?

You havent explained anything. You are just looking for stuff that you assume help you.

Then they are just lazy in not adding Thassarians eye glow that he clearly has. If this is the route you want to go then fine, any DK that doesnt have an eye glow or doesnt have blue eyes is Blizzard just being lazy, they all have blue eyes.


No, you havent. You are trolling and going on ignore immediately.


Thats like saying one race of human isnt related to other races of humans… its just dumb to say something like what you just did. Yes, they are all related.

San’layn arent a class.

That you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. Thought that was pretty clear.

No its not.

Yes it is. If the cover of the comic is the only time Thassarian’s been depicted with blue eyes…

What the world are you talking about? YOU are saying that anything called a Death Knight is a LK created Death Knight. And you do know the scourge is part of the Burning Legion right?

No, I’m not saying that at all. YOU are. Only the Second-Fourth Generations are LK Death Knights (WC3-end of BFA). And no, they are not part of the Burning Legion in the current time. They WERE part of it, yes.

You havent explained anything. You are just looking for stuff that you assume help you.

No, As I’ve said repeatedly I’m using the canon lore, but hey… You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink, or so the saying goes.

Then they are just lazy in not adding Thassarians eye glow that he clearly has. If this is the route you want to go then fine, any DK that doesnt have an eye glow or doesnt have blue eyes is Blizzard just being lazy, they all have blue eyes.

No, in the case of Thassarian it has been a clear and concise design choice; if Thassarian had blue eyes it would have been implemented far earlier.



No, you havent. You are trolling and going on ignore immediately.

You’re the only one trolling.

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Sanlayn are a class the same way evokers and banshees are both classes.

Rogues and warriors are both melee but they aren’t related.

No they arent. They are a race of elf, more specifically vampiric undead elves. You have Blood Bearers, Blood Knights, Commanders, Deathblades, Lieutenants, Nobles, Tacticians, Archmages. Those are the classes within the San’layn race.

Evoker is a class, Dracthyr is the race.

Archmage is the class, San’layn is the race.

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Son and/or daughter.
Dark fallen are the race.
Sanlayn is the class.

Educate yourself instead of spewing wrong things ad nauseam.


Darkfallen isnt a race. I dont know how Night Elves and Blood Elves being different races of Elves and be Darkfallen and darkfallen be a race. It doesnt work that way.

San’layn is the race.

Accuse others of what you are actually doing… you shouldnt be getting character traits from the media.

Oh look… it just says “undead elves”, looks like you should have read what you linked.

Dark fallen are the race.
Undead elves.
Sanlayn are a class that only dark fallen can be.

And sanlayn still have nothing to do with death knights, other than existing in the same armies.

But you’re horde and there are druids in the horde so with your unintelligent logic, that means druids are related to death knights.

Darkfallen is just another name for “undead”. Its not a race.


San’layn arent a class. You can repeat the same nonsense over and over, it doesnt make you right.

Yes they do.

And being undead thus being related to each other through the scourge.

Excuse me?


Oh this is is going to be hilariously bad for you

BAHA… what kind of logic is that? Oh… thats right… thats a you logic and not a me logic. “accuse the opposition of the very thing you are doing”. Thats all you have, you accused me of having unintelligent logic yet this is what you think I am doing? THATS YOU BUDDY.

Darkfallen is just a classification, not a race.

San’layn is a race unless you are trying to say the actual classes that I listed that these San’layn would be arent actually classes. What you are saying is actually so much worse and you cant even recognize it.

Lets make it easier for you to understand. What you are saying is things like

Mage, San’layn, Archmage, Warrior, Deathblade, Blood Knight are all classes? So how can a class be a class then?

Dark fallen is not another name for undead.
It’s specifically undead elves.
You know nothin’, Jon Snow.

I specifically linked it to you. It’s in the very first paragraph! Lmao.


Yes it is when it comes to elves. Saying Darkfallen San’layn is just redundant.

And? Its not a race, its a classification. Sylvanas is a darkfallen, Koltira is a darkfallen, Sira Moonwarden is a darkfallen, Delaryn Summermoon is a darkfallen. If you didnt notice, some of those are Blood Elves, and some are Night Elves.

You linked me to something that supports what I say. Its a classification of elf, not a race of elf. San’layn are a race of elves more specifically vampiric elves that have different classes within the race.

How about this, explain how the San’layn are a class. How are they like say… a warrior or a rogue. Back your nonsense up with some actual logic.

When Prince Arthas Menethil invaded Quel’Thalas, he raised the fallen members of Sylvanas Windrunner’s army either as incorporeal banshee or as intact bodies. These fallen high elves would become known as Darkfallen, prowling the lands as either dark rangers or blood mages for the Scourge.[2] Others were reanimated as death knights, becoming the Lich King’s champions.[7]

When the Lich King slowly began to lose his power after Illidan’s failed attempt to kill him in Northrend, many Darkfallen dark rangers had their conscious will restored. They later joined Sylvanas Windrunner and her Forsaken in Undercity, as elite agents and personal guards of the Banshee Queen.

In the aftermath of the Third War, the blood elves were cut off from their source of magic, the Sunwell. Desperate for aid, their prince Kael’thas Sunstrider pledged allegiance to Illidan Stormrage who taught them how to siphon magic, and how to wield fel.[8] The blood elves, or Sunfury, seeking to avenge their fallen brethren, participated in Illidan’s attempt to destroy the Lich King.[9] Arthas intervened, and the two armies clashed, but the undead ultimately defeated Illidan’s forces at the foot of Icecrown.[9][10] Arthas raised the fallen blood elves as a new generation of vampyr Darkfallen in service to the Scourge,[11] organizing them in the sect known as the San’layn.[12]

You may commence crying over being wrong.

Tell me how they are a class. Dont post stuff i already know.

In fact, Darkfallen were originally the San’layn and San’layn was just a title (not a race or class) but none of this was set in stone or even expanded upon. Sylvanas said what the Darkfallen were, undead elves. Thats it. Because the elves fell to darkness thus, darkfallen. There is nothing more to that. The San’layn then became vampiric undead elves, a race.

So go for it and explain how they are a class, what are their abilities? Do Blood Knights of the San’layn have Kinetic Bombs? Or how about Shock Vortex. If its a class then where are the abilities listed for this so called class? Do they all have Fireball? Or is that just a San’layn Archmage thing? Do they all have Unholy Strike? Or is that just a San’layn Blood Knight thing?

Go ahead, ill wait. Its not like you are getting completely dumpstered on in the other thread showing your ignorance and you are doing it here, ill wait to see this list of abilities of this class.