Thassarian has blue eyes. The Black Knight is wearing a helm, and has different forms which no other Death Knights have.
As for Thassarian, no he doesn’t: He has more often than not been depicted with normal eyes. The Black Knight does more often than not wear a helm, yes but when we finally saw him without it – he had normal eyes.
Risen Drakkari Death Knights clearly arent 3rd generation death knights and they are most likely not even death knights at all.
The Risen Drakkari Death Knights are most likely not even death knights despite using Death Knight abilities, even having a runeblade ON TOP of being literally called -Death Knights?- Wild.
The OG Horsemen are 2nd generation DK’s.
No they are not – the only similarity they have is that they were formerly paladins. The Second Generation pledged their loyalty to Ner’zhul, never actually “dying” in the sense of traditional Death Knights; they’re Arthas-lite. All of the OG Four were explicitly undead, and were made by Kel’thuzad to serve as his Elite Guard.
Oh look, Alexi Barov has the same face scars / tattoos that dont have eye glows within the game just like Thassarian and Whitemane that both have blue eyes but its a game limitation which has been discussed for absolute years now.
That’s because Alexi and Thassarian don’t have blue eyes, and the only reason Whitemane doesn’t is because Blizzard is simply lazy.
Death Knight Captain, or really anything in Naxx since it was just taken straight from Vanilla, are 2nd generation DK’s.
No, the second generation Death Knights were all Arthas-lite fallen paladins of the Silver Hand disenfranchised to the point they pledged loyalty to Ner’zhul and were granted vampiric runeblades.
Lady Alistra isnt a Dk.
Lady Alistra isn’t a Death Knight despite using Death Knight abilities? Wild.
Face scars that dont allow eye glow on the human models.
No, it’s because the blue eyes are not required for Death Knights.
Has blue eye glow from what I found.
I’m only seeing yellow eyes.
A regular forsaken with the Forsaken armor…
That uses death knight abilities.
Why not include Teron Gorefiend?
Because he’s not relevant to the discussion as we’re talking about DK eye-colors?
A lot of these are just you hoping they are death knights that support your want, and the others are either 2nd gen or actually do have blue eye glow but are limited due to the game engine not allowing it due to another circumstance.
No, these are all objective death knights that are not from the Second Generation, as none of them fit the description.
“Death Knights were once virtuous defenders of Humanity. However, once the Paladin ranks were disbanded by the failing Alliance, many of these holy warriors traveled to the quarantined lands to ease the suffering of those left within the plague-ridden colonies. Though the Paladins were immune to disease of any kind, they were persecuted by the general populace who believed that they had been infected by the foul plague. A small band of Paladins, embittered by society’s cruelty traveled north to find the plague’s source. These renegade Paladins succumbed to bitter hatred over the course of their grueling quest. When they finally reached Ner’zhul’s icy fortress in Northrend they had become dark and brooding. The Lich King offered them untold power in exchange for their services and loyalty. The weary, vengeful warriors accepted his dark pact, and although they retained their humanity, their twisted souls were bound to his evil will for all time. Bestowed with black, vampiric Runeblades and shadowy steeds, Death Knights serve as the Scourge’s mightiest generals.”
Like Whitemane, people would point at her just like they do with Thassarian because her eyes dont glow in game either. But they do glow in a cinematic where she is carrying Bolvar, and Thassarian eyes glow Blue as well because its in the comic.
Thassarian’s eyes don’t even glow blue in the comic, and as for Whitemane it’s because Blizzard’s simply just lazy.
Why didnt you use Falric and Marwyn? Are you just looking for things that have skulls on their armor and calling them DK’s? Or looking for things that say “Death” in the name somewhere and just saying “it has death in the name therefore it must be a death knight”?
I didn’t use Falric and Marwyn because I can’t see their eyes and no, I’m looking for Death Knights.
This is just grasping at straws and embarrassing.
You are just grasping at straws, I agree.