Modern Death Knight character customizations

“Lord Thassarian” from the time rifts has green (not blue) eyes. :slight_smile:

They look much better in-game though. The screenshot doesn’t really do it justice, because it lacks the particle effect.


Thassarian has blue eyes. Time Rifts are also different timelines. What you are showing isnt even green glowing eyes, they are snakelike eyes. People really do grasp for straws.

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Someone is definitely grasping at straws.

Arthas never had glowy blue eyes. Other DKs had pitch-black eyes. Many undead, like Sylvanas have red eyes. Dreadlords as well. The point is quite clear that DKs and undead don’t have all the same exact origin.

And if we’re going to speak about the lore, maybe we should take Wrath cinematic, then. Remember how none of these undead had blue eyes, but as the LK exerted control over them their blue eyes appeared? With the LK dead, it should’ve gone away.

Forcing blue eyes into everything has always seemed like trying too hard push the Lich King’s appearance into everything.

It’s nitpicking trying to justify DKs/DHs can’t have different colors for their glowy eyes.


I love this eye colour discussion because at the end of the day blizzard can add eye colours for whatever god damn reason they like and that would be that.


This one has green eyes.

We have an Allied Race from a different timeline. What’s your point?

It’s literally stated in the post that the screenshot is missing the particle effect. Can you not read?


If you’re going to troll these forums, at least make it somewhat believable with arguments that can’t be dismantled in less than five seconds. It’s embarrassing.


So? He was a different generation of DK. The second generation of Dk werent those that were raised by the LK. But the LK gave them power. Arthas also did have blue glowy eyes so saying he never had them is just wrong.

4 generations of DK, the first can be ignored because they have nothing to do with the scourge or the LK, or any LK.

The second generation werent raised into undeath. They were paladins that were shunned driven mad and eventually seeking out the LK power. They were granted power.

The third and 4th were risen by the LK and they all have blue eyes.

They didnt have them in game at the time, and the LK didnt die with Arthas, the LK died in SL.

Just Death Knights, the current generations of Death Knights to be specific.

Its not nitpicking, its the lore lol.

An alternative dimension/timeline Thassarian that has snakelike eyes?

A different timeline means a different universe.

I can read, I just dont care about an alternative universe using snake eyes and people trying to mean that DK’s in this universe can have green eyes.

This is what people say when they have been shown to be grasping at straws.

You guys havent dismantled anything let alone in less than 5 seconds. You guys are literally going hunting for stuff and why is there no in game screenshots that show this? Hmm? If all you can get is a model from WoWhead then it doesnt hold much weight. It wouldnt hold much weight anyways because its an alternative timeline/universe/dimension.

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Sorry Kelliste but your own argument defeats you here.

“A setting still needs to follow it’s rules” right?

It is an alternate timeline IN THE SAME UNIVERSE, so the same rules apply.
In this timeline, Thassarian is STILL A DEATH KNIGHT. And the LICH KING ARTHAS was not defeated at Icecrown, that is the only difference.
That means Thassarian, a Third Gen Death Knight can and does have GREEN DEATH KNIGHT EYES.
Deny Lady Alistra if you want, but you cannot deny Thassarian, a CONFIRMED Death Knight.


You’re speaking to someone who thinks Bolvar Fordragon is biologically alive. Trying to use logic against them is like trying to play chess with a crow.

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Yea, but Arthas was still a DK without it.

You keep finding reasons to stabilish that anything that isn’t this one specific type of DK is just wrong and that’s it. Blue-eyed DKs don’t disappear if other concepts are included. There’s nothing absurd about this.

Btw, this sort of restriction has hurt the class and its narrative. Just look at Shadowlands. DKs couldn’t have been less important. Aside from the fact their connection to the Maw was shoehorned into the previous LK/Scourge narrative, DKs have zero relevance in the Shadowlands.


Arthas was a different generation of DK, created differently.

Im not sorry, thats what the lore points too and Blizzard even said DK’s have blue eyes for a reason. Not red, not green, not pink or yellow. Blue.

No it hasnt.

Lets bring up the most hated expansion in terms of lore, not just from the overall lore standpoint, but from DK’s as well that ruined the entire backstory to the scourge, even the legion.

They could have been.

SL was just trying to tie up loose ends that werent loose ends in the first place, but none of this is any sort of argument for DK’s having more eye color options.

Death Knights have blue eyes.

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Lady Alistra, one of the trainers in Acherus. :slight_smile:

Hey look, she has RED EYES.

Being a trainer doesn’t make one a Death Knight. She is also an Unholy Trainer. Everything about Lady Alistra screams banshee. Unholy trainer, red eyes, an elf.

In order for a banshee to get their bodies back they have to denounce or abandon their magic and fully embrace necromantic magics. They even use AMS or a form of spell shielding that is extremely similar to AMS. So she has s most likely a banshee tasked with training Death Knights with unholy magics.

Lady Alistra has been brought up and addressed for years upon years at this point. Bringing her up again isn’t going to magically accomplish anything or serve as some kind of slam dunk. In fact it just shows the lack of interest in the class and scourge overall by the people that use her as such.

DKs don’t have red eyes, they don’t have yellow eyes, they don’t have purple or green eyes either. Blizzard saying that DKs have blue eyes should tell everyone that she isn’t a DK.

Alistra does bring about a lot of discussion it seems. Those eyes have been in the game since Wrath, if I remember right. I know they’re there in the Eastern Plaguelands starting zone that’s still available to the original DK races in retail, though.

During WC3 times, Arthas brings about a few death knights with Falric, Marwyn, and Thassarian at least. None of their eyes are blue, so this could be due to the power that goes into raising the death knight. At this time, Arthas also doesn’t have a glow to his eyes, but it changes to the iconic glow when he puts the helmet on at the Frozen Throne. It’s fairly reasonable that it means the glow comes from something to do with the Lich King’s power. At least for the third (and possibly fourth) generation death knights.

The fourth gen could be explained as Bolvar needing more death knights, but not wanting to experiment with the rituals and just using whatever knowledge he could get from the helm. However, it’s only a possibility, since the fourth gen DK intro does not have a lot of lore or explanations in it.

When Wrath starts, the eye colors get inconsistent. Orbaz implies he’s a second generation death knight and talks about how things were different when he was raised, but his eyes glow blue unlike any of the death knight units from WC3 or Thassarian. The disciples that stand in front of Alistra, Thorval, and Amal’thazad run the full gamut. The elves have blue, the forsaken have yellow glowing eyes (like normal forsaken), and the humans and orcs don’t glow at all.

Then, it’s back to Alistra. The most likely thing I can come up with is that she was raised during the time Arthas was still a death knight, but before becoming the Lich King, since elf eyes tend to turn red when they’re raised into undeath. The dark rangers of Wrath era and Sylvannas of WC3 have this look to them. As for what she was turned into, that is up in the air. It’s possible she is a banshee, since one of her demonstrations is about Anti-Magic Shell which is a banshee ability from WC3. However, she also has at least two other lessons for the NPC disciples that cover diseases, raising ghouls, and corpse explosion, which aren’t. While it might just be a reference, the Ebon Blade has a much likelier candidate for banshee possessing a body with Siouxie, considering she makes the banshee sigh overlaid on her voice line when you right click her in the Eastern Plaguelands starting zone and her title is literally “the Banshee.”

So, even though I couldn’t find any concrete evidence one way or the other, I had fun looking this up and going back through the starting zone. Hope you enjoyed some lore possibilities, too. With that said, I feel that there is justifiable logic for the gen three death knights to only have the blue glow, but that reasoning might fall apart for gen four depending on Bolvar’s thought process and what he knew about raising a death knight. Personally, I don’t think it would be an issue if the races who died and were raised in the fourth war had eye color choices, it’d make a lot of people happy because there’s nothing wrong with having more options.

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Actually, I misremembered parts of Alistra’s demonstrations. For one, she brings a set of three ghouls into Acherus (it’s not really explained how, but Wowhead Classic has her ability listed as “Open Shadow Portal”). She casts Death and Decay on the ghouls, then Corpse Explosion. The second one, she brings in three skeletal mages and shows Anti-Magic Shell and Death Coil. Then, the last one spawns a druid that isn’t sure what’s going on, and she uses Plague Strike and Degeneration.

Thassarians eyes are blue, they are blue in the comic, and 2nd generation DKs were mostly granted power and not raised, so no eye glow. Arthas wasnt raised either, just had his soul gobbled up by Frostmourne and didnt know it so no initial eye glow.

Also, most all of the DK abilities came from elsewhere and werent created specifically for the DK. Diseases are a scourge thing, DnD is originally a Lich thing, AMS from the banshee and was going to be a part of the runemaster class they were working on. A banshee in spirit form and flesh form are different. They arent just possessing a body, but gaining their old one through necromancy denouncing their original magic and embracing necromancy.

Lady Alistra has literally done nothing but make a bet in Legion. She did nothing in the campaign, did nothing in Shadowlands, doesnt look like she has caused any pain in decades and hasnt went on a bloodthirsty rampage, just stands around changing the gargoyle look.

People want eye color to change depending on the spec as well and Lady Alistra doesnt support that happening, if anything it would support Unholy getting red eyes, and only if you are an elf. Its just people grasping at straws because they dont like the DK and they think they can do it better even though they dont have an interest in them. If they did they would have a better argument for what they are proposing. I would go as far as they dont even like WoW.

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The cover for ‘Death Knight’ by Jolley and Zucchi, right? I think an argument could be made that this is a primarily monochrome painting with blue as the chosen color, considering the fire in the background. For everyone else’s benefit, in the comic, Thassarian has stylized eyes after being turned into a death knight that are shown as a white void (except one panel when Koltira has a sword to his neck where the iris and pupil can be seen) since the story pages aren’t full color.
I can’t link the cover picture, but, for those who want to see it, Google should show Thassarian with his arms crossed and two swords in his hands.

You might need to walk me through what you’re trying to say about Alistra in the middle two paragraphs. The second sounds like you say she is (now) a death knight, by giving up her old banshee magic to use all the death knight abilities. But then the third paragraph you’re saying she doesn’t have enough on-screen character development or backstory to be a death knight?

This doesnt explain the glowing eyes. It also isnt monochromatic. That means 1 hue with different values. Not to mention DK eye glow primarily comes from the iris and pupil, at least until they updated the eye glow. Its clear he even has glowing eyes in the comic as well and whey arent white.

Lol, they arent DK abilities, they are necromantttic abilities. DnD is from Liches, they took it from the Mt. Hyjal Lich fight, AMS isnt a DK ability as you said earlier. Plague Strike also isnt a DK ability since undead wildlife had it prrior to the DK. They took spells from other sources to make the DK.

I also think i was pretty clear that banshees have to give up their innate magic, the magic they had when they were alive, and fully accept necromancy to get their bodies back. Not to learn DK abilities. The older lore stated druidic magic since they were night elves primarily, Blood Elves dont use druidic magic so they would have to give up their original magic and fully embrace necromancy to gain their bodies back.

Lady Alistra has literally done nothing, not that she hasnt had enough screen time to be a DK, her sitting around directly goes against what a DK wants to do, inflict pain. If tthey dont they go on a bloodthirsty rampage, a killing spree, its part of the curse of being a DK. She wasnt there at Lights Hope, She did nothing in Legion, not on the Broken Shore or the campaign, nothing in SL. There is more evidence for her not being a DK than there are for her being one.

She isnt a DK.

my DK looks awesome with black eyes:

i think its time to allow eye color customization, in terms of lore, we’ve been walking the face of azeroth long enough to have dabbled in other magics and change the nature of our necromantic state.


That’s why I said primarily monochrome, the main exception being the sword grips and guards so they visually pop at the viewer. Why make the fire blue, otherwise?
For the pages, what you say is simply untrue, since they’re all black and white. All we have to go on is the cover, and the color scheme for it can be called into question. My point wasn’t that his eyes glow white, it’s that the cover image is unclear enough that they could be any color. They could even be red, if you want to get really wild with it.

I suppose this one is my fault, that should be “by giving up her old banshee magic to use all the WoW death knight abilities.” I’m aware that the player death knight abilities come from several sources of the Scourge faction of WC3, otherwise we’d have four buttons if we only drew from the death knight unit. I was trying to ask if that paragraph meant you thought she had gone from a banshee to become a death knight fully, but that’s cleared up now.

So, your theory is that Alistra is not a death knight because she does not have the hunger to inflict pain that the generation three (and possibly four) death knights do, right? I’ve already said I think it’s most likely she’s a generation two death knight, and there are other gen two knights that can be compared to her.

Baron Rivendare is one who has had a few quests of his own over Alistra’s count, but he has mostly held a logistics role (compared to Alistra’s teaching role) with the Scourge. He managed Stratholme after it was invaded, then moved on to being one of the four horsemen where he presumably helped command the Scourge forces from Naxxramas. He’s on the ground in the invasion of the Scarlet Enclave, but it’s still in a command postion.
No “bloodthirsty rampages” necessary (which may be a little of an overstatement anyway). Even generation three death knights don’t mindlessly run at their enemies. That’s what ghouls are for.

I think it’s a good look. A little lightly armored for my own tastes, but it works well with night elves. :+1:

So it’s not monochromatic. Why make the fire blue? There is blue fire in this game so it’s not out of the ordinary.

The color scheme cant be called into question. Period. The cover image is pretty clear.

I was also pretty clear with Lady Alistra, she isn’t a DK, never said she was a DK or hinted at it. Not explaining it for a third time just for you to not understand it again.