Modern Death Knight character customizations

Background art. That is all it is, its a monochromatic picture that is using red as its primary color.

Affliction art shows a human with glowing eyes yet warlock eyes never glowed. Prot warrior the same with the Titanic Onslaught armor, eyes are glowing in the art as well…

The only ones jumping through hoops are you guys since the only thing you can bring up is background art. Quit projecting and find something concrete, the fact that its been years at this point and not a single person can find ANYTHING is telling and that Death Knights have BLUE eyes.

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Did you know this game now has a Lightforged Warlock NPC with green eyes? Probably not.

Did you know that Bolvar’s eyes were glowing orange the entire time he was lich king, except at the last second, when he fought Sylvanas? Probably not.

Did you know there’s a Demon Hunter NPC that received a blessing from Elune herself, and got a glaive that leaves flowers in it’s wake when Fel Rush is used? Probably not.

I don’t know what you think you know about this game’s lore, magic use, and the 6 (7?) cosmological forces, but it seems extremely lacking.

A Death Knight getting new eye colors is probably the least egregious thing that could happen, at this point.


Yes, I know about that. What about it? He never died and wasnt raised as a DK, so why did he turn blue? Because you lack the knowledge of why things happen doesnt mean there isnt a reason. The reason Bolvar changed entirely was because he “tapped into the power of the helm” Did you know the blue went away when the helm was forcefully removed from his head? Probably not.

Then they arent lightforged.

A Night Elf receiving a blessing from Elune?! THAT COULD NEVER HAPPEN!.

Thats you, you are projecting. The thing with Bolvar explains it all.

Quit with your projections, DK’s have blue eyes.

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Go do the Warlock quest, and be enlightened.

Yes, he was. He was raised right a long side Saurfang’s son. Go fight Yogg saron.

A Fel using Demon Hunter receiving a blessing from her is very new.

The only one “projecting” here is you. I’ve never seen someone so confidently wrong in my life.

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Good explanation… and I cant find anything about a Lightforged Draenei Warlock. Absolutely nothing.

No he wasnt lol. It was the red dragonflights flames that saved him, but turned him into what he is. A combination of the light, blight, and the red dragonflights flame turned him into what he is. Arthas had 0 to do with it. The scourge did gather people from the battle clearly, but Arthas had 0 control over Bolvar and was trying to torture him into submission. Go do ICC.

Night Elves are Elunes favorites. Its not out of the realm of possibility, DK’s with red eyes has nothing backing it up. Absolutely nothing. Especially when SL cemented DK’s having blue eyes for a reason.

What am I projecting exactly?

Then look in the mirror because that is you.

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Sigh Can’t even do your own research…


The Red Dragonflight’s flames of Life allowed him to resist Domination, but he is very much dead. No ifs ands, or buts.

It has a million things backing it up, actually. You just conveniently choose to ignore them.

And even if there wasn’t, who cares? We’re talking about a customization option in a video game, that would make a lot of transmog sets look ten times better. I don’t really see why it upsets you so much.


I did my own research, the only thing I could find is Initiate Oman that had yellow eyes.

Where is this? Because that is nonsense.

No hes not, the flames of life not healing a dying person… yeah makes total sense.

This doesnt make you right, its just you trying to shut down the truth. He never died. He even said so himself.

Then where are they? Where are all these Death Knights with red eyes?

You are literally having to stoop so low to use background art for a talent window. If there was anything substantive you would have used it.

People who care about consistency and immersion in a story and its world.

That has a story.

Then wear a helmet.

Because of people like you trying to ruin the story for your own gain while calling people like me idiots that dont know anything. You are the problem.

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His eyes turn green during the quests, which is why I told you to go do them.

I already told you. Go fight Yogg saron. It’s one of the visions in his brain room. Also Bolvar resisting Domination is a very not hidden at all plot point.

You know nothing about this game’s story. It’s painfully obvious, and I’m going to stop wasting my time with you now.

I highly recommend reading a few books.


So he is no longer a lightforged… got it.

No you didnt.

Yawn. Got anything new?

Bye, you wont be missed.

DK’s have blue eyes.

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Imagine saying imagine so many times thinking it makes you look like you have any kind of argument.

Why should anyone take into consideration a person that doesnt care about the game?

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Best to just put kelliste on ignore.
It’s just looking for someone to give it attention.

On the spec talent screen don’t unholy and blood have different colours?

How does the game explain transmog?
Magical enchantment or something?
You’re telling me that magic doesn’t work on eye colour?

Lore should NEVER get in the way of player fun.


Unholy doesnt, its just bloods screen and its just a monochromatic picture using red. There are no more colors in the art. Its lazy art because there is no good way to represent what the spec is about. How exactly do you show heals itself based on the damage it takes?

Magic is the reason for eye color glow.

If lore didnt exist you wouldnt have a death knight to play in the first place. Fan fiction doesnt mean the lore should change. There are very few options that dont make sense in lore and is more to do with gameplay due to racials. Lightforged DK = Doesnt exist. It cant exist. Gameplay > Lore > Customization. That is the priority. A lightforged that turns to fel is no longer a lightforged since they are abandoning the light. To go through the process of becoming a lightforged just to abandon it… yeah… sure… still a “lightforged” when the light is in opposition to fel.

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Yeah, I did after they suggested that Bolvar Fordragon, former Lich King, now Highlord of the Ebon Blade, is not only not a Death Knight, but also biologically alive.

I’ve never lost so many brain cells all at once in my entire life.


Hes not a Death Knight. Never was. And Yogg Saron was supposed to have a connection to the LK that they thought was apparent but wasnt. The Lich King was torturing Bolvar, if the Lich King would have raised him then he would have been under his control. You were trying to say the flames of life does something against domination magic YET domination magic didnt exist back then. The Yogg vision was the first glimpse at Bolvar being alive, they even say hes alive in ICC for crying out loud.

If what you are saying is the case, then why werent there more people like Bolvar? Saurfang? He was breathed on just like everyone else was, so were the horde and alliance armies.

You are jumping to conclusions you have 0 reason to jump to. The Lich King tortured Bolvar, we know that. But no, hes not a Death Knight, all his LK powers left when the helm was pulled off of his head even though we know thats not how that works since Arthas removed the helm plenty of times.

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Ya it’s crazy the things it will say for attention.

Hopefully with the war within we see some new customization.

The different color death grips from legion would be nice too. Night fae death and decay would be an easy one too.


Just going to point out that Night Elf DKs can use the Night Warrior eye color. DKs as a whole should be able to use the Darkfallen red color as well.

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It was taken away as well, it was given back because it was given accidentally given and the cat was out of the bag.

And congrats, you are a Darkfallen. A darkfallen is an undead elf and that includes DK’s.

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I’ve seen enough of your…“posts” to know you have nothing useful to say.

Begone from my sight, and welcome to the ignore list.

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But it was taken away in BFA like a few days after the launch of the patch. It was given back because again the cat was out of the bag by that point. It wasnt intended for the DK to have. It doesnt matter what you guys say, history is history and it cant be changed just because you want it to change.

Also, any elf that is undead is a darkfallen. Go look up Darkfallen instead of just assuming stuff and maybe people can have a more informed argument of why DK should have red eyes (they shouldnt). Even if you use the red eye elf argument that is only limited to elves so its not a class thing but race thing.

Come on you guys have got to get better arguments.

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