Modern Death Knight character customizations

It is a videogame bro, chill.

Damn… Salty af :joy:


A video game with a universe that has rules to it. Gotta stay within the rules of the story.

Why cant you just come up with some crappy in lore reasoning for your bad idea? If there was a reason for it to be done it would have been done by now.


She is a Death Knight though, a dark fallen. We are also getting vampire hero talents next expansion anyways and in game the Sanlayn have red eyes, that’s lore too

So the blood death knight talent tree art is someone that’s not a death knight? I’m confused :confused:

Yes they should first fix the gameplay problems before handling the customizations absolutely, I was just having ideas on how to overhaul the appearance & spell effects of the class. DK hasn’t gotten a proper rework on both sides since it was released which is a shame.


Is she?

This is just an undead elf. If you were ever playing an elf DK congrats you were playing a Darkfallen the entire time.

No they dont. BLQ has black eyes, the princes have yellow, and all the people in the crimson halls other than the liches and the bosses had blue eyes.

No, its just art. Are Frost DK’s Frostwyrms? No, its just art.

Death Knights have blue eyes for a reason and Blizzard even said so. While SL in my opinion isnt canon and raised more questions than it sought to fix, Blizzard did make a point at Blizzcon to say DK’s eyes are blue. The same goes for DH, their eye color isnt going to change.

Oh, and you also brought up Whitemane earlier, she actually had blue glowing eyes, Thassarian also has blue glowing eyes. Whitemane is shown in an in game cinematic while carrying Bolvar back to his seat. And Thassarian is shown in an official Warcraft comic where his eyes glow blue as well.

Everyone seems to get Darkfallen wrong as well. Koltira is a Darkfallen, Siouxsie is also a darkfallen, Lady Alistra, Dread Commander Thalanor, BQL is a Darkfallen… any undead elf is a darkfallen. People have been playing Darkfallen since Wrath when DK’s were launched. Darkfallen = undead elf. Nothing more.

Damn, still salty.

Why you’re so mad about this bro? We have an art in Blood Spec that has red eyes and it is not a dragon or anything, it seems like a Death Knight so why just not make it.

It looks pretty cool.

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And we have Frost Spec art with a Frostwyrm on it, does that mean we are Frostwyrms? No, its just an art piece on a background.

Its not, its art.

Because Death Knights have blue eyes. It was established in Wrath, and reinforced in SL.

The customisation and gameplay feels so bad that it doesn’t feel like a hero class anymore. It’s insane how much better and unique DH plays, regardless of the customisation. DKs don’t even have a place in the lore anymore. The Ebon Blade are missing from the Emerald Dream, their last story plot in Shadowlands, so what’s the point of being a DK?


So then at least elf death knights should have the option to have red eyes by that logic. Also I doubt that blizzard would just pick a random art piece for the official talent tree like you mentioned. There is no way that blood’s talent tree background is “just art”. It is an official blood death knight with red eyes even by Blizzard’s standard since they chose it. Would they randomly put Sylvanas on the Holy priest tree because it’s just art? Of course not :slight_smile:

As much as SL raised a lot of questions about the lore, it is canon. The venthyr have red eyes too and they’re from the death realm which DKs are tied to. Lore reason solved.

You are correct about Whitemane having blue eyes in the cinematic though, I didn’t realize that before. We could at least get the same markings customization like her and other NPCs.

Yes, DKs need a major rework on both fronts. It feels like they’re stuck in the Lich King era and didn’t move on.

No they shouldnt. Darkfallen just means undead elf. Thats it, it doesnt mean red eyes.

They absolutely would. Its just background art. The affliction lock has glowing eyes in the background art as well and its not a race that just has glowing eyes to explain it. Its a female human warlock with purple eyes. Its just background art.

That is exactly what it is.

So then Frostwyrms are Frost DK’s? Thats the kind of logic you are doing, and if you are going to apply it to one talent tree it has to be applied to all talent trees. Its just art. Thats all it is.

They used to just put geographical locations. Are ret paladins a rocky area with lightning going on? No, its just background art.

No its not.

They are Venthyr, not DK’s

No they arent. DK’s are tied to either Madraxxus or The Maw, its not even really explained other than attempted to hint at we are linked to the jailer somehow.

Its not though.

Eye glows do not work with those options.

I 2nd this.

Add dark violet, and some other unholy biased colors too, like pure black.

Yup, they could even have some decomposong elements too, show some of the skull etc.

There is several undead/DK npc’s that do not have the blue eye glow…

Some human dk’s has red glowing eyes…


I understand that maybe you don’t want any updates to DK and that’s fair, but to say that an entire expansion is not canon is just your own personal opinion. SL is part of the warcraft story. The venthyr and even the dread lords now are tied to death knights since SL is the DK realm.

You made a really good point about why death knights have a blue glow to their eyes, but new DKs are being made lore wise by the new Lich king who is not Arthas anymore. He was also raised as an undead by the red dragons with fire on his skin and he’s a death knight. The player DKs now are not all Wrath era knights anymore.

The DK story evolved and I simply feel like the game should reflect that. You could have your own opinions which are valid, and maybe you would want to stick to the Arthas death knight look but there are players who would like new customizations that fit the real in game lore.

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No, I just want updates that make sense.

Many people also consider SL to not be canon because it ruins WC lore all the way up to SL.

What they did to the titans, what they did to Arthas, what they did to the Legion and Ner’zhul. It was a spit in the face to the fans and the original writers.

Bolvar isnt the LK anymore, there is no LK and Bolvar never died, he was on deaths doorstep when the dragons breathed their flames of live on him. Other people werent so lucky. Arthas grabbed him up and started experimenting on him to try to break him. Technically with the SL lore, he shouldnt have any DK powers since he was only getting them from the helm.

The DKs are still Wrath Era Knights and technically a dying breed within lore. 1st and 2nd gen death knights are different, the 1st are really different.

The DK story also hasnt evolved even if you do take SL as canon, SL cements that DK eye color is blue just gave a different reasoning than it was before. Before it was the type of necromancy, now its domination magic. The Jailer put everything in motion and it all led to the LK, he was controlling the LK apparently (garbage retcon) so the Jailer created DK’s and with domination magic was to dominate and control the scourge along with the LK to do whatever he was trying to do… and who really knows what it was. SL was a big ol waste of time and filled with garbage retcons.


She is still upset that frost got 2h back. Wanted to keep frost dw only.


Why you do you only show up to lie like you always do?

You are just mad that I was right after you guys were saying “2h was always better!” and 2h has had to have 2 expansions worth of work to fail and ruin the spec into just Obliterate spam which everyone hates. Thanks for pushing this design to prove me correct.

Except the DK in the Blood talent tree background, which has red eyes. :roll_eyes:

Literally zero reason for players not to have the option too. I won’t accept any mental gymnastics on the subject.


I’d rather them fix the class before they worry about visuals and customization. Don’t get me wrong, I would love a visual update to the spell effects and more customization, like Red and Unholy Green eyes, but they need to fix how the class plays first, then worry about visuals and such.


Pointing to background art isnt evidence that DK’s should have red eyes.

Death Knights have blue eyes. Period.

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I was very clear:


And I was very clear as well, its just background art.

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Official art.

You can have your wrong, contrarian opinion, but at the end of the day, it’s still wrong.