Modern Death Knight character customizations

I’m really not going to speculate from an alternative universe in wow.

Void and light can absolutely be used together. The undead can use the light too.

She’s not even close to being a DK. All she did was auto attack and she’s not even wearing plate. She also used to be a ranger with Alleria and is loyal to her. She’s not even a void elf within the lore.

What do you think darkfallen means?

I thought that light and void can’t be near each other, like when Alleria went to the sunwell and messed it up because she’s a void elf.

Darkfallen are undead elves right?

Warcraft Wiki: The Darkfallen are undead elves, including the dark rangers of the Forsaken, the vampiric San’layn of the Scourge, and the death knights of the Ebon Blade.

Ehm ehm, red eyed DKs :stuck_out_tongue:

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lore-wise they have a different build then ironforge dwarves, they are taller, leaner, and more muscle built. along with their unique culture is why ppl had an uproar of being deligated of just tattoo’s on a dwarf.

They are demons. Look up how to become a demon in lore. They are no longer mortal.

VE’s should had never gotten natural appearances due to being transformed into another being. Thanks for taking stuff out of context.

Quiestion should be why blizzard made so many DK npc’s without your sacred blue eyes, and some without a glow at all.

Don’t forget she can’t touch turalyon when she is using her void magic. And the lightforged went through great pain to go through her void portals.


They can be near each other… priests have been using both the light and shadow / void for a long time and the Naaru have light and void cycles. The sunwell and Alleria is a whole different thing.

And yes, Darkfallen just means undead elf, it doesnt mean undead elf with red eyes.

Wrong. I dont know where you guys extrapolate this talking point from but its just totally wrong.

So? What do you want them to do about it? Make a whole new race? This has 0 to do with DK’s either. Not to mention its a game limitation because there are no height sliders, no musculature options and so on. Not all human females or males are the same height yet there is no option for that now is there?

And? I still dont know what this has to do with Death Knights and blue eyes.

Were they? Being corrupted = a completely different being? So then DK’s having different eye colors changing the magic within them would mean by your argument they are no longer Dk’s.


Who? Like Sally Whitemane and Thassarian? Yeah they actually DO have blue eyed but there is an in game limitation when using the face scars. This has been known for like a decade now.

She can, just like Undead Priests can use the light. It just causes pain.

This doesnt mean these 2 forces do not mix. In fact for the longest time it was these 2 forces mixing that created everything.

So we dont get cool eye customizations. We dont have exclusive Dk customizations anymore. We dont get to play new races wen they come out. We dont get to have raid buffs. What do we get to do? Single Grips? For all of these donts. Some great lore you have there bliz, what does it do for us? Beccause I am not seeing it.


Funny that people would think the whole game would unravel if DK got eye colour customisation.
That writing in some simple one liner extra lore that grants them new eye colour would just completely break the entire class fantasy and make it completely unplayable.

I don’t really care about eye colour. But it doesn’t seem like a big deal adding it in. More customisation the better imo.


The players took all the fun out of the game with their spreadsheets and meta pushing. Lore has nothing to do with how weak or strong a class is. It does however have to do with customization and what makes sense given the limitations of the systems in place. We used to have these things, but you can see why the specs are so limited, some even coming from the ideals that are in threads like these “blood should be only blood abilities, frost only frost, unholy only unholy and their eye color should shift with it”. Its that type of mentality that has ruined the class.

No one is saying that it would unravel, its just that it doesnt make sense. Some quarter baked 1 liner wouldnt cut it and something like a whole new generation of DK’s would need to be made while using the same class mechanics.

What ever happened to getting immersed in a story and world that is consistent? “I want to play a dark elf, but its not going to be dark, its going to be hot pink!” Any game master would say no. More customization isnt always better.

Honestly, Death Knights need some work customization wise. Having the skin tones for undeath being tied, for every race, to three options alone is pretty annoying. This isn’t how it used to be and this only did occur when the models were updated.

I think there’s room to improve across the board.

I don’t care for eye colors - if they did, cool. If they don’t, that’s just less choices. Meanwhile, we can sit here ignoring Night Elves getting black eyes to counter DK eyes entirely and it’s been left in the game. Just reroll an elf? /s.

I, personally, just want to be able to use more faces with the DK skin tones. That’s it. Already existing options.

Human is a huge outlier to why they probably don’t do this and won’t, as they added all ethnicities and haven’t tied those skins to them. And there’s probably upwards of thirty options.

But I’m in full agreement that Death Knight has been ignored beyond Blizzard remodeling the eyes to have little wisp trails two or three times over the years. Which, hey, cool, whatever that does beyond clip through some helmets and makes hoods look goofy with your obscenely glowing trail of blue wiggles but your eyes are darker for whatever reason.

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Condidering they already made several new races with barely any changes and dumbed down a few to be 1-1 look alikes, sure why not.

Sure it does. Customization is what seperates these charecters. But if you want to compare hero classes, even DH who has no eyes has eye customizations.

VE had been transformed into a different type of being dude.

There is no need to list them out for the 15th time. Others had already listed them to you.

And you’d think they won’t fix it by legion? Not buying it.

Reaf the literacture. They cannot.

Read the book. The void and light literally try to destroy each other without a 3rd agent to stabalize them.

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Wrong. I (A DM) Would say “How did they become pink?”
And to that I might get “They’re a wild magic Sorcerer and had a wild magic surge when they were young that turned them entirely Hot Pink permanently.”

Sorry but a good DM uses a “Yes, And?” approach not just a “No you can’t do anything I don’t say you can.” approach.
There’s way too many r/RPGHorrorStories of the latter. We do not need more.

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No, it really doesnt.

No it doesnt. It has blindfoldes. The eye color is the same. Quit grasping at straws like “DH’s have blindfoldes that means that DK’s should have different eye colors!” Its not even remotely the same and you know it.

And what would that be “dude”? Looks like an alf to me.

No no… list them so I can debunk them for you yet again since you missed it.

Sally Whitemane? She has blue eyes.
Thassarian? Blue Eyes
Old 4 horsemen? Not 3rd / 4th generation DK
Lady Alistra? Not a DK
That darkfallen in the rift? Not a DK

So you guys have absolutely nothing and are grasping at straws.

Its a game limitation. Why does Sally Whitemane have blue eyes in the cinematic but not in game if its not a game limitation? Hmm? You dont have to buy it, its a fact.

Yes they can.

The irony is lost on you isnt it. You have been wrong about everything thus far.

So then how would DK color eye change that fits within the lore? DK eyes arent blue because of Frost magic, their eyes dont change because of corruption of blood magic or unholy magic. So what would a reasonable explanation be?

And really? Horror stories because some game masters or “dungeon masters” say someone cant do something? Then leave. You are free to leave this game or play another class that gives you what you want. You dont see hot pink dark iron dwarves now do you? If you want that much customization then go somewhere else, preferably some single player game.

Agreed. Infact I think blizzard is starting to include stuff in the story that gives reason to all this customization lorewise.

Hell with the introduction to those light undead I wont bat an eye if forsaken can become paladins, because that’ll make sense to me now.

That and the eredar joining up with the draeni to allow draeni to become warlocks. Which does expand the legion story a bit that not everyone who joined the Legion didn’t agree to their methods; not like they had a choice to leave anyway.

Ah and last thing to, I can imagine earthen eventually becoming death knights once they start using those memory crystals with souls in them. Some died and are brought back to life in a “machine” being the earthen


There were already undead paladins though. Way before Calia Menethil showed up.

So DK eyes were originally due to necromancy but then shadowlands made it that it was specifically Domination Magic.
So two roads I would take.
1 is the use of a rune that cosmetically reshades our glow and that simply makes the appearance change, no alteration of our being.
2 is that we go to the Primus, and then to whichever covenant of the shadowlands and tie an Essence of Domination from that realm to ourselves thus adding a new thread to the Domination magic that binds us, altering our eye color to that of the chosen covenant.

As for telling me to go elsewhere? With how miserable you act I think that advice is better suited for yourself.

My characters looks is fine as it is. However I’m not a killjoy trying to stop other people from having their fun.


And what rune would that be? Doesnt make any sense because runes havent done that ever.

Makes 0 sense because those realms arent domination based so what domination essence are you taking from there? Domination magic its own thing.

What about it? If you dont like something go somewhere else.

Lol, how miserable I act, you guys are the ones constantly moaning and complaining that you dont get what you want constantly wanting things to be changed because you dont like something. This thread is evidence of that to the point where people are grasping at straws.

Here is a life lesson you all should have learned by now. If you dont like something then YOU can leave.

Yeah, you are because “screw lore” right? There are a lot of people that want a good story and you guys are trying to kill their enjoyment based on your wants of cosmetics and a total disregard of others. This thread is proof of that.

Domination magic is blue, the list of “DK’s” (3rd and 4th gen) that have other eye colors is 0, people are grasping at straws trying to say people like Sally Whitemane doesnt have blue eyes yet No one watched the “Shadowlands: Dark Abduction” video? You dont even have to watch it for long.

https ://

14 seconds in and you see Sally Whitemane with blue eyes. “But Sally doesnt have blue eyes!”

Dont defend a bunch of people that want to ruin the lore for others adn then try to blame the person that wasnts consistent lore. Thats some more gaslighting nonsense from these forums.

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So we dont get to play any new races, we dont get to use any new eye customizations, what do we get? What does Dk lore do for Dks in game? We get forced to use the single eye color they allow us to use. Which btw looks ugly as hell esp wen it clips thru my helmet. Feels pretty bad. Esp since they gave all the unquie skin colors to all nonDk class. Atleast Dh gets horns and tatoo. Dk is just the ugly baby blues, and 0 new content for you. Hope you like playing a class with fewer options then every1 else, and no raid/group buffs. Feels good being undertuned for all of DF just to find out we wont get to play Earthen or Dracthyr in TWW. GG Bliz way to keep those dirty Dks in their place.

Blank dead eyes would be cool.

its not hard to make lore reasons for red and green eyes


Blizzard could add to the lore anyway they like to make this possible. Their writers, their story. If they choose to do nothing at all then fine but asking for change is legit and it’s part of the reason the forums exist. Keep fighting the good fight.

As a side note DK is long overdue some cosmetic overhauls, we can only ask.

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