Modern Death Knight character customizations

I read it and i just KNEW Kelliste would be the first response and naturally he says no because of lore.

Lieutenant Verana in the new Xalatath scenario is a void elf DK with red eyes too.
There’s also a void elf paladin Aeonara Dawnshade who uses holy spells like consecration!

Hopefully this means that there is a chance!


Just saying someone is a DK doesn’t make them a DK.

Riveting rebuttal, quite the wit from an antediluvian throwback whose ancestral sire clung to the bottom of the ark like the barnacle it was and you currently emulate.

I see Kelliste is still busy fighting everyone over nothing.

So anyway, just because something hasn’t happened yet in lore or isn’t currently reflected in-game doesn’t mean it can’t happen. That’s not even an argument, that’s just being stubborn. Maybe it can happen, maybe it can’t; it all depends on what the writers decide going forward. Even things that have been said before can and have been changed in latter lore, whether by true retcons or by new lore rendering the old obsolete.

Not so long ago a paladin man’ari was very much not a thing and one could have argued impossible due to being demons…and yet it’s now possible to play one.
We couldn’t have allied races death knights because they weren’t here during the Third War…then we got a Fourth War and lo and behold, suddenly there was justification to raise some.

Tomorrow, Death Knights fearing that the domination magic that animates them could be used to control them once more could petition the Primus to undo the magic he created and replace the energy that animates them. There’s no reason for it to work just as there is no reason for it to be impossible because nothing has been written about this.


Rebuttle to an NPC that did absolutely nothing but auto attack in the scenario? Yeah she’s not a Death Knight.

And just because it hasn’t happened doesn’t mean it can, should, or will happen.

Unless you have something that backs it up you guys are grasping at straws and trying to inject something that isn’t there. I can make the same argument. Shamans should use holy magic, just because they haven’t doesn’t mean it can’t happen! That is the bad argument.

The Lich King created 4th generation DKs. It’s not like was no Lich King anymore and DKs were just manifesting themselves spontaneously.

Also, if the Lich King couldn’t regain control of the DKs that broke free, and the Jailer couldn’t do it when he was the mastermind and we were all up in his domain, DKs are forever free from being dominated.

i was just hoping to go to the barber and be like “i want you to rip my soul out and rebind it to this corpse but using blood magic instead of frost magic.” dude hasn’t had a good challenge in a while.

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Frost magic isn’t binding the soul to the body, it’s necromancy.

At least attempt to follow the lore.

the lore died in bfa. we can do whatever we want now.


No it didn’t. Quit being hyperbolic and dismissive to an entire portion of the playerbase that cares about the lore. Customization doesn’t trump lore either. Blizzard already said that it has to make sense within the story.

Frost magic isn’t binding the soul to the body. It’s necromancy. Try again.

the lore died in bfa. we can do whatever we want now.


So you are just going to troll. Like always you don’t take anything seriously just like thinking WoW should be a single player game.

you said to try again.

Like I said you are just going to troll.

I mean, if you think anout it positively, it keeps the thread bumped, and active. Making it more of a chance an employee might take this request seriously.

Would love a dark violet eye glow.

/Looks at VE natural customization.

/Looks at eredar manari customization.

/looks at wildhammer customization

I think blizz is past caring about that…


This has been going on long before Legion or even Mists. People have been talking about DK blue eyes, why they are blue, and other eye colors since Wrath, SL comes along and Blizzard goes “their eyes are blue”.

Why would it be changed now? How would it make any sense?

Death Knights arent void elves, void elves can be death knights but what happens to their eyes? Oh… right… they are the whispy necrotic eyes that all DK’s have. They arent the same, not even remotely close.

What about them? Fel Draenei? Yeah they exist and now that the Legion is toast the Draenei are allowing for some redemption for them. Velen was trying that with his son.

Dwarves with tattoos… what about them? Can you explain how any of these are at the same level as a DK?

Yet… YET… they doubled down in SL for DK’s having blue eyes and even went on to further explain it. But they dont care about it… sorry but what you are saying doesnt reflect reality.

Where would you say Aaron comes from, otherwise?

He’s one of the Horde guards that Alliance have to fight through to win Ashran. Warspear was built there so the Horde army could try to find a specific powerful artifact before the Alliance did as part of the ongoing war/skirmishes that were still happening after MoP. It’s pretty safe to say that the vast majority of Ashran are characters from the primary timeline who brought their conflict to Draenor, with a few exceptions of quartermasters and the guys who offered trades for reroll tokens.

Just to put it out there, our players aren’t really canon, and I think we can be exceptions to a rule of “dks only have blue eyes”. We’ve had the artifact weapons, we are the champions of azeroth, we are actually THAT special


She could very much be one, since they added npcs for classes like monk, warlock, mage, and even a paladin who uses holy spells as a void elf.

I thought that the void and light can’t be used together according to lore, but this paladin npc shows that not everything in the lore is set in stone.

We can play as void elf holy priests and demonic Draenei paladin like Kherneas mentioned. Now that seems more lore breaking than a Darkfallen death knight having red eyes don’t you think? And still, these class/race combos are in game.

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