Modern Death Knight character customizations

I’ve also DM’ed a few times before, and I’m pretty sure Tanakar means this would be more like a questline. Where the player goes to the Primus to talk about wanting to change the glow, then working with him to figure out how they might be able to do that. The Primus being of the Shadowlands would naturally know the magics of the Shadowlands better than anywhere else in the Warcraft lore, so I could see it happening that he’d suggest rebinding or re-infusing (whatever you want to call it) the player’s body with energy from the regions controlled by the covenants. Then, there you go. An explanation that could easily fit into the lore, and it uses past expansions that Blizzard sometimes likes to show off to new players that might not have played when they were current.

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Yes, their story. Their story says DKs have blue eyes and they doubled down on it.

The lore should be consistent.

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It still doesn’t make sense since the other areas of the Shadowlands aren’t domination based. Are we going to lose our domination stuff and no longer be death knights?

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but it isn’t and so it doesn’t matter anymore.


I like how the helms from icc just have tinted plastic eyeholes so the dk can see the world as purple/green.

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Sorry but I’m not saying “Screw the lore”

YOUR approach we would never GET ANYTHING NEW. No Sunwalkers because “Taurens aren’t paladins.” We would NEVER have gotten Death Knights as a playable class with your attitude because YOUR type of answer would be “Death Knights are evil and part of the Scourge, there’s no circumstance they can break control of the Helm because Arthas is complete and not weakening like Ner’Zhul was when the Forsaken broke free.”

We got them because someone had the mentality of “you know, it’d be cool if…” And thus we got the battle at Light’s Hope and the Ebon Blade. Playable Death Knights.

YOUR kind of answer would be “No you can’t make NEW Death Knights they were all made by Arthas the Death Knight Starting Zone Says so. No new races can be Death Knights!”

Except someone went “Hey what if…” And we got Bolvar raising those that sought him out to become Death Knights and he released them from his control. Creating new Death Knight races.

Your attitiude does not help evolve or expand the game. And a game like WoW NEEDS to evolve and expand or it will die.
We have a passion for this game. We WANT it to grow. We WANT it to do well. It is because WE LIKE IT that we bring criticism. You don’t bring criticism you just bring negativity. And at the risk of sounding like an internet psycho-analyst… You totally project that onto everyone else. Maybe stop being a killjoy and use your knowledge to try and HELP others than to only shoot them down.

Use your “oh so perfect knowledge” to offer other ways. Maybe DKs because they’re undead, decide “Screw it, I’m injecting magic dye into my eyes to change their color.”


You are.

Thats wrong. So somehow in your mind consistency within a story = never getting anything new? How insane is that take?

Really? It would? Even though there is an entire race that was part of the scourge that broke free from it?

At that point the helm was just part of the vessel and wasnt the thing that was controlling the scourge, that was Ner’zhul himself.

Because its consistent, not be cause of “its just cool”. In case you havent noticed it actually works within the story.

Wrong. Have you guys not read ANYTHING I have said? CONSISTENCY. I dont know how many times you guys have to post just throwing stuff against the wall hoping something sticks but thats exactly what you are doing.

What if what? I guarantee no one said “hey what if”.

Your attitude is one that isnt consistent.

This doesnt mean to crap over the existing lore and change it. Thats what you mean by evolve in this context. DK eye glow changing changes the lore of the class. Just like DH eye color changing changes the class. How can you guys not get this like… at all?

Why in the world would I do your job for you?

Because DK’s are vein right? They care about their beauty standards and how they look instead of… I dont know… inflicting pain and/or death.

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“Lets cut off the amputees other leg because hes already missing one… he cant walk anymore so screw it OFF WITH HIS OTHER LEG!”

Thats your argument in a nut shell put into an extreme state to show just how crazy it is. You do understand that people have left the game because the lore went crazy right? Why do you think they apologized for SL and brought back Metzen… oh and fired that Steve guy? Maybe because they know that lore is important to people.

I just want more options for my undead ghoul, we’ve been rocking the same glyphs for several expansions. There’s nothing stopping us lore-wise from using an organic corpse or undead we find as a minion.


Yeah, their energy sources aren’t domination based, which would be the point I was making. I imagine it’s why Tanakar suggested the Primus, out of all characters, too. He’d be the most knowledgeable on whether it’s possible to convert the energy that powers a death knight’s body over to another source.

As for why, I’d say most Ebon Blade characters would want to distance themselves as much as possible from Lich King Arthas’ most iconic look. The Ebon Blade did chase him back to Northrend to kill him at the first opportunity, so he was clearly no longer their favorite person to be associated with. Then, with the events of Shadowlands over, the last remnants of the Lich King are gone, but the knights still bear a very strong reminder of Arthas in that blue eye glow. I could understand if some of them wanted to do whatever it took to change that color.


Dks want more customization options? LMAO too bad lore says u dont get any. Dks want to play a new race when it comes out? Thats weird bc we wrote all this cool dk lore explaining why they dont get to play new races. Dks want new eye colors? well you really should just play another class bc ur lore says u dnt get anything unique, special or exclusive. Good lore bliz

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well said brother

So then no more death knights? Thats the outcome of stripping the domination magic out and replacing it with another.

Why? Undead is undead, eye color changing isnt going to change that and how the rest of the world of Azeroth would look at them.

They didnt chase him back to Northrend because they were associated with them, they went back there because he betrayed them and was going to use them as basically canon fodder to lure out Tirion.

They were gone prior to the end of SL, heck they were gone in Legion.

And being undead, and raising the undead as well, defiles, plagues, runeblades…

They dont though because they dont care. Not to mention DK’s arent the most righteous out there. They attacked the paladin stronghold to steal Tirions body to make him one of the Horsemen. They dont care at all about how people view them.

Quit spamming the same post over and over. Most of it is just wrong and yes if you dont want blue eye glow then dont play a DK, just like if you dont want fel eyes dont play a Demon Hunter. Demon Hunters can put on a blindfold and DK’s can put on a helm.

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I can see the lore reason for DKs having multiple colored eyes being that based in their eye color they draw power from a specific faction in the shadowlands.

Green could be Maldraxxus
Red would be Venthyr
Blue would be Fey or Domination magic
Something like that could make sense

If you really want to stretch and reach. But really it doesn’t make sense. They had the opportunity in SL but doubled down on DK blue eye glow.

I mean if we are going to do this Frost only does Frost, blood only does blood, unholy only does unholy" type of thing then they stop at looks? People already think Frost shouldn’t be using other spec based spells so let’s remove Death Strike from Frost and unholy. Let’s remove icy talons from unholy and blood. Let’s remove AMS and AMZ from Frost and Blood.

Many forms of customization and the biggest one with being a DK doesn’t even exist. So just really lean into it and remove the DK altogether and make a Blood Knight class, unholy Knight class and a Frost Knight class.

Still here for more DK eye customization.

Red, Green, dead, normal and dark violet eyes would be nice blizz :smiley:


Baby poo green too, dont leave any out… all colors of the rainbow! Anything goes because “screw the lore” right?

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Blood dk with red eyes would slap


Absolutely no to ‘screw the lore’ I’m with you on that, no one here is recommending that either btw. It’s more about expanding on the existing lore rather than going against it. Like Tanakar said also, Tauren paladins were brought into the game this way too, they added to the lore and made room for them.

Darkfallen death knights at least should have the option to have red eyes, can’t deny that it would look so cool as a blood DK!

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Yeah, people are. They have been. Their argument is “the lore is screwed already so keep on doing it”. So screw the lore.

Did they really add to the lore for this or was it already there? It was already there.

Any elf that is a DK is already a darkfallen. Darkfallen doesnt mean red eyes, stop with this misinformed line of reasoning. If thats the case should Dark Rangers have access to DK eyes? They are both undead so why not? Right?