Modern Death Knight character customizations

Yes, most followers mostly came from MU with few exceptions.

Of course they are. Itā€™s Kelliste. You very accurately summarized your point here:

You were correct to begin with in that statement.


Well, heā€™s not a follower, but that puts Aaron Scourgeflesh that Dominura mentioned as a forsaken death knight from the main timeline that doesnā€™t have blue eyes. Sounds like another existing character for the argument of giving more eye colors to DKs.


Im all for having eye customization and even some runic tattoos for death knights.

Hell maybe even add in barber customizations for our ghoul, modernize pet customization and such


Yeah, Iā€™ve been wanting the Cult of the Damned tattoos for quite a while now.


It doesnā€™t have to put him from our timeline. Those npcā€™s arenā€™t canon either. Some of those are after players.

You also donā€™t have another npc to use, you never had one to begin with. You have 0 information on this character and what you guys are doing is applying what you want to him. ā€œHe is evidence because I want him to beā€ is not how you build a case.

If thatā€™s the case I could argue that Frostwyrms are death knights.

It amuses me greatly that people still respond to that Kelliste person.


It amazes me people still try to use the same arguments like if they say it one more time its going to become reality.

How about we stop putting unnecessary emphasis on the lore for something entirely cosmetic, and just let people have fun.
Blizzard historically has always leaned into the ā€œrule of coolā€ and made it work within their canon, Iā€™m entirely certain of all things eye color and tattoos can be put in there as well.

Stop being a wet sock, wasting your own time arguing on the forums, and do something you enjoy instead of making other people miserable.

Because itā€™s not just cosmetic thatā€™s why. Blizzard doesnā€™t do stuff for customization without some kind of explanation that at least attempts to make sense of it.

Why should anyone sacrifice lore and world immersion for some people that donā€™t like the class they play?

And donā€™t tell me what I can post about on these forums.

Hence if you read my post, youā€™d see I quite literally said that they lean into ā€œrule of coolā€ and make it work in their canon.

This is presumptuous, all classes have their highs and lows, and there will always be people who love the class. Hi, Iā€™m one of them! :wave:

Iā€™m just giving some good life advice, donā€™t be a negative person on the forums just because you can. Youā€™ve seemed to have gained a reputation on the DK forums, and itā€™s not a positive one. Itā€™s unappealing, and quite frankly, you just need to let go. If you disagree with people, then just agree to disagree. You wonā€™t change peopleā€™s minds or perspectives with your pseudo-intellectual level negative arguments, youā€™ll only keep showing that you can not be reasoned with. Use all this energy youā€™ve been wasting on arguing with people to do something positive or productive, like a new hobby.
Iā€™ll be on my way now, may your day be as pleasant as you are! :wave:

And DK different eye color doesnā€™t work with their canon. Move on.

Do you love this class? Seems like you want it to change because you donā€™t like it to me.

And no, you arent giving any life advice. If you are miserable because of what someone posts on a forum you have bigger issues. I also donā€™t give a damn of what a bunch of toxic strangers think about me on the forum. Give me 1 reason why I should. Go aheadā€¦ ill wait.

I never agree to disagree. Sorry, but thatā€™s not how life works. You donā€™t want opposition or a conversation keep yourself out of these areas and donā€™t voice what you think.

Have you ever thought that maybe if you had a good reason then people could be reasoned with. This is your ego thinking your reasoning is good enough to reason with people.

This also doesnā€™t take up much energy or time at all.

How about you go do something productive? I mean you just said I cant be reasoned with yet you posted this nonsense thinking I can be reasoned withā€¦ so which is it? You just posting stuff to try to be snide and hurtful? Looks like it.

Iā€™d love some actual lore examples stating it doesnā€™t work and Iā€™ll gladly move on.
And I do love the class, and I always think more customization is a positive, the two arenā€™t mutually exclusive.

Iā€™m not miserable, in fact, Iā€™m finding this conversation quite engaging. And Iā€™m glad you donā€™t give weight to what people have to say over the internet, thatā€™s good.

Agreeing to disagree quite often happens a lot in friend circles, jobs, etc. I can list examples, if you want. Opposition or conversation happen, yes, but a middle ground is usually met, or one person just accepts that they canā€™t get through to people.

I am. This is just me posting in between cooking some lunch, actually. Iā€™m just trying to say that maybe some self reflection is in order, but I guess Iā€™m wrong.

And with that, Iā€™m done responding for good this time. If they add more customization, wonderful. And if not, Iā€™m not going to throw up my hands about it. Itā€™s ultimately Blizzardā€™s decision, not mine. I hope your day is well and you have a good time on the forums. :wave:


Thatā€™s not how it works. If you are saying it does work that way then you need to provide the instances that DKā€™s eyes do change. The only evidence that there is is that DK eye color doesnā€™t change, and Blizzard has doubled down on DK eye color being blue and even further explained it in SL (which SL is a garbage expansion and ruins a lot of lore) that its domination magic. So goā€¦ move on. I thought you were leaving anyways.

And no, more customization isnā€™t always a positive. When you want to world build and you set rules, you cant just have anything go in the name of customization or else you have no world.

Really? Thatā€™s why you said you were going away?

Then go to your friend circles. But guess what, Iā€™m not one of those and agreeing to disagree does nothing. Pointing out we have a disagreement does nothing but attempt the to stop the conversation. You want something to stop, just leave.

What self reflection exactly? Iā€™ve already stated Iā€™m not here to make friends, say your ideas or good, pat you on the back or anything like that. I want the game to be immersive and fun and people like you are in opposition to that. Dk eye changing willy nilly for no reason ruins that.

I have even stated if anyone has a good enough reason then letā€™s hear it. But itā€™s always some grasping at straws reasoning from people that donā€™t have an ounce of care about anything wow. They just see it as a customization simulator with some bosses thrown in to kill. You want that then this game isnā€™t for you. The door is right over there.

[Lord Thorval - Warcraft Wiki - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft](

[Lady Alistra - Warcraft Wiki - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft](

[Sir Zeliek - Warcraft Wiki - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft](

[Thane Korth'azz - Warcraft Wiki - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft](

[Lady Blaumeux - Warcraft Wiki - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft](

[Baron Rivendare - Warcraft Wiki - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft](

[MograineDK - Alexandros Mograine - Warcraft Wiki - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft](

[Sally Whitemane - Warcraft Wiki - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft](

Tell me again how third and fourth war death knights only have the frosty blue eyes in lore.


Anything new to bring forward that wasnā€™t addressed years ago?

And just to humor you, 4 of those are 2nd gen DKā€™s, Sally does have blue eyes but the cultist face scars prevent this eye glow in game, and Lady Alistra isnt a DK.

So more grasping at straws or what?


Lol??? Youā€™re just making stuff up. You canā€™t be shown evidence and then just decide to suddenly reject it. Thatā€™s now how this works. You donā€™t get to reject any evidence that goes against your world-view in order to preserve it.

There are death knights with different eyes. Hell even for players night elf death knights can have the night warrior eyes. Many death knights have ā€œdeadā€ eyes and others have red or yellow eyes. Green as well wouldnā€™t be a stretch.

There is plenty of examples of death knights with different colored eyes and no examples of death knights being unable to have different colored eyes.

Which means youā€™ve been proven false without a shadow of a doubt. Any further debate would be pointless unless you can come up with actual evidence that contradicts any of this not just claims that examples donā€™t count because you said so.


The game?

Just because you want her to be doesnt make her one. Tell me, what has she done, what battles has she participated in? She didnt even do anything in Legion but gambled.

You havent shown evidence lol.

Its been proven that what you have presented isnt evidence. Its been presented for years and people like you that dont know about the lore that go grasping at straws go and find it and post it again and again. Go do some reading.

If you include 1st and second generation DKā€™s sure.

Wasnt intended. You couldnt have it in the PTR but when live came there was a bug that allowed it. They fixed it and people flipped so they let it happen again.

Yet you chose to use 4 2nd generation DKā€™s, 2 that have game limitations (surprised you didnt include Thassarian) and then a non-DK.

No, you are just flat out wrong. Sally Whitemaneā€¦ whats the source. How about the cinematic where she is carrying Bolvar after his fight with Sylv? What color are her eyes. Ill wait for you to go watch it and have fun eating that plate of crow.

No lie, yall sound like super nerds. Its embarassing. Thread is about cool customizations. Yall talking about canon and super lore. My mans just wants cool eyes


To have customization it has to fit the lore, Blizzard already said that.