Modern Death Knight character customizations

Double standards here. There is several npc’s that was “enough” for customization with alleria being “enough” for VE to have natural appearances. If it is “enough” for them, it is enough for DK’s in this case as well.


There are no double standards here.

Your argument boils down to DK trainer = DK right?

If so then that makes Amal’thuzad a DK as well since he’s a DK trainer. Does that mean there is enough for DKs to look like liches? Of course it doesn’t. It’s a bad argument from the get go.

If anyone had anything of any substance then there would be no need for workaround excuses.

My arguement boils down to;

If npc’s have customization, which then is given to a race such as with VE’s, then the same procedent should be given everywhere it is present.

Espaicially since NE DK’s can choose eye colors/blindfolds with their addition of night warrior customizations.

Make it fair accross the board.


The only reason Night Elves can choose the night warrior eyes is because of a bug that happened. They fixed the bug then people threw a fit so they gave it back. It wasn’t intended what so ever.

Death Knights are pretty specific and trying to use Void Elves doesn’t really help anything. At best you have runic tattoos for DKs, but eyes are blue.

i genuinely wonder who the person that sits behind Kellistes monitor is

i actually feel kinda bad for their disability


There isn’t a need for workaround excuses. Bolvar has long-since objectively established that other forms of magic can override the default blue color in question, his pre-existing magical infusion completely overrides even directly wearing the helm of domination unless he leans heavily into its power. Any player DK that’s ever come into significant contact with another form of magic (Azerite, elements, void or old god corruption, anima, etc.) is perfectly likely to change eye color. Any DK that already had some existing magical infusion prior to being raised (night elves, blood elves, draenei, etc.) is perfectly likely to retain their original magical infusion eye color, like Bolvar did.

This is always how this has worked. It’s visible across the entirety of the game’s lore.

Blood Elves have glowing blue eyes from thousands of years of arcane infusion in their blood lines warping their base physiology, but a few years of exposure to fel turned all their eyes green. Then an immediate exposure to Light magic turned some of their eyes golden. Blood Elves infused with the Void have their eyes turn purple. Draenei’s innate blue glow and the green fel glow of nathrezim are both overwritten by being infused by Light into a yellow/gold glow.

There is absolutely nothing in game or lore to suggest that DK’s eye color is static in a way that every other entity in the universe (from murlocs to literal world souls) aren’t. Quite the opposite. It’s continually reinforced hundreds of times that exposure to magic can alter physiological coloration or even overwrite any existing coloration from magical infusion. It especially doesn’t make any sense for DKs to be locked to blue now, when the helm linked to that original coloration has been destroyed.


Then why use them?

He was never a death knight.

Based on what exactly? There is 0 examples of this happening.

Where is evidence of this? Oh right it doesnt exist.

No its not.

Not the same as Death Knights.

Again not the same as Death Knights.

Again not the same as Death Knights.

Then where are all the Dk’s with different eye colors and why did Blizzard double down on saying “Dk’s have blue eyes” using the SL cinematic as a means to put the final nail in the coffin of people trying to ask for different DK eye colors.

Bolvar wasnt a death knight, he wasnt raised by Arthas, he was a burning paladin that took up the burden of wearing the crown because people already thought he was dead.

NOT IN THE CASE OF DKS. Hell not even in the case of undead. The magic that exists within them animating their body is some form of necromancy and DK’s is specifically domination magic.

To someone that doesnt know the lore, it wouldnt, but to those that do and followed it it makes 100% sense that DK’s are locked to the blue whispy eye glow.

This is such faulty logic that I genuinely hope you’re just deflecting in your usual very apparent need for contrarian nonsense and don’t actually think anything related to wow works this way.

Where was the evidence that High Elves could have anything but blue eyes before BC? Where was the evidence that nathrezim could be infused with Light before Legion? Where was the evidence that orcs could be turned pale by Void magic before WoD?

A lack of existing cases doesn’t indicate infallible truth.

Just because there are no human or orc demon hunters does not somehow mean that every other race besides night elves and blood elves are fundamentally incapable of learning how to infuse themselves with fel magic and become demon hunters. Do you think that because there are zero “Light Ethereals” anywhere in game, that an ethereal infused with light is fundamentally incapable of existing?

Unless you have any actual evidence that Death Knights, singularly, work different than every other being in the game’s universe AND evidence that the Ebon Knight Frostreavers in Legion that come with yellow-eyed night elf variants are not canon, AND evidence that the Ashran Horde DK Aaron Scourgeflesh, Detheca/Delilah/Danielle from the WoD faction assaults, and Enoch Fuller from Wod Garrison, all of whom just have the regular forsaken eye glow instead of the blue DK are not canon, AND evidence that Salanar and the Naxx 40 Horsemen, none of whom have a blue glow (salanar has a green glow) are not canon… I’m gonna go ahead and say that this whole “they have to have a blue glow and nothing can change it unlike every other bit of magic in-universe” shtick is just your headcanon.


No, it’s not faulty.

The ones being contrary to the truth are you guys.

I don’t give a damn about high elves when we are talking about the undead. It’s a false equivalence.

The lack of evidence that something isn’t happening is not evidence that it can. Huge fallacy especially since Blizzard already doubled down on blue whisky eyes in Shadowlands.

Undead as a whole work different than everything you have listed. The fact you haven’t recognized this shows how little you actually care about the story at large and are just grasping at straws.

Just ignore Kelliste. Literally whats hes known for on the forums.


Yeah I think more character customization would be great! After all we are the champions and arguably the main character. We should have more eye colors (I hope they add red and green), more skin tones and maybe some more undead features like the Forsaken.

Also yeah ignore that one person


Still salty I see.

Sorry, but people on here are wrong about the lore. Bringing up some NPC’s in a completely different timeline / universe where the LK doesnt even exist is a pretty bad argument.

Also, everything in the Class Order Hall is classified as a death knight even if it isnt. Is Rottgut a DK? It says he is in the menu. It also says Amal’thazad is as well and hes a Lich.

Grasping at straws is all you guys have. If you really wanted to argue it then you could make an argument that a squirrel in Elwynn is a DK if you classify it correctly and ignore what a Death Knight actually is.

So no, we shouldnt have more eye color options unless they make a new generation of DK’s. 3rd and 4th generation DK’s have blue eyes and the player characters are 3rd and 4th generation DK’s.

So, if the garrison and Ashran characters are from the WoD timeline, that would mean they couldn’t be death knights at all, right? Because there would be no Lich King or significant death cult presence on Azeroth to raise them, in the first place.

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The first death knights didn’t come from arthas. The first death knights was created by nar’zul and the shadow council by putting orc souls inside stormwind knights.

But yeah, WoD was at a time before death knights as a class was founded.

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The first Death Knights came from Gul’dan for one thing. Second Ner’zul became the Lich King and had nothing to do with the Shadow Council or warlocks for that matter because he was a shaman.

Terron Gorefiend just turned into a bloated abomination that feasted upon hundreds of Draenei souls and just took up the name Gorefiend.

There was no death knights in WoD from that universe of any kind as far as we know. Could there have been some kind of Unholy Knight, sure, but they werent Death Knights.

Ok, i will accept my mistake on this part how ever.

I already mentioned WoD was taken at a time before the founding of death knights (inserting orc souls in dead HUMAN knights) so this part quoted was entirely unnecessary.

These are not the same.

The class is the Arthas created DK, not the shadow council souls being placed in Knights of Stormwind bodies. Unless you mean class as something that isnt something that the player can play.

In this context it does not matter. He was asking if there was death knights on dreanor, i answered that part correctly.

The first death knights was founded by the shadow council.

Arthas was the 2nd generation.

WoD takes place before the first generation, thus death knights in that timeline was not a thing.

Regardless, your just trying to pick a fight on something we already agree on.

So your post should have read

“Yes there are no Death Knights in the WoD Universe timeline.”

So, the death knight followers for the garrison and such must have came from the “primary” timeline. Through the portals that were opened up to bring in reinforcements, like with Gazlowe at the very start of the garrison creation quests.

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