Mob scaling has broken my will to play

I’m not arguing that the content isn’t doable, I’m arguing that this system has crushed any sense of progression through leveling. You can spend 10-60 killing the same mobs and get no better at killing them, mobs don’t take “xx” dmg to kill anymore they take “xx” GCDs from 1-120. As to the whole I out level zones argument thats a problem with xp requirements and if it took longer to level to remove scaling, sign me up.


But that should have been true before - as you went to new levels, designed for the level you were, all the mobs were harder. By the time you “quested out” of the area, you weren’t all that much stronger than you were when you started.

When you began Legion, the deer/bears/etc running around were so much stronger than the same ones in the Barrens… this has simply always been true. Why is the grizzly in highmountain like 80 levels stronger than the ones in goldshire? Simple, HM was designed for 100-110 level toons, not 10-20 level ones.

Sure, you can’t now revisit a “dead zone” and kill mobs easily… but why would you want to? I didn’t go back to the Barrens to kill random mobs when I was level 60, for example. So I don’t really buy the downside, but I love the upside - more zone choices is a huge upgrade to the WoW leveling experience.

I wish they would have put this in 10 years ago before I already had 45 end level toons haha. The older leveling method was taxing after so many runs, for sure.

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It makes the entire game feel like I am wading through ankle deep mud and isn’t remotely fun. It is just a mind-numbing, horribly boring slog. The only times where the game feels remotely worth playing while leveling now is at the breakpoints when you can actually out level things (61/81/91).

Having the choice to out level content has been a staple of my RPG play since I was about 8 years old.

Thank god I have no plans to ever level another character from the bottom again now that I have all 12 classes.


Yeah, this. This is exhausting, and very well put.


Level scaling i dont have a problem with, im really not a fan of gear scaling though, thats really bothering me and making me not want to play because all this gearing up is completely for naught.


Unlocked Dark Iron Dwarves and made a shaman recently. Felt strange doing the same quests in Duskwood next to a level 56.

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The yellow ! mobs are easy to kill but the other kill 12 of these are harder, like bosses. The scaling is not right, it needs to be redone or revert back.


Agreed. It is just whacky at the moment.

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Last night my L100 rogue with her bodyguard was killed by a L100 Elite mob in WOD, so I tried by my L108 paladin.
The mob was still L100 elite, but has too many health, so it took too much time to kill by my L108 pal. I think L108 elite would have lesser health.
I don’t dislike the scaling system, and I don’t know it is a problem of the system or not, but it’s true something is broken.


The (VERY) few times scaling came up in the past (despite what some people say in this thread) there were a lot that realized it was a crappy idea over all but if it was optional most could live with it.

*I used to be on here a lot from LK - WOD and stated in those threads I “hated” games with scaling, up to those points in time i tried every MMO out there just about and if forced scaling was in it, it just sucked IMO, I hated having some mobs being just as tough 8 levels later, it was stupid. I also believe it destroys the main story line of a game sure you can go anywhere and kill whatever but it makes the main story progression go to crap. (I think BFA suffers from that).

** Also above a lot of crap about mythic + gear to do world content??? a lot of the players barley run dungeons just mess about the world, dabble in BG’s and professions, it’s almost like blizzard is trying to push away a majority of their player base.


Level scaling implementation seems to be a bigger sore point. Blizzard keeps changing the way it works.
In the launch of BFA we got to 120 a reasonable iLvl say 340 and could go back to legion and run Mythic dungeons and normal Emerald NIghtmare and Nighthold, open world content of broken shore and Argus was quick to solo.
Today at 370 iLvl they have gone back and scaled up Legion to BFA standards and this content has outpaced our small growth. Argus rares are about as strong as BFA rares now. What changes to scaling are they going to make next.


We have been complaining about this since the first implementation of it and instead of heeding us players advice Blizzard keeps doing things to make leveling more tedious.

More time to level or get geared etc. means more money in their pockets for their subscription fees.


Mob Scaling is still off; I went around on my alt in the fall of last year taking pictures of the HP’s of NPC’s in all the zones and posted it for Blizzard to see where they were off, But it fell upon deaf ears. (WoD was the worst)


They need to scale the player, not the game.

They need an option to turn off scaling if you want in lower level/old zones.

The scaling we currently have is broken. I still do legion wq’s on a lot of my characters, there are \certain boss’s that I used to be able to knock out pretty fast, those same mobs have massively inflated HP now and take forever to kill alone. ( Can’t think of his name but the guy in the water off the coast of highmountain comes to mind.) Took my prot pally 15 freaking minutes to kill last time that quest was up.

I’ll be honest, I have ONE 120…and rarely to never play her anymore, and have zero incentive to get another to 120. I have lowbies of a few newer races and only bother doing cooking dailies on them. I am so tired of everything being my level, I am tired of being chased across a zone that I should be mostly invisible in. I’m tired of having to fight a mob or ten every time I want to pick a flower.

I did notice they at least made darkmoon where we get points in the profession quests again, but for the most part for me BFA is a total flop and scaling is a large part of the reason why.


Lucky, I never even made it out of boring ole Westfall.


You continue leveling to see the story. Would you rather it take the entire 3 zones to hit cap?

A player posted back in April of 2018 in the massive thread entitled “XP FROM DUNGEONS” (The thread which was started by a Blizzard Moderator as a sticky in Feb. 2018 asking for player feedback) where another game named eq2 has an XP slider where the players have the option on how fast they want to level but as everything else in that thread it was completely ignored as most ideas players come up with are by the Developers these days.

You can view it for yourself in the below post link:

You know Blizzard already has given us players the ability to stop XP gain in the war rooms and if you think about it maybe it wouldn’t be too difficult to offer this to us as well (If eq2 can do it why not Blizzard) that way all players will be happy with leveling; Ones that want to level slow and the ones that want to faster.

Blizzard however seems to want to make things as tedious as they can for us players so they can make more in subscription time played take longer to level thus earning more in subscription money.


I’m okay with the level scaling; however, I hate the item level scaling. It has no place in an RPG.


Except for WoD which is still ridiculously overtuned after all this time.


I used to go back to old places in the world on purpose just to one shot some of the mobs that I had a difficult time killing back in the day. Now I don’t get to have that same satisfaction. Everything feels the exact same everywhere you go. Just one more way that Blizzard has taken immersion out of the game. :frowning: