Yeah me too! I remember my first one when Hogger was in Elwynn Forest and he kicked my butt and when I got strong enough I kicked his butt, LOL!
Fun days that are now gone………
Yeah me too! I remember my first one when Hogger was in Elwynn Forest and he kicked my butt and when I got strong enough I kicked his butt, LOL!
Fun days that are now gone………
The thing is that the NPC’s item level goes up with the level scaling.
Mob Scaling was a mistake and needs to be reverted.
<plus 10>
They need to fix the professions so they scale appropriately too. It’s neat to be able to quest wherever you want but if you’re level 45 and you’re questing in an area that used to be level 25 then none of the available food is going to be of any use to you at all. Instead of having a set buff/heal value to foods you cook, cooking should just produce food that heals/buffs appropriate to your level.
I agree with you 100%. The game feels…homogenized, and very bland now.
It used to be that you could equip your heirlooms on your alts and breeze through old zones/dungeons over powered as hell, and that was fun, imo. It was a quick way to get alts into the new expac’s content.
The way things were in Legion was just fine. At some point you pull ahead of the mobs and they become a lot easier. Rares and elites still provide some challenge, but regular mobs go down quick.
The night elf capital is a great example. As a fresh 110, I couldn’t just pull big groups and burn them down with my gear I got from leveling. Once I improved my gear to a certain point, I could pull big trash mobs and destroy them.
Exactly right. I spent a ton of gold upgrading all my heirlooms for precisely this reason. The faster I get alts to current content the better.
The mobs literally melt after you are geared passed Heroic 325 ilvl. Not sure what the issue is here? Entire point of level scaling is so that you get 3 choices per faction of where you want to level.
If they did not do level scaling every single person would be in the same zone farming the same mobs.
Blizzard CM’s you guys used to get on here and explain this stuff.
Scaling is the single worst thing that has happened to WoW. Its just a time sink to get you to play more. If you think its good for the game then your just to stupid to know that Blizzard is stealing hours of your life away.
Do you need people to tell you how to wipe your a$$ and give you the low down on how its good for you. I know what i want and its not scaling and could care less what some keyboard lackey tells me
What hours exactly? The mobs literally melt in like 3 seconds. Maybe Paladins are just OP and better then warlocks? Get gud?
It’s ‘git gud’ brah. Maybe you should git gud at your lingo first before comin off all high and mighty with your scrub prot pally…just sayin
You are the one of the ones on the forums crying about mobs that barely have 60k health lol
This is flat out false. My hunter is i360 and change and WQ mobs take plenty of time in BfA. They take way longer than 3 seconds in Legion WQ, and even old raids (Firelands for instance) they take plenty of time.
Blizzard needs to just turn it off and let people crush old content if they want to. People can out-level zones if they want to or turn off XP and stick around and do quests. You can even turn on legacy-quest givers in the mini-map.
The scaling is terrible for the game. It was a stupid idea, and they should have been forced to play the scaling game on a test server for a few months to see how crappy it was, before they put in such a huge change. Level some alts or toons from scratch. See how they like it.
I loved leveling alts. I loved dungeon hopping to learn new classes.
What a nightmarish slog everything is now. Blue are you even listening?!
Do you remember when Ion said that ilvel scaling would never occur because it messed with power progression in the game?
I seem to remember that…I wonder why he forgot about it and lied to us, again, as usual?
Ignore Puremallace, he’s one of those ‘special’ kids. I agree the scaling detracts from the feeling of character growth, but Activision does’t listen once you’ve paid your sub for the month. I really wish Classic sub was separate. I detest the idea that playing that exclusively will give the wrong impression to shareholders about the overall heath of the WoW franchise. And if they screw that up, it will be the final straw on the grey riding camel’s back for me.
Unfortunately, because Classic is running on 7.3.5, not only will sharding and phasing be a thing, but they also have all of the coding built-in to stealth scale mobs.
Once people get into a beta it’ll be clearer as to whether Classic will take off or die a fiery death in a crater designed and built by this new Blizzard.
Seriously though, scaling is a bigger drag on the game than the fact that they ripped up and flooded two of the most iconic zones of their award-winning multi-million-dollar currency printing MMORPG.
Scaling is near the top of a long list of crap changes Blizz have made to ruin wow.
Every decision that is made for wow has this one question: Will this increase time /played? If yes put it in the game, if no scrap the change.