Mob scaling has turned this game from a RPG into a bland flat mess, every zone at any level feels the same as the one previous. It has ruined (in conjunction with Blizz selling gold) farming mats and subsequently professions.
I had quit at the end of legion when news of the BfA beta was suggesting a…rough xpac. Christmas sale and 8.1 rolls around and I decided to scratch that itch, and it has been entirely underwhelming.
I leveled my pally (prot) first tried to do the zones but after reaching 120 in a zone and a half I just didn’t want to run around getting stuck on stumps surrounded by mobs that were just as lethal as they were when I was 110 and the aggro radius never diminished combine those reasons with mount dazing turned the whole game into the wetlands run.
Thats fine I thought I’ll just do WQ’s to get geared for warfronts/heroic dungeons. But what’s this? You cant go around and pick up the FP with out completing the zone quests. So I guess I’m not going to have those FPs, why would I, at level cap, continue leveling? Because that’s what its like mobs still have same relative strength they have had since I started. Fine reg dungeons and WQ’s until I can auto attack my way through warfronts (the first couple were actually fun figuring things out but after three you aren’t seeing anything new).
Well now my pally was done, no need to do M+ no need to raid I have the ilvl to q in whatever I want and I don’t think the increased ilvl will make anything in game easier.
Ok I guess I can level some of the allied races, I had the choice of Lightforged. That’s it. Haven’t ever made a horde toon (garbage aesthetic) so none of those were a choice. Hadn’t ground the rep in legion for void elves and lul at 7th legion rep not happening.
Make my self a lightforged warrior, meh. I couldn’t get into it mostly because warrior i thought.
BACK TO THE GRIND I had convinced my self what I really wanted was a void elf priest and hey I was already >3/4 revered might as well grind it out (argus WQ for a couple days if it was more time I wouldn’t have done it, I feel for the honored bros)
This is it made myself a priest like I wanted and started leveling (short aside kinda lame you make an allied toon log in get high five from NPC and then off to SW with you kinda anti climatic)
Somewhere around 40 I realized it wasn’t the warrior I was unhappy with it was the mob scaling the very same thing that turned me off of end game stuff, it’s just much more apparent at low levels. The mobs were never harder and never easier just the same time to kill, mind numbing repetition I never had to pay attention outside of pulling too much, elites zones it didn’t matter it was arbitrary.
Do some dungeons to break up the monotony? Sounds good q up gain a couple levels. Next thing I know I’m ~40 in duskwood with zero incentive to move zones. Why continue? Level up gain a new ability every 5 levels (if you count "smite deals 50% more dmg an ability) and deal increasing damage to mobs with increasing HP it’s almost like I’m not doing more damage I could do anything in EK or Kalimdor at any level so there was no point in leveling.
What was left to do? Grind island expeditions on alts for xp? Sure, I’m not gonna do the zones after realizing I’ll never be able to pull more than three mobs comfortably and aggro range will never decrease. Hit 120 (way faster than questing you don’t get dismounted constantly on your way to new area sitting in Boralus) and then realized I had zero FPs. Sitting there looking at the map with the futility of it all sinking in I decided that this game was a waste of money and cancelled my sub. All you have to do is level to 30 to experience 95% of what WOW has to offer, and I had done that a decade ago.