But a crocodile in wetlands can drop a green for any level in the chosen scale. Why not drop level appropriate raid gear for 100-120? Why should someone have to do specific content if they’ve maxed their talents and are great at their class?
Do you see how arbitrary things become when you remove the “because it’s not for your level” argument? This is especially true when you take into account the fact that Blizzard is constantly tuning LFR for the masses.
Mythic only has to be tuned because MDI, which is just another attempt to force
“e-sports” which is further monetization at the cost of gameplay. This is the same thing as tuning raids to Method’s strategies, when you design content around <1% of players you end up alienating the 99%.
Personally, I would argue that my vanilla level 60 MM hunter, in appropriate M+ gear, would do a FAR better job in M+ situations than the crap tastic toons they call these current classes.
And it’s fine for the crocodile to drop a green for any level in it’s range because the item isn’t getting used anywhere that a few % one way or another matters. It also doesn’t matter if the time to kill on the crocadile is 8 seconds for a level 40 player and 9 seconds for a level 50 player. But what if Blizzard messes up the dps that level 100 players are scaled to do? They have enough trouble balancing content when everyone’s the same level. You want them to have to balance around level as well?
The croc dropping different ilvls of gear also doesn’t impact the integrity of the gearing system. If you kill the croc at level 40 you get something decent at level 40, but by the time you’re level 50 the piece isn’t that good anymore. But Antorus gear makes you stronger against Legion mobs than Uldir gear makes you against BFA mobs. So if you could walk into Uldir and get scaled up to 120 you’d be 3 or 4 times stronger than everyone else. Which is absurd. Everyone would have to play level 110 characters for the entire expansion.
Except that “this is not for your level” is and has been the basis of MMOs for decades. You get stronger and unlock a new region. What MMO isn’t designed around that? All level scaling does is widen up where you can go and when.
That’s not an endorsement of just removing leveling (as you’re taking it to be): some amount of progression being required is good, but giving people more of a choice in where they level is also a good thing. All things in moderation, you know?
And what do you know about how raids are tuned? I don’t mean this as an insult, I’m just genuinely curious how you came to this opinion, as you haven’t done ~any~ Uldir.
Progressing from EK/Kalimdor to Outland/Northrend then to Cata/Mop then to Wod, Legion and BFA is good. As I said, most MMOs do have this kind of system.
But allowing people to go where they want within those regions is also good. It gives you a lot more freedom in where you go and what zones you can play in. Prior to level scaling you might start Ashenvale, but halfway through the zone’s story you’d stop getting experience from mobs. That feels bad. Now, not only do you get to finish entire zones without feeling like you’re being terribly inefficient, you can group up with people in a much bigger level range. If your friend is level 30 and you’re 40 you can still quest together. That’s a good thing.
No it doesn’t you could walk into any zone at any level in vanilla, good luck living but you could.
Thats a good way to put it, this makes the entire game into 6 zones, there were over 20 in just vanilla. Whats worse is that the 6 zones are virtually indistinguishable from each other as far as player power/progression.
And you can complete entire expacs and not feel like you have grown at all
Sure, you could go to Tanaris at level 6, but you couldn’t do anything. So let me clarify: level scaling lets you do things in more zones than without.
Sure 6 zones that are 20 times larger than vanilla zones.
Feeling like you’re not getting anything as you level up is more of an issue with the mop talent system and when you get spells than it is an issue with level scaling.
So on the one hand is getting to choose where you level and getting to play with a wider variety of players, and on the other is “I want crocodiles in wetlands to become irrelevant after 30 minutes in the zone.”
This is a fundamental disagreement, you see out leveling a zone as a detriment I see it as progression. And as to crocs being irrelevant after 30min that’s a gripe with xp requirements and you can solve that by turning of xp. And you may play with a variety of different level players but that doesn’t mean you’ll see them as then can be in any zone they want. And if a lvl 30 and lvl 50 are grouped and killing mobs with the same speed gaining the same relative xp the level becomes arbitrary and at that point why have leveling at all.
Or I was composing my post while you edited yours. Also what you edited out was the whole gd reason for this thread, you don’t feel different from 40 to 60 to 87 to 98
If level scaling was turned off tomorrow you wouldn’t feel the type of progression that you’re talking about. If Fury feels the same at 40 as it does at 60 the issue isn’t that mobs are scaling, it’s the Fury doesn’t get anything new.
I don’t think these are mutually exclusive.
Do I think the current talent system is garbo? Yeah.
Did I like near mandatory class quests? You bet.
Did I like having to go buy skills in town? Yep, gave SW a meaning beyond the AH.
I’m not saying scaling is the cancer that’s killing this game all by its self, but it is definitely a tumor.
Scaling is a little broken when you first tick 120, but once you get to like item level 340 (which you can do in less than a day), you don’t even notice it any more and things die ridiculously fast, and it only gets easier from there.
Players scale WAY faster than mobs do to the point that once you pass a certain item level you will no longer notice it. This topic seems like you’re just too lazy to get gear.
I reckon most of the people with a similar complaint to you have already left. I don’t like it either but im still here, hoping they’ll revert scaling, and while theyre at it, revert phasing and effective no-flying