Which is content for another thread called, “Blizzard, you were actually gaining subs when your classes were fun to play and had talent trees. Remember that?”
I don’t understand. Why do you think new players are so stupid they can’t tell whether they’re having fun?
Only a relative handful of players complained about outleveling zones, and those few players were almost invariably players who never leveled characters and weren’t going to anyway. They never bothered to complete zones because they didn’t value completing zones, but they thought it was a good thing and should be forced on new players.
And guess what? You have to abandon zones all the time because of broken or overtuned gateway quests that block all further quests in the zone, an “improvement” that was forced in with level scaling and conversion to “storyline completion”. Last night, yet again, I was unable to help a level 20 guildie who was struggling with some AoE fest quest where the lowbie with no AoE is attacked by swarms of mobs, and I couldn’t help him because he was phased.
He had to abandon the zone, as I have had to do myself. Do they test this stuff on max level players and say “close enough”, do they not bother to test it at all, or is it intended to be “tough love” that teaches noobs that no one will be allowed to help them in the game, and it’s pointless to have friends or join guilds?
And the “finishing zones” thing is nonsense too. You do (well, not you, you don’t actually level characters, you just pretend to speak for other people who you imagine would agree with you) fewer zones if you complete one zone. How is that an improvement, given that most zones have little if any story in them and are mostly fetch quests?
There is no longer any sense of progression in the game and you see that as a minor issue. Just 120 levels of endlessly killing packs of mobs. And you think months of that should make new players want to continue to play?
Saying that the ilevel and HP and level scaling are different is implying that they have different outcomes and also creating a strawman where there doesn’t need to be one.
Scaling is scaling. It’s dumb. It’s cancerous to Azeroth and WOW in general. A majority didn’t ask for it and now the people that usually sustain WOW during lousy expansions, the people that level new toons and alts, are speaking out.
So. Blizzard should open their ears for once.
When gw2 launched this forum was literally screaming that Wow would die without scaling. That zones are “ghost towns”. So I’m gonna call shenanigans here.
I actually think the talent trees, the consolidation of enchanting materials, the doing away with First Aid, are all part of the same problem which is a lack of database space for those things. Certainly we needed some things to change in that skill tree as many items weren’t chosen and people still had the desire to optimize. Choice is paramount to an RPG. We have very little choice in our characters now, and it’s one reason that so many people leave.
Remember when we lost the keyring and instead got void storage, they told us that they took that space that was allocated to that, and repurposed it. There are some hard limits from the origins of this game that aren’t so easily changed. Couple that with the chattiness of replicating data across multiple data centers and it becomes a huge cost savings to reduce CPU cycle times and bandwidth. But…that’s my theory anyway.
Luckily for you, you scale faster than mobs do!
This. Maybe your friends lists and guilds would be more active if leveling wasn’t garbage. Scaling isn’t the only issue 7 talents for 120 levels plays its part as does abilities being tied to pvp.
Well seeing as you can’t even wpvp on the scale you could in wrath without decimating servers it seems Blizz maybe should have spent some more of their billions on addressing those kinds of issues.
Someone else will have to confirm or deny what you are claiming.
I’ve been playing since 2014, and there has never been a time since I’ve been on the forums that more than one occasional poster would ask for scaling. They were downvoted (gee, wonder why that went away…?), and probably 10 times as many posters who were opposed as who supported it would say they’d quit if it came to that.
And you know, when level scaling was forced on us, a lot of people did quit. They didn’t ragequit like blizz supporters like to claim. They just said goodbye because their favorite part of the game was no longer fun, and they had no reason to log in anymore.
So link to half a dozen of those threads you are claiming inflamed the forums. Or you made it up based on one thread you started yourself.
People wouldn’t be complaining about talent trees and lack of new talents if the game was fun to play. There’s so many things wrong, and a new talent wouldn’t fix specs that are broken from level 1.
Any problems with scaling are number tweaking issues. Without scaling, way too much content became irrelevant during the leveling process.
Even in WotLK, the golden age of WoW, anything outside of Icecrown and Storm Peaks melted in one hit. I was basically stuck in one zone if I wanted to have an actual target.
The leveling experience feels much more satisfying with level scaling in place. Not saying it is perfect, but I like having the entire expansion continent(s) be relevant instead of just one or two max level zones.
Mob scaling should only exist in old content. It’s just an annoyance in BFA.
I probably have more than a year and a half /played on my MM hunter. I loved that toon. Loved it to death.
Not only is the spec garbage now, it’s boring to play and unrecognizable from what it was when it was fun.
That’s the thing though. Here we are. We’re cogently pointing out clear areas where Blizzard fumbled on everything from scaling to classes and not only is it falling on deaf ears, but Blizzard-elevated posters who are charged with customer care can’t help but leverage their green text in arguing with people that are unhappy with Blizzards decisions.
Why should people in BfA be the only players spared this poison?
It’s not just ‘tweaking issues’, though those tweaking issues will never get fixed because ‘raid tiers’.
A lot of the content only became ‘irrelevant’ if you deemed it so. A lot of people had experienced the zones they wanted to experience and were LFD queueing to level. This is also possibly your case, even with scaling; given that you only have one more additional zone story quest achievement unlocked for Vanilla zones since that started.
Stuff melting from dmg? That was more of a by-product of them doing ability changes, swaps, removals, power changes, and lack of spell ranks so when they buff an ability by 30% to help a spec doing poorly in raids it transferred all the way down. This occurred a lot, and level scaling, mob scaling, isn’t needed to fix that.
So people can quest where they like without being forced to do specific content due to their levels.
However, it should really be an ingame option for individuals.
Just wait until they try to add raid mob scaling one day. Then we’re in for a -real- treat.
This is the crux of my discussion with Metro. If he loves scaling so much, and it’s the best thing to happen to leveling ever, and level 100 toons have all the talents they are ever going to get, why aren’t level 100 toons let into mythic+ dungeons and mythic raids?
If level doesn’t matter for content, who cares? Scale the raid or M+ for the level 100 Prot Pally and let them help your key runs. Saying anything otherwise is an argument against all scaling in general.
If some content isn’t for some people then Blizzard shouldn’t have scaled all of their old zones to the soupy boring mess that they are.
Because mythic content has to be tuned very tightly. Scaling putting something out of whack by a few percent would be catastrophic there, but doesn’t matter in Timewalking or leveling because the tuning doesn’t need to be tight there.
It would also invalidate the entire gearing system. If I could walk into Uldir at 110 with full Antorus gear, why do I care about getting gear from Uldir? If we could all enter a raid fully geared on day 1, what’s the point? Content, especially hard content, needs to have a decent reward.
Neither of those is an issue with scaling a crocodile in Wetlands.
As if green text was going to be anything besides the mark of the shill. If Blizz bans people for what they say in Twitch chat they aren’t going to “promote” anyone who isn’t gonna support them.