As you can see with your timewalking example, things aren’t exactly balanced when they are allowed to scale this way.
Its imperfect tech for sure, and that’s why its used for content that isn’t meant to present precise difficulty.
So yes, scaling is preferred for casual content, and can not be used in group based content, as they want to assure tuning is effective.
Coincidentally, they do use scaling in LFR-Heroic raids though. But that scaling is based on the number of players, not the level of players.
See why its so confusing? So many different types of scaling haha!
But as an aside, I’d be perfectly happy if they just removed leveling all together if they could implement your idea.
It wouldn’t be possible this way though, I can’t imagine.
There are too many gear breakpoints, and of course not having all your talents and spells would be far too much to consider.
I see, that wasn’t my point though. My point is that Mythic raiding drops better gear than any other content in the game. Mythic+ is the best source of renewable gearing though, for sure, but it would have to titanforge to be as good as the raid gear I mentioned.
Glad we could clear that up!
Found your problem, what is the point of this game if not to level? You know what people do when raids are on farm? Level alts, level professions, level battle pets, transmogs. I don’t think you like RPGs
I understand it, but think its just coming from a thin perspective. With that viewpoint, you are willingly throwing away content to what, boost your character’s ego?
The leveling system is flawed. I think everyone agrees with that.
But I would much rather have a system that encourages people to have choice of where to play and when then one that gives you some arbitrary pat on the back when you level up and the mobs don’t.
You found MY problem? I think you found BLIZZARD’s problem.
Idk what we are even talking about here anymore honestly.
If you have a better way to solve the problem of 8 expansions worth of new leveling zones all being obsolete once you pass them, let me know.
I really don’t care though at this point. My only interest in this conversation was HP scaling of world content at max level.
Level scaling is working very well in my book, but if it was removed tomorrow I wouldn’t care one bit.
I don’t have time to be worrying about leveling characters with as much stuff as is going on at max level at this point, sadly.
You have always had a choice on where to level, no expac needed full clears in all zones to max. Vanilla did but that was because vanilla was designed for you to grind level.
For me it’s not about something as innocuous as character ego, it’s about me having fun playing.
I don’t like the entire idea of M+ to begin with. Dungeons or content in an RPG shouldn’t be about going as fast as you can to beat a timer, it’s about depth, adventure and fun. You may find M+ fun and certainly you are okay to do so, but that mentality ‘for me’ is what’s turned a lot of this game south.
I had very few issues with the game from vanilla to MoP, and since WoD there have been many issues that detract from what this game should be, or what it was for over a decade. We lose customization, we lose choice. We are at the mercy of RNG and not just for loot.
Many of us don’t play this game as a social construct. We (I) work during the day and play to relax and have fun (speaking for myself). I don’t get home, eat dinner, put the kids to bed, to listen to some other person talk about their day. I lead people all day, I largely just want to be left alone after that.
Now you may again say, this isn’t the right game for that, but somehow it was the right game for a very long time, as it never required those types of changes. eSports belong in MOBAs and things of that nature, not an RPG.
I actually do have a solution. Quit gutting the content of that previous expansion. If somebody wants to pay $15 a month to farm badges to get an epic cloak, or level another character to see the Battle for Undercity, that’s fine by me.
They’ve created an untenable situation by pushing people towards the end, and then keeping them occupied once they get there. Don’t push them there to begin with. It may mean fewer people at max level, but that shouldn’t be the measure of a good game anyway, number of people playing should be.
Said another way, it wasn’t obsolete before, they made it obsolete.
Edit: They force people with boosts to make more money, not to make your experience better. They removed content to give you less reason to trudge through it, and in my opinion that was a bad move.
There was a blue post during Cataclysm that said something along the lines of ‘We don’t sell boosts because we respect the integrity of the leveling process’ and all of that went out the window as soon as the company line changed. It’s hard to respect things like that, when they don’t stand on principle, and instead are motivated by profit. People have issues when Apple does it with their hardware, they should have issues when they do it to a subscription based game.
Remove scaling, the zones are only obsolete if no one is leveling. People will go level and they will probably do content they didn’t do the first time around.
You can have the irrelevant content without the treadmill.
Neither statements are true. At no point did everyone hate it or want it back. The vast majority don’t hate it. That was proven when they took it away and lost so many subs that they gave it back only two weeks later.
[quote]I think it’s important to realize that games should be fun and are nothing more than interactive movies. If you don’t enjoy a movie or don’t like a game by all means don’t play it but that doesn’t mean others don’t enjoy them in their current form.
There’s no evidence to support your implication that the majority enjoy the never-ending treadmill. This is new territory. In Legion, you could out-gear the mobs. In this expansion, that doesn’t seem possible. Hell, in Legion, my Heroic Raid Geared Death Knight could one-shot a group of Suramar guards. Here, I’m not sure that’ll be possible. Players hated it when gear affected the mobs in Legion. That’s why Blizzard removed that aspect of it. Players would intentionally lower their item levels just to make mobs weaker and easier to kill. Blizzard didn’t like that and removed ilvl scaling because they didn’t yet know how to prevent that. To them, it seemed like exploiting. Well, it seems like they figured it out because gear doesn’t make a damn bit of difference in how powerful your character is anymore.
Why the hell are we leveling and gearing when it doesn’t make a damn bit of difference anymore? Monsters are harder for my mage to kill now at level 119 than they were at 110. It sucks. It’s awful. I don’t like it. I cannot get ahead. I cannot gain power. Why should I put on a pair of shoulders that give me 10 ilvls when it just makes the monsters stronger?
Because they want you logging in more often to do daily things to get better gear. It’s all a monetization scheme. No reason to make up other reasons when the obvious is correct. They are in business to make money and the longer you stay subbed the more money they make.
Funny how before this stuff, even back to MoP, there were 7 million players who stayed subbed during a 14 month content drought.
World Quests still keep the current zones current. You don’t need to make every single mob as tough as it was when you were wearing all greens at level 110. Never has that been the case.