Mob scaling has broken my will to play

Scaling causes everything to proportionately get more powerful.
If there weren’t scaling things would, in fact, have disproportionate power increases.

You said mythic raiding gave the best gear but the weekly chest gives comparable gear with the same lock out time of one week . I’d love to see the numbers of 380 gear given out by m+ and raiding, I’m willing to bet over the week more people receive raid gear from m+ than raiding.

So your opinion matters, yet again, and mine and everyone else’s does not? I’ve posted repeatedly on this forum that scaling (be it level or HP or iLevel or whatever mental gymnastics we’ve used to separate them all) is detrimental to morale, new player retention, and the feel of progression as you make your way through leveling areas.

It doesn’t matter if it’s Durotar, Hellfire, or Drustvar. It’s not fun, and I haven’t seen any good reason for it other than, “I hate out leveling zones”.



Tons of good reasons are brought up every time, just because you’re someone that doesn’t care about them or doesn’t read them and plugs your ears going “LALALALALALLALALA” doesn’t mean they’re being brought up.

Do people like being able to do zones further out, level 20-60, 60-80 instead of zone hopping or having to do BC and THEN wrath? Sure.

Have people responded well to mobs scaling with health pools, dmg, among other things every time you level? The very same mob you were fighting, gets stronger? In quite a few cases, especially 110-120, the mob both grows stronger and your character grows weaker.

I wasn’t here complaining about this stuff in early expansions, was I? I sure wasn’t. My character grew, my class gained things. I got new points to spend to build my character more, the way I wanted to. Mobs didn’t just grow stronger when I got a new piece of gear that made my character stronger.

They didn’t grow any stronger because I leveled, either.



plus 5

Here are the facts.
Mythic 10 weekly chest gives 380.
Mythic raiding gives 385.

More people do receive better gear from mythic plus than raiding, because you can only kill 8 bosses and many of them are extremely hard.

This does not change the facts I presented earlier.

except for that pesky forging

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So if scaling is so amazing for the game and not the intense morale drain that many are posting that it is, why isn’t the game brimming with new players who happen to be leveling through this amazing new-found technology “level scaling is the best thing I’ve seen added to leveling ever”?

It’s a terrible aweful disease on the game and if anything, Blizzard would have done well to just add an NPC that you could say, “Hey NPC, I have no need to feel power gains in my character and would like to quest out this entire zone. Please scale it for me.”

Then, at the very least, you could remove the RPG aspect of leveling yourself and not drop it on everyone else like the BO-FART marriage stink that scaling is.


So if there’s scaling things proportionately get more powerful and if there’s not things also get proportionately more powerful thereby rendering the entire complaint meaningless.

–Slow claps–
Well played.

Your opinion matters to you, and mine matters to me. Blizzard decides who’s matters to them, and they have chosen one that aligns with mine - that level scaling works well and should be in the game, as it has been for 2+ years now.

I don’t understand the comments about new players. They wouldn’t know any different. We only know because we have been through both.

The lack of a feel of progression is regrettable, but the continuity of the zone and combat within each is more important to the game than otherwise, or at least Blizzard must think so.

I don’t really care one way or another. For me, it IS fun to be able to do any zone in any order I like and I also like how this plays together with the pacing changes we got in 7.3.5 as well where you aren’t just one-shotting everything any more.

It feels much more like leveling matters than it did before these changes, so I’m quite satisfied.
I only wish the scaling was expanded, so that I could do ANY zone at any level, not just certain brackets.

Equal chance for the 370 and the 385 to “forge.”

Scaling got a little better since 8.1 - my lowbies were struggling with mobs in lowbie zones so I quit playing them for awhile. Then I got on my VE mage this past weekend for DMF and revisited quests in her log. With carousel buff and Alliance warmode on, she got from level 38? to 60 in two days. Got one level just doing DMF pet battle daily. Crazy stuff, this 30% buff.

Didn’t have to wander all over the zones looking for right-level quests either, just stayed around Darkshire and then ran over to Silithus for some unknown reason. Got mining and archaeology to 75 last night so she could do those DMF quests.

Good deal. Maybe too fast for newbies leveling but old-time altoholics appreciate the quickness.

Fine. Then why aren’t we clamoring for level 100 players to be in your mythic dungeons and raids? Just like TimeWalking it could be scaled and they would receive appropriate rewards. They have all of their talents at that point.

What excuse could Blizzard possibly have for not allowing level 100 or 110 players into Mythic endgame content? I mean, if we’re scaling and all? Or is there an arbitrary point at which scaling is no longer preferred?


Does mob HP not scale with their level?

I can remember the point of my thread that being I shouldn’t get a power increase only through end game content after 120 levels in a mmoRPG


4K health difference on 20+ ilvl difference isn’t hardly a change whatsoever

True if you kill only 8 m+ bosses a week, if you play enough m+ will 100% drop raid gear. Raids may drop no gear for you in the week which is my point.

Just like there’s no scaling after 340, not hardly a change whatsoever right?

As I said, that’s just what we can see on our side and all the other shady stuff they do that we can’t see is there too, which has been proven time and time again with both ilvl scaling and level scaling.

Then there’s always the argument that if it’s hardly a change, why is it there in the first place? :slight_smile: Should be no biggy for Blizz to revert that and just remove the HP scaling, if it’s no big deal. Along with any other particular behind-the-scenes changes.


I just hate ilvl scaling, that’s it.

With lvl scaling, it’s still decent because quest rewards match your newly acquired lvls and if you run some dungeons that get you geared for that lvl, you can come back in and pummel your way through the zone.

With ilvl scaling, this has been drastically reduced so I get why you feel like it’s a boring slog. I’ve unlocked my allied races but until they do something about ilvl scaling, I won’t 1-120 another toon. I’ve already got every class up to at least lvl 100 so I’m fine with not lvling an allied race right away.

I dunno, the mobs level said they were the same as my mage’s level but they died quick enough now so I have no gripes about scaling.

Cuz before 8.1, the piggy people near Redridge killed her lots. /shrug

But that’s not the way it always has worked. If I leveled a zone and it had 110-113 leveled mobs in it, and I hit level 114, those mobs stayed at 110-113. That is how it worked from vanilla to Legion.

The mobs always had a constant amount of HP, and as you leveled you got stronger relative to the mobs.

You may say, and Blizzard would say the same, that wasn’t ideal. But I happened to like it that way. Surely even if you disagree with that you can understand why people may have liked that, because it gave our characters a real sense of progression that wasn’t related to what gear I just got lucky with RNG, and obtained.

They have taken away player choice as it relates to character progression and replaced it with gear progression that is largely RNG related.