Mmr system is whack

It giving the same pennant as strategist is demonic work.

Who is the lock?

In shuffle?

Whatever helps you sleep better I night I guess.

I never said you two had similar resumes. I simply am pointing out that in the current state of WoW you two are actually not too far off from one another and he’s getting there at a faster clip than you. Womp womp.



whatever helps ur point lmao

It’s a hard pill to swallow. I get it. But don’t worry man. You’re just a boomed out WoW gamer. It’s ok to “suck”.

i get why ur personally offended as you both have 1 shuffle elite and a 2000 three’s achieve under your belt.

i tilt qd for 3 weeks and plummeted my cr. i don’t care about shuffle, i use it to gear and usually proc the pinnacle of your pvp career in the first week or two, like i did this season.

let me know if you ever convince 2 people to be in your group long enough to get 3s rating :+1:


Bro what is your record. Is Unholy really that bad?

no but the meta is bad every game is ww/feral/bm/assa. i don’t really care i shouldnt have spam qd while i was tilted but i finished the wins

which is more than this clowm can say after 5 seasons of trying

these dorks will legit twist whatever they have to twist to argue on this forum. one minute i’m a toxic multi glad elitist win trader the next minute i actually :nerd_face: suck at wow. it’s annoying

Have you tried Marvel Rivals at all?

nah i haven’t

It’s pretty and fun. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

I have! It’s pretty cool. I like Cloak and Dagger. Probably my favorite hero to run as atm.

You really think you’re offending me? Oh boy. I’m the epitome of an average PvPer in arena and have never attempted to form a 3v3 team. Mainly casual q’s if my friends ask. I do enjoy RBGs/BGBs and pushing the ladder there! I do find it perplexing though why you and others on this forum seem to hold 3v3 as the golden standard to what makes a good WoW player. Seems like your boomed out brain might be stuck in the past.

Not surprising given how you respond on the forums :face_with_peeking_eye:

You get back what you dish out.

You certainly seem to care a lot. To the point of looking up other players records to make yourself feel good :rofl:

Your hypocrisy is astounding.

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You’re so boring

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Says the boomed out dad with the same schtick on the forums.

Atleast im a recognizable human. Your personality is 1 of any random 800 people that whine the game is too hard and people are gatekeeping elitists.

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Oh lord. You have a god complex, don’t you? I just call you a toxic elitist because that’s what you literally are. You have elite and your toxic. Womp womp.

This part made laugh! I’ve never said anything of this.

No I’m just pointing out to you what any person who reads these forums already figured out. You’re doing the same exact song and dance we’ve seen by countless people.

What makes you think I have a God complex lmao. I’m mid at a dead video game

I know! That’s what I’m pointing out with my comments above! But for some reason it got to you and you devolved into your same old song and dance. Just remember. Be a good dad. Spend time with your kid. All that time doom qing could have been spent building legos or something else. “It’s a video game who cares”, remember? :slight_smile:

Are you insinuating I’m a bad parent for Qing shuffle in the evenings while I’m on break. Sheesh talk about caring too much.

And yeah I’m meh I’m not great I’m not bad. You and feralscar are bad and bitter. That’s all this is