Mmr system is whack

I’m a toxic elitist but also painfully mid :sob:

Quite the statement.

It’s a video game who cares. I think feralscale sucks Womp Womp cry about it I guess.

It’s just funny YOU pretend to be in the care bear brigade when everyone’s seen how you type in game idgi


You’re coming after me now? I thought we were cool. I just said that you have honesty going for you, which is a good thing.

Not really going after anyone just sayin

shouldn’t take this w/l to get elite in 2s


Kind of tragic how shuff came out and replaced 2s as the waiting room mode so if you’re 2400 2s it’s just punching down on 2100 teams for 3-5 points :dracthyr_a1: Lose once and get wiped out

I’m pretty sure a literal cactus could get 2400 in the blitzs yet elite 2s is like top 50


The lock dc hurt the soul

Idk if I mentioned before but something fun I found in blitz is if your duo disconnects you both get lobbed and each lose like 200 cr

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Yea that’s why I can’t do blitz so sad

Crappy campus wifi lol

Weird statement to make after saying what you said. Given the fact that you both play at similar ratings/mmr that means you “suck” as well.

So what kind of cream

Do they

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Lol Joker made a feral named “twomice”

It’s a Christopher Wallken reference

Both achieved Elite last season and Feral did it with a 1/5th of the games played and the same win rate. So yes, they play within a similar range of one another. So if one sucks, they both suck. It’s also hilarious that Amatox pretends to be some boomed out dad that barely plays wow and easily hits elite, yet he logs over 1,000 games this season alone. Yikes.


Wait he really was channeling his inner swole with shuff this season what in tarnation

Still a boomed out gamer dad, though :dracthyr_nod:

I mean, aren’t we all? Just a bunch of old angry men squabbling on the forums. Good times.

Zoning into arena to beat whippersnappers with our canes.

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Great. Now all I can picture is Kennie chasing down people with a cane (while riding your glad mounts of course).

“Fall into a bucket of cream”


Yeah 3 weeks off work tilt qing for a pointless legend achieve.

Pretending me and feral have a similar PvP resume is wild mental gymnastics