Mmr system is whack

I just spent the last day doing shuffle on my lock. I went 4-2 for 4 full lobbies climbing from 1950 to 2063 vs skilled specs (fury and bm of course) and had one really bad round with 1-6 vs fury bm ele, which was basically completely impossible, and i lose ALL my progress to mongoloid unpeelable damage. This was a 2060 mmr lobby with 2 of them being current 2100 or so.

Why am i even playing this. unsubbing till new season at least. Lord, no wonder the game is dead.


Hopefully for fun. :dracthyr_love_animated:


Yeah man but it’s also not enjoyable losing to stuff that is a complete counter and requires 3 buttons to play. I couldnt interrupt the ele. Couldn’t peel the fury and couldnt peel the BM. Im sure with a ton more playing it would be doable even just insofar as the odds are concerned, but i do play fury and BM too and every game has been vs these. Ik how absurd and incredibly lopsided they are to fight as destro. I can manage fury alone but BM is just lol.

I’m being passively outdamaged by 1 2 3. Super demoralizing. If i felt it was fair skill and effort wise, fine, but having 1.5 to 2x my damage based on spec is meh.

At the end of the day we are all subject to the same mmr system, and it’s to be expected that playing non-meta specs is going to be more difficult in terms of climbing.

Only you can answer this. If fun isn’t the reason or at least among the reasons you play, then I would move on to another game/hobby.

Taking breaks is always a good thing, but outside of them making the spec(s) you play really strong in shuffle, nothing is really going to change [e.g., you’re still going to get unfavorable lobbies, and bad rng that hinders your progress in the short term will happen].

It feels dead due to the lack of healers and because we’re split between so many different iterations of the game right now, but all things considered, wow pvp isn’t dead. It isn’t necessarily thriving and it is steadily declining, but it’s still far from what I’d call dead.

If you made it to 2063cr, then you definitely have what it takes to get to 2100+. You just have to keep at it/keep queueing. You have to understand that you need to queue as many games as possible in order to reach the rating you belong at, and if you’re still not where you want to be, then it becomes a matter of reflection and learning on your part [e.g., figuring out what you need to do the next time in the tough situations, so you win more games].

Some lobbies are impossible, but tbh this is really only a thing at really high ratings (imo).

On a side note, if you really want 2100 but would rather take an easier route, then I would make a bm or fury alt.

Good luck either way :slight_smile:

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I think it’s not only this but also healing is just not enjoyable. It seems to be suffering the same issues that M+ healing is. Damage spikes are just outrageous right now.

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MMR isn’t a problem, it’s just something bad players try to use as an excuse for being bad.


DW about your mmr, just focus on improving and you’ll do better and climb naturally! :slight_smile:


i played the other day super duper stoned like terribly stoned and had two 0-6 lobbies, hehe, everyone hated me. it was probably the most fun i had in wow in awhile, but when i sobered up i was like damn i screwed up my mmr/cr. good thing i dont care about shuffle


if you say this every time you lose you’ll surely get better



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Post deleted by author? Say it ain’t so!!!

I mean yes im aware. But its really obnoxious taking 3 to 5 million damage because a melee connected with me for 1 and a half seconds.

Im tossing out conflags for 400k and lucky to get a bolt off for 1.6 here and there. Which isnt horrible by any means but considering im taking the same damage from instants half the game is pretty stupid. The lack of tuning of any kind and knowing how imbalanced this is kills the desire to push for me personally. Quite literally every game ive done from 1850 or so to the 2060 rating had a BM hunter. Its silly.

What? It’s fine aside from Blitz being 800 higher for no reason. 2s also pointless, sadly, and healers suffer from how the system forces them to be paired in shuffle.

For the average dps and non-shuffle healer it’s a good time.

Oh, I found your problem. Destro is like D tier without a rogue/feral atm.

Time to Q 3s over shuffle if you wanna send destro!


He’s one of said bad players using it as an excuse. Rather than realizing he’s bad.

you need to review there vods :slight_smile:

Do you want me to be mean to players like you or not? I can’t figure it out

I deleted cuz I was looking at his rogues abysmal stats and then realized I should’ve looked at his warlocks abysmal stats and explaining that Mmr is a very common and easy to understand system which is a waste of time cuz as said above it’s really just an excuse

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I’d be happy to if they posted one!

i member when we used to be chill then we faced each other at low mmr 2s and i farmed you and ever since like youve been so tox to me :frowning:

2k rated dPs shouldn’t be impossible to beat. You might be doing something terribly wrong

You have enough kite and self peels and lethal damage as warlock to solo win almost any lobby. Especially in that mmr bracket