Mmr system is whack

how dare you have a hobby and be a parent

I haven’t tried it yet! Heard good things. Have you??

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You can keep making up what you want about me. All I did was call you out on your toxic behavior. That’s all this is.

I agree. You do care too much about this game. Sadge.

Yes! Now you’re starting to get it!

Hey you! Don’t forget he also realized:

Amatox is really just another one of my really big fans like Notorious, Kennie, and Battlecruiser idk why he won’t just admit it yet

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That other thread got 404d before I could read your evidence.

Yea, that’s pretty bad. I can see why people think what they think. It wasn’t even that long ago either.

This was not what I was expecting! A proper Google doc with evidence.

That’s not even half of it. I have a dozen screenshots of things he’s said in-game as well. I just dont put them on the forums for obvious reasons.


I didn’t even read it all, tbh
 I only read enough to get the theme.


The first video is private. Second one from the raid it’s hard to hear what was said, but from what is written in that document, that’s concerning. What was the response after the daughter question? The rest just seems like toxic crap that is spewed in literally every PvP match I’m in. Not condoning it, but seems pretty standard fare. I still may be lacking some context there tho.

WAIT. That last link. I needed to scroll more. Wowza.

Ye is totally recommend it. Started play this week and it’s a lot of fun and it’s free.

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ye you could remove the entire first half and just leave the discord call album

that’s really the only bit that matters imo

I need to contact a mod about you constantly harassing me with all of this slander.

It’s not slander if it’s the truth, though, is it


Nah, slander needs to be provably false.

Also, I would love to reach out to a mod about the consistent passive-aggressive harassment I receive :slight_smile:


Him posting pictures of his “girl” then someone finding the same stock image online is hilarious. I haven’t seen that gem yet :joy::joy: god he’s so lame