What a random website says is super important and our own opinions on things are meaningless.
Besides, who the picks the best thing of 2019 a scant three months into 2019? There’s nine more months of this year left.
What a random website says is super important and our own opinions on things are meaningless.
Besides, who the picks the best thing of 2019 a scant three months into 2019? There’s nine more months of this year left.
If an Internet list tells you FF is a better game does that make it the better game for you? Do what other people like dictate what is a better use of your time? If that were true we would all be playing Fortnite.
If people spent half as much time playing games as they spend posting about bad internet reviews, layoffs, about their impending leaving, meta critic and YouTube downvoted ‘reviews’, perhaps they could work out for themselves what constitutes good. Here’s a pro tip. Don’t talk about it. Quit. Cancel your sub and try other games for yourself.
FF14 is fine. It’s a JRPG art style with a very slow combat system and simplistic dungeons. The crafting system is pretty good but requires a lot of time. It’s a bit too cute for my own personal taste of western RPGs. Does any of that matter? Not to you. Try it out yourself and judge for yourself. Also worth a look- Guild Wars 2, Anarchy Online, ESO, KOTOR, and Everquest. All good. All with different problems and states of dev support.
‘Siskel and Ebert’ of reviews. Heh. Those hacks thought Bladerunner sucked and pooped on Aliens. Find your own truth man.
Opinion pieces are nice aren’t they. As far as revenue and population WoW is still king. Who knows though, maybe ff14 will surpass it some day.
When I read that, Snowfox, I seriously considered going out and getting it tattoo’d down my right arm. Superb assessment!!!
‘Top ten MMORPG’ is relative to the player and whoever wrote the list on MMObyte.
FF14 never appealed to me, I just didn’t care for it, but I hope you and those at MMObyte are having a good time playing FF14 instead.
Just because more junkies use “H” than any other street drug, doesn’t mean that “H” is the best drug out there on the streets. Number of users (players) only measures the quantity being used, not the quality of what is being used.
And whether we like it or not, whether we admit or not, video gaming IS addictive. How many in the past have said they’ve had enough, unsub’d, and six months later … here they are again. An addict CAN’T stay away cold turkey, just like we see happening all the time in this game. That doesn’t make this game the “best,” just the drug of choice.
That’s a really good way to look at it honestly
This is only because FF14 is up to its third expansion, Stormblood which is simply the equivalent of Wrath to me.
The expansion after Stormblood is the real test, as that’s when FF14 gets up to the Cata era…when it’s past its peak.
Org is a makeshift Orc tribal military base. It is actually on point with the story.
Sure I have heard of gold for game time. However, you still are here paying attention to WoW and posting on their forums and if the game was so inferior then it makes no sense you would be, regardless of your gold. There obviously is some sort of draw still to this game, something they do better.
People generally make characters on Moonguard for a reason - you can RP in FF just as well if not better if that is what you are interested in.
I prefer to make judgements myself I don’t care what World of Warcraft is ranked, the fact that I like it is all the review I depend on it. If you don’t like a game that is fine but please don’t tell us how good or bad some random strangers on the internet should tell us what we will like or don’t like.
If you don’t like the game then please by all means stop playing it.
WoW is also 15 years old. FF14 is about 5.5 years old.
I distinctly remember FF14 failing hardcore. Glad they turned it around.
(FF14 better look prettier too.)
Soul Worker was pretty fun to play. Burning Soul Worker is a GameForge-less copy of it (emulated servers). GameForge sucks. En Masse sucks too. Kritika was really fun too. Good games plagued by pay-to-win shops.
For the sake of recommendations – if you want something fast-paced, Kritika was really fun and has a lot of room to grow. You can easily play it for a month if you just want a change of pace. (Just don’t spend any money on it.)
Soul Worker was a bit weird at the start. Once you get used to the controls, it plays smoothly. Action combat is excellent. I might give Burning Soul Worker a shot. (I played Soul Worker. But as I mentioned earlier GameForge sucks – don’t waste your money on it).
I’ve never heard of the site, I don’t like FF so I think the ranking is ridiculous, and I’m not happy with BfA. I suppose you would say I’m knighting though.
But did you believe everything they said about movies? Sometimes, it was the movies they didn’t like at all that ended up being some of my favorites. Opinions, everyone’s got one.
The anime style FF aesthetic and fan service and all the cut scene dialogs would drive me bonkers.
I’m probably not like most people who play wow but I don’t play wow for the RPG. I play for the action game. I have not found an MMORPG that replicates that experience yet.
Which is actually one of the main drawcards for me I like the rich story and lore involved.
I watch some of the story and I couldn’t stop rolling my eyes. Game narratives are so horribly trope-y that I can feel my favorite fantasy authors rolling in their graves in my bones.
No, I hardly ever play games for their story elements. They are usually so painfully derivative and horribly written that I’d rather just go read a good book.
This is what happened to wow:
Actibliz wanted to appeal to their player base(older people and casuals). Probably lots of crying added to this movement.
Things such as catch up mechanics, quality of life changes, raid and group finder were added.
Hardcores and no lifers quickly achieve what they want in the game, lose a sense objective and quit. Subs drop.
Actibliz attempts to fix revenue adding timegating and rng as subs are falling and they need to increase time players spend in the game(sub time).
As a result you have a bunch of angry players who for the most part seem to hate rng and timegating. Thus large amount of subs drop.
I think blizz now struggles to find balance between keeping subs up and not making people hate the game. In my opinion that’s why they made the terrible new portal room and all other small changes. The direction of this game is RNG. That’s their plan. Watch as they continue to add things that make your time played go up even in the slightest increments.
It’s not even BFA. It’s their direction. They may fix some things but ultimately for me they go 1 step forward and 2 steps back that’s why one expansion is good next is bad then good again. So yeah I think the next xpac may be better but to what degree is the question.
Not to mention the fact that this game is dated.
Of course these are all just my opinions and how I see it.
I hope Blizzard keeps putting out quality expansions like BfA.
“Strong with this one, sarcasm is.” Yoda