MMObyte just released the top ten MMORPG's of 2019

People will defend wow blindly no matter the evidence…let them be and move along.


Makes sense.

WoW has little to no in depth character customization. Everyone runs around in the same armors with no tints. There’s no player housing at all. Professions are boring with no flavor really and barely any use to most. The classes are all watered down to play the same primarily but just rename their abilities.


WoW has good instanced encounter design and PvP. FF 14 does everything else better. If all you care about is raiding once per week then WoW is great. If you want a complete MMORPG experience, there are several better options out there. This is no secret.


Yet you are here paying blizzard for all that. Oh I see, Moonguard. FF doesn’t have a goldshire maybe.


I asked my cat what the no 1 mmo was, and it said wow.


Ever hear of gold for gametime?

Also, the fact you have to throw a jab at MG players just cause you’re frustrated by the fact this game is severely outdated compared to games like FF is the saddest part. You know it’s true too.


I can’t believe it - mine just did too.


Right? Never did I think I’d get to be one of “those” forums posters, but here we are.



Can go look at most mmo sites, wow aint doing so well…but hey pick pick on the op for posting one. Metacritic Battle for Azeroth 3 out of 10.

Edit: Metacritic Legion 8.4, same site so go ahead flame the site as incorrect and people just bombing Warcraft, but no BFA is 3 because its bad and people have spoken.


MMOByte are frankly wannabes. They also rave on many PIRATE servers as being awesome, and never mention the fact that “yes, these servers may very well be shut down because they’re operating illegally”.

Not to mention they’ve refused to address the fact they openly have spoken in FAVOR of sites that sell in game gold for real money (which is a violation of every mmorpg out there).

So yeah, mmobyte doesn’t have a LOT of credibility.


People enjoy different things in games so it makes no sense, whatsoever, to try and reinforce that you don’t like something with someone elses opinion.

Legion was right near the bottom of the 5 expansions I played when it was current content for me. I don’t mind BFA at all - it certainly ranks higher than Legion and it isn’t over yet.


Feeling like a broken record but before you praise FFXIV at least research it… for example one of their “unique” classes is AST: created by smashing the two old healer jobs together and just adding in a buff mechanic. This was followed by years of power creep until AST now does the other two healers jobs way better.

You can say WoWs jobs are samey but just for healing alone we are talking double the options (6 v 3) and with WHM being so unmeta its more like 2 v 6. Homogenization is much worse in FFXIV


Most of the people in this thread aren’t defending WoW. Most of the people are asking why what MMObyte says should matter.

Had OP made something constructive, like talking about what Final Fantasy 14 does right compared to WoW, this post would have substance. But it’s literally just OP posting about an article that came out months ago written by people whose opinions are basically meaningless.

You seem to be operating under the delusion that review sites are at all relevant. They’re not. Formulate your own opinions about something, caring about a review site’s opinion this much is group think and hating for the sake of it. I don’t like BfA, and I think WoW is in a crappy place right now - but I surmised that myself without looking at any half-baked writer’s opinion on the matter.


A simple google search and you’ll get your answer; WoW isn’t #1 anymore.

Then again, OP is posting in General Discussion on the WoW forums. Like walking into another country and telling them why America is great.


I guess you did not read my entire post. Where I spoke up about what FF14 is offereing, much of what made WoW great in the past but was removed from game.

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All I’m gonna say is op could have been a bit more constructive with their post. Instead they had to post a site that hardly anyone knows or gives 2 cents about. Over what 2 reviewers from hat site opinions. He could have said his own opinion to start a better convo over wow not being #1 or whatever.

Besides that site has 0 credibility too me. And 100% of all top 10/rating sites will have a different top 10 of games. So really why should we go off on one sites opinions. Why not our own.

And I’m sure everyone knew that Wow will not stay #1 forever.


Well then maybe change your title. It doesn’t add up with your op, imo. You would have better convo with folks if that title was different. Like, “FF14 tops Wow” or something.

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At the end of the day, video game websites are like movie websites. All slips of paper in the endless bowl of subjective perception.

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Cool way of manipulating information there.

It has a “User Score” of 3.1, a metacritic “Critic” score of 79. Have you ever looked through half of those metacritic “User Reviews” anyway? Just looking at the ones displayed on the front page is pretty telling.

Metacritic is such a dumpster fire of a review (/shudder, can’t believe I am saying that either… What’s next, saying its a slap in the face?) site anyways, why do you think the term “review bombing” was coined? I wouldn’t be surprised if policy at Metacritic didn’t change soon considering it has the same issues that Rotten Tomatoes has with mob mentality (They just changed their review policy the other day because Captain Marvel was getting bombed with negative reviews before it even came out)

Second, you are flat out lying about the Legion numbers in two different ways. First off, it looks like you are using a User Score for BFA and the Critic Score for Legion, comparing two vastly different scores. As mentioned, the Critic Score for BFA is 79 and the User Score is 3.1, the Critic Score for legion is 88 and the User Score is 7.3 (which brings up the second lie, there is no 8.4 for legion on metacritic. There is an 88 critic score or a 7.3 user score)

Also, for being such a “poor game” it sure is funny that Battle for Azeroth won game of the year at the 2018 gamers choice awards as well as most major, established, and well known gaming sites ranking it pretty dang high. Places like Gameinformer, IGN, ect and even Metacritic’s Critic rating is nothing to be ashamed about for how rough a start the expansion had.

I am sorry though, I can not take Metacritic’s User Score seriously when it legitimately falls between Steam User Reviews and South Park’s satirical take on Yelpers in terms of quality.

As for me “attacking” the OP, if saying that I have never heard of this site who’s front page articles reach overwhelming heights of upwards of two comments on one of their more popular front page posts, a post from almost a month ago at that–

then I guess I am just a monster.

Sad thing is, outside of not knowing what this site was, I had nothing negative to say about them and honestly I hope they have nothing but success in their future. However, if you are going to try and make absurd statements as you have then I have to point out the facts even if it means it looks like I am attacking/picking on this site.