MM losing pets, what’s next?

Blizzard: Let’s make a talent/talent choice that is objectively better for PvE.
Also Blizzard: Gee, there are very few people using the inferior choice, guess we better remove it.

Also this:

Hunters being able to call a pet makes more sense than non-prot warriors/ret paladins having shield based skills at all.

The apologists for this change are incredibly weak in their argument, in all topics I’ve been in.

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Using burst and casting like three of them gets you perm aggro until it can taunt again and often you get it right back anyway, lol.

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Rogues hate me in M+ because I don’t really care for them to re-stealth (blood dks want to keep chain pulling), I’d be up for stealth not be something you can be permanently on outside of combat and for it to be more cd based or for a rogue spec to not really interact with the stealth mechanic.

We nominally agree, but you’re ignoring the wide array of no-pet hunters in fantasy as well. Katinss Everdeen, Aragon, Legolas, the majority of DND’s ranger subclasses, etc.

Take pet from hunter, give it to warrior

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Demo Warlocks losing Meta.

We should remove the possibility of death knights killing stuff and mounting too.

well this moment really started for me when blizzard took away 2h frost spec for my DK.

blizzard doesn’t want you to immerse yourself in the world of warcraft anymore, it’s been many expansions since they decided to go with the theme park route and tell you how to play the game instead of leaving that up to you.

i blame the elitist top 0.01% of players that are super loud about balance issues, they’re the reason why we can’t have fun


Bad argument. MM hunters were already opting out of pets outside of world content.

MM hunters don’t need pets because of game design, that is something blizzard designs with intent.

However i think people here are missing the point.

from what i can tell,

the pro change group is arguing their POV from a gameplay mechanics perspective,
MM hunters don’t need to use pets in their gameplay rotation,

the anti change group is arguing their POV from a gameplay aesthetics perspective

  • they like their hunters to have a pet of their choice while they play their hunters. spec optimization is irrelevant with respect to the pet.

its like playing vanilla paladin and wanting to tank or dps but people tell you to wear cloth and heal because cloth had better itemization for healing.

That was the proper way to play your class sure because it made sense given the game design and available loot, but if blizzard decided to go down that path and change holy paladins to be cloth wearing so they could become full time healers, would you not understand why some paladin players will be upset because they want to see their characters wearing plate armor instead of cloth robes from a class aesthetics pov? or would you make the argument that holy paladins were already opting cloth armor to heal outside of solo content, so there’s no reason why they should want to keep the ability to don plate?


Because the people in the class discords are incredibly toxic and think doing high end content gives them the right to screw over all the casual players who don’t like the changes being made with their feedback.

Also, half the changes that are actually just objectively bad come from class discord suggestions. They don’t even have a good track record of “fixing” anything. Blizzard should stop listening to them entirely other than “x” spec is under/over performing.


Your argument is literally beyond the average metaslave’s capacity to understand. They legitimately cannot get what you’re telling them.

Outlaw uses Vanish (and the extra charge of it) rotationally. It is reduced by their unique passive for cooldowns.

If you take crackshot, yes, otherwise all you get (if you don’t spec subterfuge) is one ambush from it. Extra vanish is also a talent, so just 1

Or Hidden Opportunity.

Like, to be clear, your theoretical build drops subterfuge for no reason. People aren’t doing this.

Hidden Opportunity is a proc that makes it so Ambush also procs extra attacks like sinister strike would, would makes ambush a bit better.

They can, if it’s their choice to.

Sure, and I can choose not to run feral spirits.

People aren’t doing that.

In top end content, it’s unlikely people are not taking these options - but between leveling and world content some may choose to. Doesn’t mean all other options should be stripped.

I didn’t say they should.

My issue with what you said is misrepresenting Outlaw. They are using stealth rotationally.

Nobody likes forced changes.

Folks have to be loud in that this is something the majority just don’t want.

Yeah I hated the Combat → Outlaw change, but it’s too late to go back now.

Gotta advocate for changes before they happen.

Stomp your feet, etc.

I personally wouldn’t even mind this change, if they at least gave us a glyph to change the hawk into something more befitting our race. But they aren’t.