MM losing pets, what’s next?

Calling it now.

Outlaw rogues losing stealth. Pirates fight out in the open, not stab in the back. They take by force, not pick pockets.

Stealth isn’t appropriate for a pirate. It’s all there in the Class Fantasy™.


Stealth actually serves a purpose in outlaw’s current kit.

The pet in MM’s current kit serves no purpose, other than making them really not want to lust.


That’s not actually true, pirates sneak all the time in pirate fantasy.

I can understand the frustration that people have for MM losing pets but there’s still a noticeable gap in class fantasies.

There’s ONE class in the game that uses a ranged weapon, and that class revolves around pets. What if you don’t like pets? There are plenty of reasons to not like pets.


As someone who played a Warlock on Yogg in classic, yes.


I was being facetious.

Facetious topic.

That’s what the ™ represents. The fact that Class Fantasy™ gets thrown around to justify everything.


If you are an outlaw rogue who doesn’t like sneaking then you can just go fury warrior instead for that dual sword experience.

But there isn’t anything for people who want that ranger fantasy.

You know there would be people like that, praising blizz by saying how they always hated stealth on rogues, and they are FINNALLY getting what they want and a lot of bs

Actually false, it does not for M+, but that is not the only content wow have.


And hunters have pet all the time in fantasy.

Lone wolf was there for these people

now they are trying to rob the option for the rest

Except there is, and you dont even need to go into another class, or spec, you can just get one talent


Seeing as how it’s already meta for marksman hunters to not use a pet, I don’t understand why they’re making any change at all.

Not meta to use a pet, but pet there if you want to use it.

That’s perfect imo.


It does, though I unironically don’t think it should.

Harmful to the class fantasy IMO.

Lone Wolf has been a feature of MM for the better part of a decade. You could have at least tried to make a comparison that wasn’t dumb.


The purpose it has in M+ is you pull it out, cast lust, immediately dismiss it, then AFK for 5 seconds before doing damage.


Yeah, i know that, im saying it does have purposes in other content other than this, so your point is false.


What, as a crutch so that unskilled players can clear delves?

It is not required for any world or solo content to be relatively easily completable.


Yes. Which is a sufficient reason alongside mixed feelings on class fantasy.

I seriously don’t get why anyone with an honest view of the changes can look at it and suggest it doesn’t have any problems. How some folks don’t look at it and go “man that’s a weird half-measure.”


That, in PVP, in questing, RP and other solo content.

I guess you are one of the “elite” that think m+ is the the only way to play wow and people don’t do anything else


If you come at everyone like that they’re going to react the way Quiver did. Caps is reasonable.


Perfect is an enemy of good.

The place I’m coming from is that the changes (as they are now) make the spec better than it is now, and the problems with it will be found when the PTR goes live (probably end of this week or early next week).

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Granted, and a good response, including what I didn’t quote here.

I still feel like the government mandated not-pet bird could have been a stable pet quite easily.


There will be glyphs for that bird, but I don’t think they were in the build that wowhead datamined.

I’ll need to see what they end up being before passing judgement.