I like how we’re being sarcastic about a spec being drastically altered as if Survival didn’t literally go from Ranged to Melee.
When Lone Wolf was baseline, you could still call your pets, but you would lose the 10% (I think it was 10%) damage bonus from Lone Wolf. Your pet didn’t add up to that 10%, so it was an overall loss to run a pet.
I’m fine with petless MM, as long as they still have access to the pet utility, like Roar of Sacrifice and Master’s Call, stuff like that.
I could be misremembering…its been a while.
I only really ran MM to keep tanks in 5 mans from having a scapegoat for their overpulls, lol, so I didnt get a lot of time with it.
Warriors will no longer use weapons or wear armor. They will put monks to shame with their fists.
It seems to me that the “eagle” isn’t really a pet so much as it’s a spell effect represented by an eagle.
It would bother me less if they scrapped the “eagle” aspect and just went with spell effects that did the same thing, rather than trying to disguise it.
Anyhow, it’s too early to make final judgement on it; I for one will wait and see how it actually plays before deciding.
People, let’s solve this debate.
All the hunters that want pets, please roll BM.
Let us people that hates pet with a passion play MM.
I used to raid as a hunter but hated pets so dropped it for a rogue.
I’d go back to being a hunter with this change.
Don’t hate on the crowd that doesn’t want pets for your own selfish reasons. This is why there are specs within a class.
I hope, hope, hope at the very least that the bird does appear as little more than a spell animation. I don’t want it awkwardly hovering around overhead or anything like that. If it has a ghostly/ethereal look to it to suggest it’s not a literal eagle, also good. I am very eager for more information and an actual look at the thing. This is the first time in a long time that I actually feel inclined to get on the PTR.
according to “fantasy” if they are removing pets from a hunter spec because Alleria had an eagle or whatever. they should then remove totems from some shaman spec because thrall doesn’t summon totems and equip plates on priests because Anduin is a priest and uses plates…
focusing class design on roleplaying ideas will not solve the functionality, gameplay and fun problems of the many specs almost ruined by button bloat and bad skill design
I’m sure the two people still playing Outlaw would be upset over losing stealth.
This is still a disingenuous recommendation.
I have hunters of every race and spec. BM is the most common, since, yes, I do like having the extra pets. I always take the extra pet on BM, and I never take Lone Wolf on MM. I like the sniper playstyle, and also like having the pets that I’ve tamed over the years by my side. BM does not play the same as MM, even with a pet.
If you genuinely want the debate solved, then you’d try to find a solution where players that want Lone Wolf would be best served by not utilizing a pet (having their own lust w/o pet, getting the non-pet damage bonus, etc), while ALSO trying to figure out why there are players who absolutely do not want the changes to cost them a pet.
So, can we stop telling people to just suck it up, and that they need to play some other spec that isn’t the same playstyle, just because we can’t see things from their point of view? We want you to be happy with the changes, but not at the expense of our pets.
MM hunters may be losing their pets but have they lost that lovin’ feeling?
Clearly you never watched any of the PotC movies (also clearly you never been to Singapore!).
nah, i think warlocks are next up on the chopping block. especially since theyve gone out of their way to make the voidwalker weaker than a fresh level 70 in questing greens
right now outlaw rogue feels like a subtlety rogue that uses 1h weapons instead of daggers so maybe that wouldn’t be so bad
Kinda hope they revamp dps monks and most rogue specs tbh
Depends. If you don’t take crackshot, really it’s something you use at the start of a fight and that’s it. You generally use it once a fight, just like pet bloodlust or pet utility.
You still have a pet though. It’s your eagle.
As well as realize that, even if some of us take Lone Wolf, we sacrifice the damage increase for a tool we can use in solo content. We still take full advantage of Lone Wolf in group consent, if we are able (I.E. don’t need to be the one to provide lust under the current system) but when it comes to solo? we might not really care about the damage we do (worst case is it takes an extra attack or 2 to kill a mob) as much as we do having as manytools as we can to kite/survive/etc.
If you reapeat lies 1000 times it does not make them true.
Please stop.
I’d find it funny if they announce a new pet class after all of this.
The classic “let’s gut this thing to make this stand out since it’s popular! The pets can be tank spec! Then it will look like everybody likes it! What a successful idea!”