MM losing pets, what’s next?

So, would you agree that they could add a lust spell when selecting Lone Wolf, so that the player could have the DPS boost, but not take away pets for those who still want one? Is there anyone who is thematically happy with having a spotter eagle? Non-LW could just have a pet of their choice, and LW would get whatever the eagle does, but without adding a pet spell effect proc.

“Could” they do it? Sure. They could also remove every single piece of gold from player’s inventory in order to fix the gold inflation issue that is systematic with MMOs. But they won’t. Asking whether someone “could” do something is the entry point for every single bad faith argument in the world.

If you want to ask the question without setting it up to fail, change it to “would” they make the suggestion you made? To which my answer would be … no, which is what I addressed when I pointed out that changes to specializations aren’t continent on the types of “options” ya’ll are arguing for:

Considering we haven’t seen anything of it so far… You are asking a question without an answer, and one that demonstrates why this outrage is beyond belief silly at best.

No one knows what they’ll do with it. So… are folks happy with something which folks have already decided to irrationally dislike because they chose to dislike? Hope you see how that’s a really bad-faith question to ask.

I have an answer:

I wouldn’t like it. I don’t want more pets, thematic or visual only, shoved into my spec. Believe it or not, some of us don’t play the game just because numbers - if you want that kind of gameplay, I suggest you try EVE Online.

Visuals and character themes matter to me, and I don’t play MM to have a pet shoved into my face. And before those arguing for keeping their pets jump on me, I am on your side. I don’t want to take away your agency, either. You want to run a pet in MM - then do it!

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We don’t know what they are doing except replacing one irrelevant ability with something which should be more in-line with what MM actually wants. That’s literally everything we know so far.

Also don’t pull the “if you want what most people want, you can go elsewhere”-nonsense. If folks wanted pets to be an active part of MM the entire mentality around it would’ve been an entirely different response than “it makes things easier to solo.” That’s literally the only thing that has been said so far that has any real credence to the change that’s happening, because pets aren’t being taken away, the identity of MM isn’t changing, and nothing substantial except one talent point is freed up and design space for more abilities that are relevant to MM are possible to be created.

So no, you don’t have an answer - at least not one that’s based on anything but an irrational stance of “let’s keep something around that doesn’t fit with the specialization.” If you want to use pets in a traditional sense, play BM or Survival.

That’s all there is to it.

With a spotting eagle. I do not want the spotting eagle, period. Kill it. Deep fry it. Serve it up with some greens and slaw. They are also removing player choice and agency to do it.

I don’t need to play the changes to know I already hate that direction.

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I have a hunter and believe this would be doing the class and spec as a whole a giant disservice. While Lone Wolf is a talent you can take, I find that having the utility from pets like, lust, or mortal strike (healing reduction). I don’t know though. This seems a bit… much.

BM and Survival is there if you hate it that much. I don’t get why anyone would choose to have this strong of an opinion of something we don’t even know how it’ll look or be implemented yet.

That is what makes it irrational. So your option is to wait and see how it is and provide relevant feedback to it, such as if a hunter trainer gives your option to turn off any animations related to it… or to play BM or Survival.

Taking a hardstance against something you don’t have the faintest clue of how it will look, feel to play with, what if any systems exist that will be associated with it, or anything else … yeah, you are proving why this thread is nonsensical. Which is largely the point: no one knows how any of this will work yet.

And again, no they aren’t.
Unless you want to reduce “player choice and agency” to “meaningless buzzwords” no, replacing one irrelevant ability for what at least has the potential to be meaningful isn’t removing player choice and agency.

Just the same way why old spells like Exorcism or Fear Ward were removed without removing either player choice or agency.

You are telling this to one that has said:

Here is the thing, the one you are replying to DOES NOT WANT ANY PET OR PSUDO PET. He wants to be 100% petless. It is this kind of stunt that makes you, and any that say “if you want this, or hat this, the other specs are there for you:” out to those that are not listeing nor comprehending what people want.

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BM and Survival are pet-orientated to their core, and neither are appealing. Maybe if they brought back the CC-focused support ranged Survival spec, but that wouldn’t fit in today’s gameplay of “go go go”.

So I’m not sure how you can suggest those specs when clearly neither fit my desired outcome. It’s kind of like you assume my opposition is due to having the ability taken away to summon pets, rather than reading my actual opposition:
I do not want the spotting eagle. I do not want any pet for me.
I also do not want to take away pets from anyone else.

Can MM summon their own tamed pet in this proposed rework?

He is just one of those fools that can’t grasp that suggestng things like that, while option, can also come across as “if the other specs don’t fit what you want, too bad”

Lone Wolf was baseline, you’ve already said this yourself. Because it was baseline, that means you could not opt out of it being in your spellbook. It was not an option whether or not you selected it. When I say it was baked into their toolkit, I’m saying it was not a talent. You could not opt into or out of taking the talent, because it wasn’t a talent. It was baked into their toolkit.

I’m not sure how much more of an explanation I can give. At this point it just feels like you’re either not reading what I’m saying or just picking it apart for the sake of arguing semantics.

I didn’t. You tried to start an argument after I said I thought it was baseline before being a talent. It was a mix of both as you posted previously, with it being baseline in BFA+Shadowlands and an optional talent in the other expansions you listed.

Whether or not it was baseline or a talent first wasn’t even the point being made, you just decided to focus on that part of it. You’re literally just arguing for the sake of arguing. It’s pretty annoying.

Neither will bogus claims.


assa not being hyper reliant on stealthing between every fight would be amazing.

Tanks keep losing tanky-ness.

It’s not just utility. There is a big advantage in keeping people in combat with pets in PvP, just like in PvE.

P.S.: BM is braindead, but I’m trying to adapt to it already… and kinda failing since it feels so dull.

Melee “survival” never appealed to me. MM was my main hunter spec (after they killed the Wrath+ Survival one).

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:clown_face: gO pLaY bM hUntEr :clown_face:

Imagine someone is going to remove your right hand next week.

Would you say there is no way for you have a clue about how that will feel until they cut your hand?

People know how it will work, you will literally lost an asset that you can command at will that do a number of taks in different content

They literally are.

right now, Hunters can chose to use their pet, or go alone with lone wolf.

Both options are removed, so you are forced to have a fake bird that you dont control and is basically a spell effect that you can’t stop

Just show how these people are just parroting the same crap and dont play hunter or if they do they are fotm/M+ fools

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Eh what spec isn’t brain dead these days? Bm at least has more buttons than mm now. Idk when that happened :joy:

I can relate. I was a surv hunter main until legion.

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Clearly devs disagree with you or they wouldn’t be implementing basically forced petlessness on Marksmanship, they tend to change things that either don’t work or they dislike how people play something so they change it to be how they want it.

I feel like anyone that actually likes Marksmanship will be just fine and adapt to the eagle and using it however it works.

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Thing is some changes appear to be done as if some content is in a bubble, or as if players don’t play more then 1-2 kinds of content.

The changes being made make sense for raiding, M+ and maybe even group delves. Could be a bit of a better in some areas, worse in others for PvP but make almost zero sense in world or solo content.

I will say, a lot of the issues could be freaking fixed if Blizzard just stated something like “While solo, the eagle will come and distract the enemy while the hunter is in combat” Otherwise it is just coming across like “we are making the changes to better facilitate MM play inM+ and raiding, and MM hunters are potentially SoL in world and solo content”

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Yeah, isn’t that the reason for the phrase “show us your colors”, because pirates or privateers would fly the flag of a friendly nation, get close and murder-death-kill the ship they were approaching?