MM losing pets, what’s next?

Maybe give all tank classes a pet they have to micro manage?

Oh wait - they already have to manage 3 or more DPS in instanced content.

Lol I know there’s more to your post but this one had me


BM getting another 50% pet size reduction is next on the list

Honestly, I’m probably going to semi abandon my hunters. I don’t like the play style of survival. I have 1 BM for collecting pets I find interesting. But then I have 2 MM. I find their play much more fun than BM. But I also find it squishy and clunky in solo play without a pet out. Take out 1 enemy, drop threat, repeat. Long and repetitive. Sure it’s fine in groups where there’s another tank, but World of Queuecraft is not fun to me. Not to mention my vulpera Robin loses his bear Liljohn. So I’ll pretty much put my hunters on the back burner with occasional play, like getting a cool pet on my BM or hopping into a queue before going to the bathroom.


Why did you have to remind me that they did this with Murder of Crows (without actually saying anything about MoC. lol)? I took MoC on nearly every hunter, and I was able to decide when to use it. Now, it’s some random proc, that I have no control over, and I dislike it. Why am I no longer allowed to decide when it’s best to apply MoC? It was part of the fun, for me, to be able to apply it near the end of a fight, to reset the cooldown on it, and use it again on the next mob. Took away agency there, too.


I have always wanted a spec of rogue that has no stealth. in Classic I have a rogue that has no sprint, no stealth learned on it. The Brigands were the first true rogues before retocon made it otherwise. Be cool to have a 4th spec for rogues that cannot stealth. Takes more skill to play that way. Learn stunlock.

I don’t believe you’re right about the devs and why they’re doing this. But it seems to me they are more going off the opinions of the people in the hunter discord.
I know from my own experience MM is working fine. I won’t speak for others but I know how my gameplay with MM has been.
Still love you!
Happy New Year! :heart_eyes_cat: