It is comical in random BGs, you’re starting to see hunters be 1/3 of the entire BG. Not just the damage specs, the entire BG. I’ve had over 10 hunters in 15v15 maps.
WoW is officially a first person shooter now.
Third-person shooter?
I play with my camera zoomed in all of the way.
I wonder if you can rebind your left mouse click on the fly. Or maybe some sort of castsequence macro that targets your mouseover.
Left click on someone to cast sniper shot, aimed shot, and rapid fire.
Maybe you can turn this into a first-person shooter…
I wonder if there’s a way to lock your cursor to the center of the screen.
You know what it may be, the amount of fotm rerollers, twinks, premaders etc were always prevalent but diluted in total due to total volume of players,
As normies take off we’re left with a higher concentrate of these types left in the player pool & maybe why it feel’s we’re meeting them more and more.
The game needs more rogues to take out those hunters. The problem is rogues are NOT fun to play in battlegrounds in group fights because they are constantly being unstealthed by what seems like random AoE that spread all over the place.
That’s yet another example of how all these years of balancing pvp around arena ruined pvp. Rogues were specifically balanced around an arena setting and have very few options in larger pvp content. Hopefully a shift to solo shuffle battlegrounds will get blizzard to balance pvp around larger group content rather than lame arena.
And for the love of god… remove camo from hunters or make them do 30% less damage for 3 seconds when coming out of camo.
There is a bug that causes them to often be unstealthed for no reason at all. It’s a recurring bug, but seems worse in DF. I’m not playing my rogue because of it.
Also, the assassination two piece set bonus makes it so you can’t restealth if you have rupture ticking on someone. Imagine that. A tier set bonus that actually makes your class unplayable. And, having it be that way for months. Not sure if it is fixed now.
Just checked. Not fixed. Broken since MAY.
Absolutely not, never have I disagreed harder with any statement bold enough to be placed on this forum than that.
Sometimes when I’m bored, I hop on this char, and make it my mission to make MM hunters /afk out of random BGs. That’s my mini-pvp game.
This is not possible. It’s far more than 100 yards which is the maximum possible attack before it counts as LoS even if there’s nothing in the way.
I do have some videos on my channel of Sniper Shot kills from 95 yards back in BFA when you could stack mastery via corruption to insane levels. I had a 67 yard baseline range back then.
Today with Mastery stacking you get to about 50 yard baseline range with ~75 during Sniper Shot.
Honestly, I’ve had different experiences. Sure, there’s usually 2 to 4 total in a bg, but I’ve seen a lot of warriors and rets lately.
Here you go.
A dream come true
Time for another 5 year break.
That video is just depresssing. DF turned pvp into an arcade game. Legion is probably ultimately to blame. The days of methodical chess-like pvp from TBC days are long dead. RIP
Legion is absolutely to blame. Everyone likes to say that Legion templates killed PvP, but Legion turned PvP into big bursty CD trading.
that was mop
MoP dipped their toes in CD trading, but Legion doubled down on it. They pruned classes and templates to the point to where you couldn’t get a kill outside of your burst window unless you dogpiled the enemy 10v1. We are seeing this now. Everyone has near equal gear. Everyone is rocking ~30% versatility. When everyone has power, then no one has power. I’m not killing people with Arcane shot. I’m killing them with my big flashy buttons. On my mage, I’m not killing anyone with frostbolt. I’m killing them with Ray of Frost or Glacial Spike. They’ve turned every class into a “Hit 1,2,3 to empower a BIG NUMBER 4!!!”
wod mass pruned classes. Legion added it back.
mop s12 was more cd trade dependent than current wow
frost mage with flury procs in legion would erase healthbars. Same with short cd ebonbolt