MM hunters have ruined bgs

Agreed. This is when stacking damage modifiers to oneshot people really started to come into it’s own.

Caveat: I did not play MoP at all.


MoP did not prune. It homogenized, and simplied the talent trees, but ability pruning came later.

Wod pruned not mop. Pls reread

My apologies, misread.

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That’s what I use my hunter for.
When I get sick of beating on priests’ 30% passive damage reduction from focused will as a warrior, I log on to my hunter and just focus enemy priests without having to deal with crippling % mitigation.

#nerfMMhunters /thread

/unthread #nerfallhealers /thread

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lolololololol XD #nerfMMhunars #bufffrostdkplzdevz

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That’s at least true for Arena.

Nothing happens outside of CDs. Both offense and defensive CDs are so impactful healthbars pingpong all over the map. It’d be better if everyone was slowly dying and cds just accelerated/decelerated the pace.

But in Bgs, sustained damage is still doing work because of how many people there are. Just healers have no dampening, so they are extra beefy.

My destro lock deletes people with no cooldowns up by just bolting them twice into an incinerate shadowburn. When i played dev evoker i would 100-0 people with no cooldowns up by just spamming disintegrate procs.

This isn’t shadowlands.

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My destro lock tickles people compared to what MM hunters do

Yeah but I can still interrupt you and sheep you when you use your unending resolve interrupt immunity. Aimed shot is like chaos bolt without the ability to interrupt.

A decent Disc. Priest will delete a MM Hunter, I see a MM Hunter and I salivate.

Two hunters coordinating sniper shots out of camo can effectively two shot a geared priest. BGs aren’t 1v1 duels.

Two healers can effectively shut down any 2 (sometimes even 3 man!) man combo. Bgs arent 1v1 duels.

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Maybe in a random battleground, but not in a Rated. Last night was focused by two rogues and a MM Hunter and still survived, not going to lie it was hard you just have to really pay attention to your hp bar because yes camo, sniper shot, chakram, and rapid fire take your hp down fast.

And to be honest I don’t see many high rated MM Hunters, the classes that give me problems are

  1. Unholy DK or even Blood
  2. Warrior
  3. Ret Paladin

those scare me more than a MM Hunter.

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I try not to interfere if I come across 2 DPS going at it.

I’ll avenge them though if the enemy has no CDs left.


Sometimes it’s just the butt in the seat that matters, you know? I just came out of a solo shuffle where I laid the smackdown on both a marks and an arcane mage.

Ironically it was the frost dk that was giving me a hard time even though they’re usually mincemeat. This dk was simply a better player than I.

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I used to be that way, but solo random bgs change a girl.

Sniper shot can hit for 300K-400K on cloth regularly. You get hit by two of those landing at the same time via voice coordination coming out of camo and a lot of priests will die to that pretty much instantly.

Not sure what that was about. I was already describing a 2 on 1 situation.