Just confirmed on a target dummy. The next Rupture tick after you vanish will break stealth.
Oh, and your English great, way better than most people on the forums.
Don’t apologize for that beautiful post. Your English (at least in writing) is better than 90% of the people I interact with every day, and I’ve lived in the U.S. my entire life.
Thanks for reporting the bug and being amazing. I’d direct you to the Bug Report section, but it looks like you already did that. So, I’ll shut my mouth.
Have a wonderful day. Best wishes to you and your rogue!
Get used to it. Forsaken rogues have been taken out of stealth since I can remember from our dots proc’ing Touch of the Grave. Doubt this will be fixed any time soon.
The players shouldnt have to make daily posts about the most obvious bugs we have, for them to fix, when they get reported in game and outside the game. and too much “notifying” them just gets us banned or muted.
i mean even for hunters had a problem (probably still do) when i tried one in SL using the spike trap, where it was bugged the entire expansion where if the trap opened up and you was LOS, the trap would disappear and not actually plant, and it would still go on CD.
I had to laugh at the response that basically put the blame on the players as to why they class has broken bits. Of course you have to get used to certain broken pieces of the class. The DEVS wont fix them!
Not the players fault who send in bug reports like blizz wants them to. Hell, blizz should be paying the players who test and RnD their products.
Wait, this ##$# has been known about for over a month with no fix? I dusted off my rogue to play it a bit just a couple of days ago and was wondering wtf was going on.