MM Hunters get to KEEP their pets!

Congrats MM hunters! Good to hear you got what you wanted! :smiley_cat:

Insert High Five GIF

:cat: :cat2: :cat:


We were never getting cosmetic glyphs for the eagle, realistically. Have you seen the thing on PTR? It’s the size of a postage stamp and only visible for about 1/4th of a second at a time. If it didn’t have a little windy swoopy contrail behind it you wouldn’t be able to see it at all.

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Not using her as a shield. My character is supposed to be based on her partially. I know what she was. She was all skill. Now I don’t get to have my class identity because people whined about not having all hunters be Rexxar.

To be fair, there’s a chance that it’s different teams that work on that, as they tend to have a few.
Them fixing one thing doesn’t necessarily mean it’s removed the possibility or progress of them fixing another. :person_shrugging:

 Survival Hunter? Demonology Warlock? Holy Paladin? Mistweaver Monk? (both going into Legion and leaving Legion on that one)

That’s just naming the more recent examples of having taken a drastic direction change towards a given spec. Changing a spec from ranged to melee, changing a spec entirely and completely uprooting what it focuses on to give a new class one of its abilities, and shifting two healers back and forth from melee hybrid healer to pure caster healer and back


You can’t really be this dense, right?



Maybe one day Blizz will add a spec that gets +10% damage after pooping into a sock so that you’ll feel as validated as the pet-using hunters do right now. Dare to dream.

I would ask the same to you.

Eventually, sure, but until that node unlocks, MM do not have Pet Utility options.

To be fair, he IS now saddled with the eagle, which
 yeah, from minute one people were pointing out that this was not actually going to satisfy the Lone Wolf crowd on a fantasy level, and they were correct.


I tried explaining that a month or so ago when all this started, as well as throwing in how many traps, and utility they have.

It doesn’t matter. The pet tank let’s them just stand there and dps.
(But I think it’s also scared of change)


Awesome!!! I’m so incredibly happy for MM hunters!!! Good job all for speaking up!!



As far as I’m concerned, if somebody feels like taking a hit to their throughput to keep a pet around, more power to them. I don’t have to group with them and I’m not forced to keep a pet around when I play Marksmanship.

They keep their choice (however unimportant it is to me) and the spec still moves in the right direction of otherwise ignoring the pets entirely.

The eagle is probably going to get reverted out completely by 12.2, is my prediction. It barely, barely, BARELY exists right now, it doesn’t feel like a centerpiece at all, and frankly nobody wants it to -be- a centerpiece.


To be clear I don’t really care one way or another if the eagle stays, and if they give it a Bat Glyph or whatever I’ll use it, on the off chance one day I accidentally park my camera in the perfect place to actually be able to see the thing for half a second, but
 everything they said about it in its debut newspost was pie in the sky nonsense that does not match the reality of the PTR at all.

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Yup. I think I said pretty much word for word what you said. Definitely more power to them.

But another note I made, I just hope it doesn’t cut into the eagle customization they mentioned previously BECAUSE they went back and added this talent.

Well that is an xpac and a patch away. It’s possible. But doubtful prior to midnight. And with this much work, I more so see them fleshing it out more. Not deleting it.

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I hope it doesn’t cut into customization, and I don’t think it will. I think there’s enough support/focus from the community of people playing MM on going away from standard pets entirely that it’ll see more adjustments to the spotter system.

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My pvp gets ruined a bit and pet MM hunters get kicked from groups.

In a sense its perfectly balanced.

Oh the new talent tree and the rotation rework are definitely going to be around for a while. They put a lot of work into it. But the eagle? The eagle is a complete afterthought. They could delete it completely and just put in a distant screech sound effect and it would probably be a couple days before anyone noticed. None of the talents that ‘use’ it really actually use it, it just swoops by and is gone before you can say “eagle.” It smacks of compromise, and now that they’ve walked back taking out pets, there’s no real reason to keep it.


Bright side, no more mm hunters barraging and pulling entire rooms :joy:

I don’t see them removing it at all if I am being honest.
I see them either expanding customization to how they did the centaur companions in DF or just full on rolling it together with the stable talent and making it baseline again.

Personally, I don’t mind the eagle. It doesn’t fit my aesthetic though. I’d rather have a white ohnahra from DF.