MM Hunters get to KEEP their pets!

Since this was specifically pvp will answer it in regards to pvp. In PvP or at least rated pvp where the skill floor increases with your rating. Defensives are more important then offense and different defensives are more important then others. The ability to reduce the amount of critical damage you take and damage reduction is one of the more powerful cds you can have. Healing is one of the weakest as it gets hit by dampening.

I can’t see a version of MM that can take Roar of Sacrifice that won’t run a pet in PvP.

This is the worst part about it all. MM is going to be a completely different beast come 11.1 and yet we are arguing about pets. :stuck_out_tongue:

Personally I think Blizz does this kind of crap for that exact kind of purpose but I’m just a guy. A guy wearing a tinfoil hat.

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I think you described 99% of the forum users at this point :joy:

Like I’m over here playing and enjoying surv in m+.
Then Im going to turn around and complain about “but mah ranged surv!”

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Well you have to understand that I am a Combat truther. Outlaw is an affront to my very existence. So I may find camaraderie with those people.

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Agreed though I don’t think that is the case here. I think the push back caught pretty much everyone by surprise seeing as how most MM hunters haven’t used a pet in years.

We’ll never know really. What kind of adjustments and tuning they might have made before it goes live and in the future now will all take into account the fact MM can still swap to a pet. Blizz doesn’t design things in a vacuum and having the pet there will change the way they balance the spec.

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Oh yeah…Oh yeah…Oh yeah…

You are talking to an og combat rogue too hah.
I started playing sod specifically to be a combat rogue tank.
Feels good tbh.

But Ive been primarily sin since legion when outlaw came to be.

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I fought so much trying to adjust to Outlaw that it just killed my love of Rogue entirely man. Sucks. But it is what it is.

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Dang… that was me with frost dk.
I was a 2h frost dk main then legion came around with its fly swatter.
I haven’t been able to enjoy it since even though 2h is viable again…

Outlaw was slowly getting better. I somewhat enjoyed it in df. That was probably the closest to og combat that its been. Then this xpac came around lol.

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Aww yeah. We get to keep Call Pet on MM.

If we choose. Victory.


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I don’t even think it’s even the people who wanted MM to keep pets actually responding to people like me who wanted pets gone for MM. It just seems like the people I argue with don’t actually hold any real position but mistake my passion for wanting to have a distinguished spec that is unique as “BeInG OfFeNdEd” and therefore they just ruthlessly bully and troll because they have failed to associate anyone they talk to online as people. They just feel like jerks. And btw I have seen some (probable) no-pet people bully, but the vast majority of it comes from the people I mentioned, who I would like to reiterate probably don’t have a real side or position and just enjoy the suffering of others.

Meh its over and done with now. People are just mindlessly arguing lol.

Tbh you are better off making a new thread about it, but I think someone beat you to that punch.

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I’m sure that MM Hunter Pets are not the only class/spec that needs to be balanced for PvP.
How is this handled with other class/specs?

We literally had the changed without pet being usable.

Realistically, this is only true up to a point, then you start being forced to opt for maximum survivability.

Timers are pretty lenient this season if nobody dies.

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But what you wanted was never going to be a thing even with the MM revamp. So I’m not sure I understand.

Disingenuously. That other thread is whining about how Blizz flip flopped and is kissing butt. It was never in good faith.

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Sits in the wood line of goldshire with a mouth full of tacos
Yufff! He tooff ahwl th tacohs!

Eats another from the taco cart on my back i wear like a tauren totem pole

Mmmmm :heart:

Ah its new transmog. Swear I just found it.

In fairness, if you filter the data to just characters at level cap, it’s a fair way higher up, though still the least popular Hunter spec by a big margin.

I wasn’t one of them saying I’d vote kick them but it doesn’t mean it’s not a way to draw attention to yourself and people won’t kick you for it.

I can see it now then we’ll end up with threads about how awful people are for kicking Marksmanship Hunters that use pets because they use pets.

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Sounds kind of like you’re… whining? :thinking: