MM Hunters get to KEEP their pets!

They seem to enjoy living their life this way. :man_shrugging:



According to him and like-minded posters, ā€œyou peopleā€ means us dirty pet-using MM hunters. After all, using pets means weā€™re bad, sucky players. Donā€™t you know?


I think glyphs will be fine, I think it would be asking for too much for each race to have their own bird.

An owl and raven glyph would be good too.

Owl, raven, falcon and hawk glyphs.

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It means youā€™re doing irrelevant content, sure. A lot of people seem to take that as an insult.

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Yea im happy for you guys, your voice matters


What do you mean ā€œyouā€ people? HUH!! :laughing:


That is true as well.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Everyone is stuck with the eagle though

No, the rework is still happening. Just as it was originally announced. Only difference is thereā€™s now going to be a talent where players can take pets in exchange for losing dps. Clearly, you didnā€™t read (or maybe didnā€™t understand) the notes. Balance for MM will be based around the LW baseline spec, not having a pet out.

Honestly, itā€™s basically a win/win scenario that hilariously upsets people that for some reason donā€™t want anyone to have a pet, even though it wonā€™t affect their gameplay.


Congratulations! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


/shrug I think anyone counting on Blizz NOT taking into account MM can swap one talent point and get a full pet when they are balancing the rest of the spec is being naĆÆve. Of course that is going to factor into how the MM tree gets balanced.

For the folks that wanted to keep their pet, great! Glad you got what you wanted.

You canā€™t swap talents mid fight, no group is going to want a 10% or more dps loss from a player to have that pet out, and MM is still getting all of the abilities and utility without the pet that was originally announced. Thereā€™s literally no reason to balance around a pet being out.

The fight for a pet was mostly solo players and RPers.


I feel they should just scrap the re-work after caving in, or make pets do 0 damage and are just there for looks

IDK, I am just disappointed

Youā€™ve mentioned this, but not why you are disappointed.

We all know that isnā€™t how Blizz balances things. They donā€™t balance classes/specs/talents in a vacuum. Who knows, maybe this one time they will Iā€™m just saying not to be surprised if they donā€™t.

They balance around group content. MM hunter wonā€™t have a pet out in groups.

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Why are you disappointed? Seriously, what is the major malfunction here? All the changes are still being made, they just added an option to use a pet IF you want one.

If anything, this is a major boon for hunters.


Not being able to keep rubbing it into other sides face .Seems like main reason.


Thatā€™s cool. I only ever play BM hunt but never thought it fair that that some of the others here who play MM as their fav spec lose something that has been with them since they started playing their toons.

I have hated the holy power system for paladins since the day it first came out back in original Cata for every spec I hate it and I know Iā€™m not the only one. Itā€™s just because Blizzard does not like a free casting paladin. Want paladin Holy system GONE and DK rune system back.

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