MM Hunters get to KEEP their pets!

Yeah, the 1% can. Not the other 99% on a world content designed to have a 100% Success Rate.

Getting XP with kiting max level elites to be killed by Town NPC’s was stopped in Classic. I was caught abusing this Hunter advantage in Classic-Beta.

Yes, but not in the way you think and not in a good way.

Given we have armory data that shows the majority of characters have timed a mythic plus at max level where are you getting your imagined numbers from?

I saw a lot of “MM Hunter literally can’t do anything solo content wise without a pet to tank for them” and aside from that being an extreme skill issue on your part, which invalidates anything you have to say on tuning and balancing, how do you think every single other class in the game without a pet manages to do solo content?

I am sad now

User feedback isn’t valuable only if it’s well articulated :joy:

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I would settle for any sort of feedback that doesn’t look like outright, feet stomping and whining :rofl:

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Fair lol. /10char

This really is such a relief. I totally expected to abandon my MM hunter, who I main. Just hoping I’ll still be able to use them effectively as a tank in solo content.


Meh. I think MM needs a stronger design direction.

I think your bias is showing. But I’m also biased and I saw majority of posts about this were constructive. Things started going downhill when anti-pet curmudgeons started up being snarky and rude.
Glad this is over.


But they are still doing a rework for MM for 11.1, so most of the changes they were going to make are still there regarding bloodlust being baseline. Having a pet out is not the default and requires one optional talent point. It’s still a big win for both sides.

If they had never mentioned taking the pet away, most mm hunters would have been happy for the rework. Now the pets vs. Lone wolf hunters are going to be feuding forever.


Which, oddly enough, I saw and am currently seeing more of from the anti-pet side of things. Food for thought.

  1. MM Hunter can do Solo content without a pet. But when it gets tough, MM Hunter would need a Pet to make a very tough content easier.
  2. MM Hunters has played with their Pet on the open world since the beginning. And you are trying to change them into a Petless Mage after 20 years of WoW.
  3. Petless MM in Raids and Dungeons are perfectly fine as somebody is doing the Tank for them. On PvE World, there are Super Tough mob/s where a Petless MM could die first before he would be able to kill them. On this scenario, MM wants to be unkillable even with the toughest mobs. And he could do this with a Pet. Yes, he would have lower damage but he could revive the Pet endlessly until all those Tough mobs are dead.

Remember Hunters played Range since the beginning. They Mastered how to kite and kill melee enemies from Range. Then in Legion, you made Survival a freaking Melee? I mastered kiting and killing melees from Range for many Expansions and you turned them to become melee. Survival to me is still the biggest mistake that happened in WoW.

And you want to do the same on MM… to make it become a Mage? Well, I was silent back then. Now, I am vocal becoz I don’t want my favorite Class/specs to be ruined.


Exactly how it should be, if you gimp yourself and others by intentionally playing wrong it shouldn’t be rewarded.

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Ideally, they should be capable of balancing both, but Blizzard’s track record for class balance isn’t exactly stellar.

My bias against whiners? I would hope folks were finally picking up on that. Although, I somehow feel bad for Blizz caving to them. But, this news is outdated. MM keeps their pets and the world for Role players keeps spinning.

Maybe so but based off how it’s been they either can’t, don’t or won’t so I stand by that if you are gonna play wrong then it being somewhat punishing potentially makes total sense.

At this point, anyone using a pet while playing MM is probably not worried about the meta, so they’ll just keep doing what they’re doing. :man_shrugging: They get to keep their preferred playstyle while everyone else gets to min/max. Everyone wins.


I wonder if it will be like that since I seen more than a few posts about auto vote kicking people like that from any type of group content last night and I can totally see it happening because it’s basically like painting a target on your back that you play wrong.