MM Hunters get to KEEP their pets!

That’s a pretty shallow slope if mm has had pets removed and added back 3 times over the course of your momentum.

True, true.

Ironic that people that supposedly care about meta game play are arguing in favor of specs like Survival and Outlaw that are not meta and sub optimal.

But the truth eventually comes out and when the light reaches them they scatter like creatures of night that they are indeed!

This is why feedback and truth matters in the end ladies and gentlemen!


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

English isn’t your first language I see. Here it is to be more clear. To have a pet you need to talent into it as marks man. You are petless

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They can not handle the truth.

Feedback matters and this is why BlizZard listened to the MM hunter community. So they can listen to Survival hunter community as well.

An easy win for BlizZard is to undo the damage done with Survival and Outlaw.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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You do know they’re baking in lone wolf into the spec now…right?

Just swinging by to “like” these posts and say “thank you” all around! I do appreciate it when our feedback is acknowledged and factored into the decision-making process!

A big thank-you from Abby, too! :heart:


Thank you as well and you are a valued member of the WoW community.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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The only people not handling the truth is Kalriis.


Preach it!!! :facepunch:t2:

Really? Yeah that is kind of the point, they were going to finally take a look at balancing it properly and MM’s all lost their minds over it. So you are correct, they aren’t going to start now.

Personally I am fine remaining BM, I’ve played it since 2004 and don’t intend to change anyway. I’m just saying moving forward MM doesn’t have any real room to complain about lacking utility or defensives or even dps. You had your chance for a rework and you rejected it. Best of luck.

I don’t agree. It’s not whining, it’s frustrating to see an unnecessary change.

I’ve kept the same position on this subject…why change when bugs still exist?

So, if whining was really a thing…bugs would be fixed.

Who doesn’t do World content? Everyone does this content even Mythic Raiders.

I remember when I started playing Hunters way back in TBC, I was SOLOING Fel Reavers when most players use 5-man group to kill it. How did I do it? Becoz I am almost unkillable.

The funny part about all of this is 99% of the people who wanted pets for MM will never have their pets out lol

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you mean, the one that got locked and unlisted :rofl::rofl::rofl: I can’t believe people are still going on about this topic. It’s done it’s over they’ve moved on from it and they caved into the whiners to let them keep their pets. :joy:

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Really they should just drop the changes all together. Keep MM as it is today, maybe even get rid of Lone Wolf and let the spec be built around having a pet.

Then add a 4th rogue spec built from the ground up to be ranged weapon dps spec for people that want to play the archer/ranger theme.


Mythic raiders usually do world content not by choice.

Because world content is designed to have a 100% success rate. If you die its because you arent good.

Yeah no.

Lets not make MM completely unplayable

Blizz has already stated they arent doing 4th specs

What are you talking about, stick poking spec is top for m+.

Yeah, around 99% weren’t good as nobody could handle Fel Reaver solo except rare Hunters in TBC. I am not talking about level 80 TWW toons facerolling everything in Outlands.

Considering people kited fell reavers to shat all the time lol.