i like that this whole argument is “Survival hunters arent overall popular as a class and few people play them”
“Survival hunters are a strong class and are performing well”
as if these two conversations are somehow mutually exclusive.
i like that this whole argument is “Survival hunters arent overall popular as a class and few people play them”
“Survival hunters are a strong class and are performing well”
as if these two conversations are somehow mutually exclusive.
Based on what data?
IO is insanely accurate and updated constantly.
And hitting the “max level” button on your own source also disproves your statement of it being bottom 4.
You are just looking for it to be the worst, so of course you are finding data to back that up.
Its because he claimed they arent performing well. I am not disagreeing that SV isnt a super popular spec.
But it’s true. SV is not a popular spec and has not been since Legion. It was dead last for several expansions because of how janky and bad it feels. Even now, it’s the 4th least played spec.
It needs to be reverted. If MM can cry and get what they want, then fair is fair, there was far more outrage over SV changes and we were ignored. Well, maybe it’s time to screech again and get it fixed.
I just linked you data. You ignored it.
That’s on you.
Someone who is pushing higher content is going to have a more homogeneous talent build the further up they go to optimize dps. That’s true for any class or spec.
Having a pet out is suboptimal for dps, but may be optimal for survivability. It depends how you want to play the game and the content you do. I personally opt into Camoflauge even though I don’t see a lot of MM hunters using it. If I lose dps because of Camo it doesn’t matter to me because it’s a core part of how I like to play the spec.
Since lust is now going to be baked into baseline for MM, I think it got the rework it needed. Also I like the eagle screech idea instead of actually seeing an eagle.
You mean you ignored it because it disproves your nonsense?
Like I said. Hit “max level” on your own source and watch what happens lol.
Quiver is coooooooking
Makes me said to not be a fellow hunter main next tier
I Think the fundamental difference is that, in the end, blizz doesnt have to balance the pet because they still get what they want, and the pet is a tacked on afterthought effectively.
Whereas doing that with survival would mean balancing it around both pro-ranged and pro-melee (With the later being the class design blizzard WANTS it to be so it can be rexxar, who really should have been the BM hero, but eh), the later would take a lot more design work and by your own words, survival doesnt have a large playerbase so theirs just not enough voices to get the boat rocking enough for that change to happen.
your welcome to try though.
You linked data for Mythic +.
I linked overall data. You ignored that because I assume you only think in terms of Mythic. I do not. Most players do not play Mythic. Which is why SV hunter is still one of THE least played specs.
It’s garbage. Sorry you love garbage, but the majority agrees with me: it’s garbage.
What’s really funny is a weapon dropped from arakara earlier and I’ve been messing around with surv.
It’s actually pretty insane. I might stick with it the rest of the patch.
They can keep the garbage spec for the 4th spec and all 5 people who play it can be happy about it. I do intend to keep pushing for old SV because if MM gets what they want, fair is fair. There was a FAR bigger outcry pre-Legion when the SV changes were announced and we got ignored. That’s a slap in the face.
Was never a non-issue
Have at the trash spec for all I care. It still doesn’t make you right only gleaning Mythic data vs overall general population data.
Lol thats SVs bis as well. I cant seem to get it in vault.
I have been playing SV more this tier than normal because its pretty fun.
Yeah why would irrelevant data that means nothing (which ironically also proves you wrong)
I know this is a very serious topic and discussion, but I’m imagining a Magmoth or Hydra being pulled in, makes the eagle screeching noise while dropping out of thin air, attacks the target, and then flies back off into the sky and disappears.
? Literally survival hunters, which is nothing like how they were prelegion and shadow priests, also changed fundamentally in legion.
Yes, because it gives a good measure of what people are playing, and accurately. Most sites aren’t kept up to date.
Yes. From lvl 10-80 lol.
And like I’ve said several times, hitting that max level button tells a different story than the one you are trying to push.
But because it doesn’t back up what you want, you ignore that data and mine.
Most, no. However… that sample size is from 39 MILLION lol.
I’d say that’s a decent number to base stats off of.
Tbh the only thing garbage here is whatever nonsense you are pushing.
But clearly this is pointless because you ignore anything that refutes what you are saying.
Who in their right mind looks at overall?
At most, you should look at max level.
And it’s only trash because you see it that way. Hello subjective opinion.
And you are talking to an og surv main.
Yea I haven’t been able to get into it since SL. DF it wasn’t fun at all. But they clearly did something right with TWW.
I’m just annoyed I can’t get sacbrood to drop lol.
I got my skardyns…
SAME, I tried it a couple times in SL and DF and wasnt a HUGE fan
but then I tried it in WW and its actually pretty fun.
rough man,
We have the data and momentum.
Survival and Outlaw are failed experiments.