Popularity doesnt have anything to do with performance.
You have to take that up with Blizz, however your statement of SV being “bottom of the barrel” is flat out false
Popularity doesnt have anything to do with performance.
You have to take that up with Blizz, however your statement of SV being “bottom of the barrel” is flat out false
You really can’t understand what I was saying? It’s pretty clear. I obviously know to get my pet I spend a talent point lmao
Except MM hunters don’t perform better with pets, yet they cried so Blizzard bent over for them. SV hunters protested all through Legion and were ignored.
We are working on that and also deleting the yahtzee spec known as Outlaw.
But we have made good progress.
Good. Those specs as are belong in a dumpster
Least played specs in the game and they are not even meta.
What does that have to do with SV and your incorrect statement about SV being bottom of the barrel?
TBH it was probably always planned to let MM keep a tank pet.
Ok? Still waiting for relevance to your incorrect statement.
the normal pet causes pathing issues in certain dungeons. you better not mess the dissmiss if youre carrying the pet just for rp purposes
i liked the owl thing idea because it meant less accidental hunter pulls lol
why do they need to, exactly, when the pet is a brazen DPS loss and they’ve announced that’s the intention, and all the utility is built into the MM now?
all they need to do is go “Hey look, the pet is over performing slightly, increase the debuff from the talent point. Okay back to looking at other MM stuff”
Is this a joke? If they didn’t bother to balance it in the past 10 years, they aren’t going to start now. Lone Wolf will stay overtuned even after it is baselined.
But there will be some times that some hunters who are not in a group with a tank player will be willing to sacrifice some fraction of their DPS for aggro control and keeping mobs out of their face (the same way a warlock can choose a voidwalker instead of a higher damage pet), and now, they will stay able to do that if they want to. This will have zero effect on the balance of tightly tuned encounters because those are all designed for groups/raids with tank players anyway.
Happy Mm hunter’s kept the pet!
How about they get rid of Wild Spirits…err I mean Sentinel not because its a bad ability but it shares the same downfall as it did in Shadowlands as soon as it goes out the tank moves the pack and there goes your DPS… I mean come on
if they really wanted to be creative as a SV hunter they should have given the spec the ability to merge with their pet and become a tank and retain some of that pet’s abilities could called it Altered Beast . Would set the spec out and give Hunter more versatility
You claimed changes weren’t based on popularity but performance. I proved you wrong because the ONLY reason MM hunters are keeping their pets is because the change wasn’t popular, not because it gives better performance.
SV was very popular pre-Legion. Now it’s not. And it still doesn’t perform well to boot. It needs to be reverted.
I didnt claim that at all. Can you actually read? I said your statement that SV is bottom of the barrel is false.
You didnt prove anything. You clearly didnt read what I said.
You clearly have no idea what you are talking about
SV is top 9
When played at a 95%
It jumps to 7th
Since legion? I don’t think its working.
But if they did make changes for whatever reason, Im sure y’all would claim victory on that too
It’s the 4th least played spec. That is bottom of the barrel buddy.
ht tps://www.dataforazeroth.com/stats/specs
Sit down, be silent .
Since you missed it the first time.
Rogue is also one of the least popular classes in the game and they have two specs in the top 5 in both.
Literally irrelevant as again popularity doesnt equal performance.
I literally linked you SV being in the top 10 in mythic palace.
Why would I? You are fundamentally wrong and embarrassing yourself.
I really don’t care to get in the middle of y’all arguing, but here is some actual accurate data that immediately disproves this.
That’s just for mythic. I know it’s hard for you kids to understand this, but not everyone is talking about mythic.
Overall, it’s the 4th least played spec in the game, because it’s trash for the majority of players (the majority of players don’t bother with Mythic)