Haste and Mastery at a 1:2 ratio is the meta from all the info I’ve read. If Aimed Shot is too slow, you can’t get it off between your stun+trap setup. It’s mostly just a guideline though, general rule of thumb is if you’re missing traps go for more haste.
Warriors have Hamstring, Leap, Charge x2, Spear of Bastion, Stormbolt.
DK’s have Defile, Grip x2, AOE Grip, pet stun.
Monks have their slow (forget the name), Roll x3, Paralysis, Ring of Peace.
I’m not going to list every melee class, but did you forget melee have gap closers?
You listed everything but also say “etc” like there’s more. Also, if I’m using my entire toolkit on melee, what am I going to use to set up traps on the healer?
And sometimes it can be as easy as pressing disarm.
No need to get bent out of shape. What point were you trying to make? Because from what you were saying, it’s that ranged can kite melee. My counterpoint was melee can close gaps on ranged. It goes both ways.
Not getting bent out of shape… you genuinely seem to just not understand things. You did it with Nas point about dispels too.
MM has the longest range in the game… as well as getting to start in camo…meaning they get the positioning they want, and get to slow you and start max range kiting you off the bat. This puts melee on the back foot instantly. you gap close, they separate… melee runs out before MM hunter does.
We could go over the dozens of comps… but the bottom line is… if MM is losing to melee, the MM is bad. The exception possibly being ferals.
Can you just post when you actually reach a relevant rating where you can discuss what’s broken or not? Lifetime rivals have no validity to talk about what needs to happen in the game.
I understood his point just fine. His point was that it’s not easy to “just disarm” which I’ve clarified several times since then “just disarm” wasn’t my point. I was just saying disarming is a way to help delay/prevent hunter burst. It’s not the absolute end-all be-all answer.
Do you go out of your way to not read things?
I can do it too lol.
Yea, they can start with good positioning, but so can everyone else. Every arena has some kind of pillar. If people are running erratically around the pillar while camo ticks down like they should be, something like binding shot needs to be used to keep them in place. It’s not like I can just stand out in the middle of the map and open on whoever I want free of charge; there is always an exchange of abilities. It also depends on whether it’s a big or small map. Dalaran Sewers or Hook Point are cancer for MM. Tol’Viron and Empyrean Domain are prime time. There are a bunch of other maps, but I feel like those are the best examples of both ends of it, good and bad.
I can agree with this if you’re talking about teams with only 1 melee, but put them against any kind of melee cleave and it’s pretty much game over unless your healer is the best in the business.
edit: Fury Warriors are pretty annoying to kite too. Even 1v1, they always seem to have an answer.
Yes… you’ve shifted it to “it’s an option”… which is like me saying any time someone dies in SS “should of had a button to press, bro” … it’s not helpful, and quite frankly just a goofy thing to say.
cool, in smaller maps people can connect… so there’s a chance to lose… and in big maps you auto win… seems legit.
I’m not shifting to anything. I’ve fought plenty of warriors this season who don’t disarm. It hasn’t been a crazy amount, but it was noticeable enough when I posted my reply.
There really is no shifting my point-of-view. Disarming does help lol.
I think you’re reading too far into what I posted, but you do you.
Something, something, intentionally missing the point, something, something.
One of the things that I like about the rework is that the spec is a tad bit less straightforward. They are nerfing the right things with cast times during cooldowns and crit damage modifiers lost in the rework. They preemptively put PvP mods on pretty much all of the other relevant new talents. Aimed and rapid fire got pre nerfed by 15% on their PvP mods with the patch (did not make any notes, but November 26th updates to 11.0.7 were not ever merged into 11.1.0 ptr and launched at 11.0.5 values, 15% lower).
Once dark ranger gets fixed, that’s probably going to need to be looked at as well, because double precise headshot black arrow on deathblow procs has a chance to be too good. Snipers advantage is a really unhealthy talent and should probably just be deleted.
you kind of did, though… you went from “just disarm them” to a warrior, to a rant about how many melee have the ability to disarm, back to “well I was talking to a warrior”
Which goes to my equating it saying “just press a button” when someone dies. Doesn’t really help anything.
I think it’s more you didn’t think before you posted… but, yea.
what point did I miss here? it’s not like on a smaller map hunters don’t have 2 charges of a defensive… a turtle, a RoS, a heal, or a knock to deal with melee on those maps if they can stick on them more…oh wait…
MS with a specific build doing 50% HP in S1 gear? Flat 25% nerf, who cares about slayer.
Aim shot 1 shotting even in s2 gear? Eh, we’ll very softly tweak a number and see. Also, warrior can still hit hard with spear, so we’ll throw a nerf at that and double kill it.
That’s how conversations work. I was talking to a warrior, and multiple melee classes do have the ability to disarm. I didn’t shift anything; that’s the direction the conversation went.
You clearly lack the ability to have conversations with people. Every response from you has been a passive aggressive insult even though I’ve tried to explain my point-of-view clearly. If all you’re going to do is sling insults, we can be done with the conversation. I’m fine with that.
At this point I really don’t care anymore. All you’re going to do is respond with some stupid insult because you lack basic social skills. So have at it.
There are literally dozens of screenshots of people dying from 100-80ish to 0 in less than 1.5 seconds from 2x aimed shots.
I feel like this is absolutely a strawman argument of “just line, bro”. There are SO many tools that a hunter and his team can use to guarantee those 2 seconds of damage in which realistically only a monk can stop with disarm. And even then, the hunter can outrange or make sure the monk is cc’d.
People absolutely will, but this is often only feasible if the hunter misplays.
Further, assuming the hunter is positioning correctly, using mobility and a trinketable disarm to stop half the duration of an offensive cd is usually going to result in the melee dying more often than not if the hunter is where they should be.
I’m not saying that MM is without counterplay, but disarming an mm hunter in trueshot is significantly less feasible than disarming, say, an enhance shaman on doomwinds.
Anyone defending hunter damage should recieve a 50 year ban. One global that can do 90% of your health in 1 hit is undefendable. “Oh just disarm and cc them” 3 sec later theyll do it to you. Congrats you delayed your death for a whopping (whopper whopper whopper) 3 seconds. Wow such skill.
I mean, the survival hunter 1shot was absurd and mm burst is overtuned, but I feel like neither is as good as bm. Also, the new bm packleader build (ESPECIALLY with tier) is absolutely bananas and even more toxic than dark ranger because it’s even more passive pet damage and less LoS damage globals.