MM hunter one shot ending when?

Yes I came back played 1 round of bg blitz and I’m now returning to the real world :slightly_smiling_face:‍↔


that’s the direction you shifted it. yes.

it’s not an insult if it’s true… and it appears to be.

Also, kind of weird to play the victim while trying to be insulting yourself, yea?

weird thing to say with what you also wrote in this response. Further supports my theory you don’t think before you post.

Its weird that people can agree that a spec needs to be nerfed and y’all still say that people are “justifying” it like that’s a thing. Furthermore, you have a considerable amount of posters with an opinion similar to:

Every time anything positive happens to the spec.

IMO, marks and SV should get a lot of dev attention and it should be a priority for them to work so that hunter exists in the meta. At the same time, BM should always be significantly nerfed because of it’s general kit. You should want people playing the specs that have actual counterplay. Those specs need to be able to kill things in setups or there is no reason to play them over BM or anything else that you can sub into the comp for hunter. This obviously doesn’t mean that the specs should oneshot stuff but I’ve never really felt like the majority opinion of this forum has actually been reasonable on what an appropriate amount of damage for the spec looks like.

What’s crazy is people still prefer the MM meta over BM last season.

Honestly I didn’t read a lot of what you said sorry but I don’t think MM should be a “priority” it’s a horribly designed spec that is extremely unfun to play into. All 20 random bgers who play it doesn’t really justify priority attention.

As a Spriest I immediately hit Fade when I see rapid shot coming my way. In fact I save Fade for MM hunters. No joke you have to be prepared for the Trueshot pain train coming your way.

50% slow, worst in the game, on global, and requires melee range. (Meaning it must be utilized with another one of their gap closers).

You can just press conc shot and they’d never hit you on a 1-1 exchange.

All of these are shorter range than max distance for Hunter.

In to a trap, root, stun, or knock.

Zero reason a warrior should ever connect to a hunter without a large amount of assistance from their team.

Conc shot or your team’s CC.

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"Rock is fine, nerf Scissors

~ Paper"

Any Warrior abilities we need to look at while we’re at it? Or, are you fine with those? I figured.

Brother my mm hunter walks out and immediately dies when bubble is down without causing damage. I was trying to get bg wins on mm last night (i have 2 wins in 2 weeks) i was out dps by disc priests yesterday. Its very reliant on being able to get off aimed shot and when your the target i cant see how to do that

“I just think I should be able to kill everyone with 7m aimed shots and have zero blow back because of that. Anyways here I am trying to sound smug and deflect to warrior CD’s since I can’t figure out that nuking pretty much everyone else from 60 yards away is bad for the game.”

That’s you rn

You were fine when DH were melting people not that long ago. Right? In case you haven’t played the game for a while, this is how WoW works. They are constantly creating FOTM specs, because it creates class hopping, where players jump around for the perceived advantage. You can’t tell me after 20 years they still don’t know how to make all classes equal? They can, but they won’t, because it increases playtime metrics when players jump around. I have been MM forever, we have risen and fallen over and over. Same with most specs. Its on purpose.

Actually repeatedly called for nerfs for them lmao, one of the few DH’s on the forums who DID call them OP repeatedly because I play other things and know how awful they were to queue into.

Nice try on the gotcha though, dumbo.

FOTM cycle isn’t usually making things 100-0 people in 0.4s from 60 yards away where anything short of a hard immunity simply isn’t enough of a response.

PvP is an afterthought to the devs who make brainless changes and leave it because they forget this niche corner of their game exists.

Look at the fire mage changes last week. Frostfire bolt randomly hits significantly less hard for no reason. It’s not like fire mage was running around tuning up people with ffb’s.

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Go check out Drustvar dot com. They have the top 10 for SS, 3v3 and BGB. There is 1, one, uno, MM hunter there. MM is a master spec for random BGs, it has range and performs really well against unorganized teams. You don’t see MM in the Arena World Championships either. Why? Because good players know how to counter MM. They have a small burst window and then they’re left swinging in the wind.

Before MM’s nerf and BM’s buff last season, yes you did see MM hunters in the AWC.


How are you so confidently wrong about things.


Yeah see them lose lol. Launch MM was probably the best the spec has been in 10 years and before that awc it had been an extremely long time.

This isn’t going to work in your favor, man. Hunter is currently split between 2 over tuned specs.

at 2400, there’s 12 BM and 9 MM for a total of 21 hunters represented of the 45 ranged that are 2400. That’s about half the players at 2400 playing hunter.

at 2100, there’s 68 MM and 55 BM for a total of 123 hunters represented of the 430 ranged that are 2100. that’s 1/4th of all players at 2100.

at 1800, there’s 373 MM and 220 BM for a total of 593 hunters represented of 2097 players that are 1800. Again that’s 1/4th of all players.

Hunter specs need looked at. period.


Yeah my bad sorry we just had MM hunters in the top 8 teams in the game.

If you’re seeing them in the AWC then they’ve already won a ton. If you’re seeing a spec in the awc that’s not some one off like Thuganomics playing guardian and losing badly, it’s because is strong and a solid blind pick (like we saw on nagrand numerous times).

Dont be a warrior main and be a whiny victim about the state of your class, it’s unbecoming.


also huh?

If you’re watching an AWC match, which this was in reference to, it’s a top 8 team. Whats hard to understand about that?

“Ermm Hunter lost in a top 8 match despite being chosen as a solid choice into a blind pick because it was so strong at the start of last season. Heh they lost therefore bad!”

Warrior mentality.

I am not on the same tangent you’re on, I guess. Marks never does well in awc even when it’s good in rss or 3s ladder. Very early TWW was the first matches you even saw marks in the tournament for years and it still did not do very well… These are just facts, no idea what you are talking about with the warrior thing.