Hope it helps
I mean… it told me what I already knew… that hunters desperately want their spec to stay busted… which is understandable, I guess.
Tbh rapid fire could heal the target and some people would still call hunter busted because you can’t kick it
You’re almost 400xp higher rated on hunter than any other class you play. And you’re in here going “nah, man… hunter is counterable… it’s pure coincidence I’m so much higher rated as hunter”
Nothing wrong with FotM’n, dude… let’s just not pretend like you’re not reaping it’s benefits.
I am better on my main than my alts yes. I also dont think that I have accomplished any meaningful enough achievements for my record to be any kind of evidence towards any class or spec being good or bad.
keep telling yourself that.
Caster cleave comps just have to line Aimed Shot behind a pillar, they don’t need a disarm. Teams with one caster and one melee, the melee has a disarm most of the time because it will be something like a Warrior, Monk, or Rogue with the caster. Double melee cleaves almost always have a Warrior on them; War+Ret, War+WW, War+Enh, War+DK, etc. The ones that don’t have a Warrior on them have a WW on them; WW+Ret, WW+Enh, WW+DK, WW+DH, etc.
In what world do you think people aren’t going to use their toolkit to stop a burst?
War can leap+disarm, charge+disarm, stormbolt+literally run into melee+disarm. Rogues can shadowstep+disarm, sprint+disarm.
You’re saying that like you don’t try to purge combust. Imagine not doing anything to prevent a burst and then complaining about a burst.
It’s not only about preventing the burst, it’s about delaying it until your healer is out of CC. If you’re able to prevent it, awesome. If you can’t though, you have to do what you can until you’re safe. Pressing disarm while your healer is CC’d and a hunter is bursting is a nice cushion for that.
This goes both ways… hunters can do the same to casters… at the end of the day shots are going to go off… and they hit too hard right now… rapid fire also goes throuhg pillars still.
This isn’t always feasable. Those classes need to use those abilities to close the distance and do dmg as well… not just waddle at someone eating dmg because they need to save their gap closer incase a hunter pops cd… This could force healer cds without the hunter even pressing anything.
How is this what you got from that? He’s simply pointing out it isn’t always feasible to get the combust… by the time purge hits it, the dmg could be done… same with a disarm… by the time you’re able to get it off “sat stun, roots, no gap closer because you needed them earlier ect ect…” the dmg could be done.
Also, stop hiding on a classic to defend a broken spec… at least get on a main and show us what you’re doing in retail. I have a feeling I already know though.
You can’t purge combust any more btw
And I was simply pointing out that it’s always worth trying to stop a burst, whether it’s Combust or Trueshot or whatever.
My main is Perd on Thrall realm. The alt I’ve been playing this season is Abow on Stormrage realm. I’m not hiding anything. They’re both like 2000-2100 in shuffle, nothing special at all. My other alts that I haven’t played this season are Abow on Thrall realm and Abow on Tichondrius realm.
Those are my hunters.
I have like 20 other alts that aren’t hunters. I don’t really feel like listing them all, but if you REALLY want them, just ask.
This I didn’t know. That sucks.
It’s been since November 2022
MM Hunter is very fun to play and is the easiest class I have ever played that consistantly and almost effortlessly tops charts in just green pvp gear.
In fact, it’s the only class I’ve ever played where it is so easy I feel embarrassed sometimes.
My hunter(s) as a result tend to end up deleted.
We can tell you’re desperate attempt to dodge a broken MM nerf because you rely on the class being broken to get any rating. BM isn’t any better, but you’re not fooling anyone with your class lol.
Pet stun and trap should have a melee yard range… to take more skill to actually land a trap, not this pet stun across the map and lob it. No risk to reward.
And maybe make some abilities act as if they are a cast and can be interrupted since not many classes have access to a disarm especially at the range they have while running around at Mach 10 speed across the map.
Their range is crazy too! with mastery, they get like 50-60 yrd range… which makes “just disarm them” even less feasible.
They are fun to play. I understand why people play em.
Nothing that I post on this forum is going to have any impact on spec tuning. I am pretty confident of that. Idk why every single post has to be preempted with a “yes this spec needs to get nerfed”. Like can y’all just read the 50 posts that I’ve made showing where nerfs need to be first?
It’s 48 yards, and that’s stacking full mastery which isn’t the meta, but I understand your point. That being said, most melee are in melee range when fighting people, or at least <20 yards away because no one just stands still while getting kited. Melee classes will use their toolkit to get in range, just like ranged classes will use their toolkit to stay out of melee.
edit to add: Stacking mastery makes aimed shot a 2.4 second cast. Do with that info what you will, but a melee can run a long distance with their toolkit in 2 seconds to get that disarm off. Aimed shot can only be cast while moving when Cheetah is active while using the Aspect of the Fox honor talent. They have to stand still for their 2.4 second cast most of the time.
And I wasn’t trying to sound ignorant when saying to disarm them. It definitely does help reduce the immediate burst though. I know it’s not as simple as “just disarm them” but balancing the game isn’t as easy as “nerf this class” either. There are two other people on the team, disarm can’t be the only preventative measure. Since OP is a Warrior, and I’ve fought several Warriors who don’t disarm, I figured offering the suggestion of disarming during MM Hunter CDs was relevant.
Stacking mastery is the meta though… and as people get full conq gear, it’ll get even crazier.
But they are getting kited. MM has hero tree root, tar trap, binding shot, conq, masters call, disengage, scatter a gap clser if need… ect ect…
There’s 2 other teammates for the hunter as well… that’s helping him kite, landing stuns so he can spam dmg ect. That goes both ways.
Sometimes it can be.
Could nerf the damage by half and would still be broken, hardly a nerf.