MM hunter one shot ending when?

This cancer keeps coming back every expansion


When you learn to press a cooldown


Agree, I leveled up MM hunter, geared him, it’s very nice to play, massive damage, good mobolity, CC, but at the same time it is quite vulnerable and has many of his own minuses, now, the main thing is to understand at what time you need to press CDs against him.

I am also very surprised by the players who don’t play against me in the arena and allow me to just free shoot at them.

Press disarm when the hunter presses Volley. Press disarm when the hunter presses Trueshot. Those two spells apply double tap. It’s passive now, which makes it more easily countered. Just disarm them.

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Ahh, yes, the button that every class has and will be in range of hunters to use… which also lasts longer than double tap and trueshot…

Wait a second…


On Tuesday when crit damage bonus from unnering vision and the procced cast time of aimed shot are nerfed

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Also I was surprised that I could use Scatter Shot while disarmed…

I think this is why the tensile bowstring nerf is happening too. Improved streamline is already .5 in PvP. If that + bowstring were at full value at the same time, based aimed cast is -90% in trueshot, which is why the talent isn’t used much in pve - it becomes unhelpful because of gcd cap and what not.

However even 75% in trueshot as a result of nerfed imp sl and unnerfed bowstring is too much if the theme of the spec is supposed to be very hard hitting aimed shots that you don’t use as often, that are harder to get off. Teams with multiple ranged disarms and lots of micro ccs will have an easier time stopping and winning against marks than the other hunter specs when you are at most getting 40/50/60 off aimed. However all of your damage happens in those setup moments, so it’s gotta be a balance of the damage still being high enough to work while also slow enough to stop by the things designed to be able to stop it.

IMO the other thing that needs to be looked at is snipers advantage. Being able to get sniper shot range on the same buttons that give you double tap is cracked. Cheetah talents vs melee teams are mandatory but in matchups where you can get away with it, being able to instantly or off global just begin a burst from across one of the large maps is insane. That kind of thing was arguably overpowered even when you had to get a long cast time off to accomplish it.


The other thing that I hope gets looked at is marks roar of sacrifice. Many players aren’t using it atm because it removes your ability to apply marks, which is huge, and also it’s making the hunter the target of the 20% shared damage component of the spell. I would rather not have out of line intimidation and have usable ros, or something other than ros.

I was replying to a Warrior. I never said every class has a disarm. :joy:

Since you brought it up though, the first 3 classes that come to mind are Warrior, Monk, Rogue. All 3 of which are extremely popular in arenas right now. Having a disarm on your team is extremely likely, whether it’s from one of those classes, from a Druid via Faerie Fire, or SV Hunter via Sticky Tar Bomb. Those are the only examples that come to mind. I’m sure if I looked into it, I could find more disarms.

But like I said, I was replying to a Warrior, and Warriors 100% have a disarm.

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Can’t be serious to defend that spec bro.

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I think there are a number of meta comps that don’t have access to those and, of the ones that do, you can always just stun and kill the guy with the disarm, no?

Further, in what world are you in range of getting disarmed by anything other than a monk?

I understand who you were replying to, but saying “just disarm it bro” is rarely feasible and strawman argument.

This is like when fire mages would have 8 buffs and go, “just purge combust, man!”


simple fix

bring back hunter deadzones and minimum range

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Moonkin monk and SV all have ranged disarms and with correct positioning, the marks has to be in range during its go where you can stop it. More or less same thing with rogues and sometimes warriors depending on what partner the warrior has. Rogue + another melee or war + another melee should just tunnel the marks hunter bc it can’t perma kite both and by nature of you both using stops during ts/volley, you’re going to stop a ton of damage. Moonkin rogue or monk moonkin can stop a ton of damage. It’s fine to not swap off marks during sotf and just kill through.

Big thing is positioning. Getting caught stacked in the open is lights out and tbh it should be. If we want a non BM meta hunter spec that works, marks does actually need to be able to kill stuff in its setups. Surv and marks are likely to get PvE +tuning, so we’ll see what happens to pvp mods once tomorrow’s nerfs and future pve changes happen.

Worst idea ever

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Sure if I also get viper sting back

I miss snake trap just because it was cool looking. Same with stampede. Just visually cool.


This is only true for Shunter sticky bomb. MM has 40 yrd range on their abilities. moonkin disarm is 30, monks is 20. even with survival, they’d have to be not in a stun… and if we’re being honest, we won’t be seeing many shunters anyways… not when bm and mm are so good.

I’m sure everyone in this threads appreciates your essential “get gud” response, though…

“my spec isn’t broke… just play better”


If you play in a spot where you’re wide open in the hunter’s line while it’s 40 yards away then that is really bad positioning. You have the benefit of line of sight when hunter is far away, which makes it push in to you where you can disarm it or use other shorter range micro ccs. If you’re going hunter then not a problem.

Also if you read the rest of my posts, I’m very critical of marks. I spent a pretty good amount of time on the PTR calling most of this stuff out. I’m unaware of anyone else who has dug through the spelldata in github to show people where pvp mods were lost or removed in the rework. It is obviously overtuned and the stuff that they’re doing to fix it is changing the right things. The spec is quite different from previous iterations and a lot of my point here is to try and help people who don’t know which things to stop because why would you if you also don’t play marks hunter.

thanks for further adding to your “git gud” post, bro.