MM hunter boring C tier trash

Race changing/server changing does briefly fix it. Not sure what causes it to occur.

Regardless careful aim is bugged as well. See screenshots here to see the numbers in action when its bugged

Here is the careful aim bug report

I’m often at 86k tooltip with full mastery on and trueshot/on use badge on and plunking 36k aimshot on someone at full HP and no defensives yet. Its brutal. Thats on cloth, plate you see the damage dropoff to 20k something and and as low as 8-10k with defensives/pain sup on

War in D stance with pain sup is like 8k aimshots all day lol

Current hunter builds are just broken vs low armor classes honestly, and still do stupid dmg vs plate because of explosive. Calling MM C tier is hilarious to me.

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When MM isn’t doing gimpy bugged damage I’d agree its pretty oppressive and broken into mages. Rn with its aimshot/careful aim bug its rather mild

i stop playing and mm gets seemingly pretty massive bugs interesting