MM hunter boring C tier trash

Literally been in the shadow of BM and Survival for years. At least it had fun combos in Shadowlands.

Bring back double tap. Who the hell would willingly play MM to push rating except the diehard MM mains that have been playing it for 10 years?

Current MM is fun af


It is fun and good.


dude doesn’t like 60% hp rapid fires or… lol

He wants 120% DT rapidfires back so he can global out of stealth.


Hunter was a completely new class when they changed it to focus instead of mana in Cataclysm. It was completely remade going into WoD when traps became instant. It was remade again going into Legion. It was then remade into the iteration that it is now going into BFA. This version of marks has had the same problems since it’s inception, and it’s super volatile and polarizing.

WoD and Legion aimed shots were designed in such a way where you’d get a lot more of them off, but each individual shot did less damage (relatively to the meta) than they do now. They also had better kiting and cc/stop potential than now while also having tools like the dodge talent in legion that helped against melee. The need to plant and cast aimed while still being paper thin is what renders it less effective than BM, because you can accomplish peak damage as BM while moving and/or in Africa, where melee do not risk much running you down in africa as marks.

Iterations of MM that worked in WoD and Legion were not oneshot specs. They were heavy consistent damage specs that you had to respect in terms of map utilization. You weren’t going to get oneshot, but you more or less had a timer for how long you could stand in line/range of it unmolested before it started to overwhelm your healer. This played well with the general hunter comp philosophy revolving around momentum.

This iteration of marks is stuck in a place where it really does need to be able to body something in a singular setup or it’s just worthless because it cannot kite like BM and does not reliably put out sustain like BM does. It’s also hamstrung in terms of power budget with things like ranger’s finesse and sniper shot which are not super useful in arena but super annoying in world pvp and random battlegrounds where you can make a lot of use out of +range on abilities.

All of that being said, you’re going to see a lot of complaints about marks next season as soon as people start getting tier, because the 2 set makes arcane/chim/multi proc deathblow at an 8% rate, and the 4 set buffs killshot. You will see people just running around spamming those fishing for deathblow and lnl procs. You’ll also be able to run windrunner’s and cts/unnerring at the same time, and since RoS moved to the hunter tree, you’ll be able to pick up trueshot mastery. The combination of windrunner’s and trueshot mastery may be enough by themselves to keep you in trueshot super often while also getting use out of unnerring. Unnerring may not be super useful given the crit nerf though, and swapping it out for calling the shots will keep you in trueshot even longer. I think next season will be interesting for marks.


My MM is 1600 and pushing to 1800 right now for the mog. Last class for the season. When i get good lobbies people leave and the ret/warrior lobbies they just focus me. I can tell you its rough but not impossible.

Find it weird that people enjoy the current iteration of MM. Feels awful, but to each their own.

WTB MoP MM. Rapid Fire is boring and is frustrating to be on the receiving end of.


MM is a blast in Rated and Random BGs, but it dies out and feels awful in arena due to the prevalence of Ret and War cleaves which have a phenomenal toolkit against it. Their toolkit in particular can almost completely shut down every Marks setup with little planning. Not to mention MM is one of the few specs that struggles against armored targets.

If ret and warriors weren’t the vast majority of queues, or some changes made to certain CDs/ability combos, you’d probably see a lot of hunters moving from BM to MM.

faced 3 mm hunters in a bg today. holy smokes never been such a salty boy :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

meanwhile in bgs

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I leveld a DH alt and the bgs i was in getting my free blues was all rets and mm hunters and i was just constantly getting globaled…

it aint c tier in RBG lol

No one gonna mention that hunter MM aimed shot bugged for like half of hunters x-)? that might be one reason it feels bad

We need to round up those bugged hunters and see what they have in common.

Are they all gnomes? dwarves? I have no issue on my mighty Tauren hunter.

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Therse been forum posts for well over a months and tweets from blizzcon hunter etc… I dont think the forum figuring out whats wrong will make them fix it. It seems they arent fixing it for some other reason like; not caring.

Feels pretty good in bg’s, definitely pales in comparison to Cata and MoP MM though.

It can definitely feel rough in arena getting ran down by cleaves and trying to get stand there and get damage out.

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what bug? i havent qd

You’re right. It’s worse. Lol

It’s speculated switching to SV from MM has an odd interaction with Aim Shot that more or less permanently bugs it’s reducing its damage by like 50%. You have to delete and restore your character to fix it. At least that’s what I remember from a month or two ago when a few people started talking about it