Misunderstanding about level squish

This is COMPLETELY JUST A HYPOTHETICAL, but they could sort of squish it like professions. Leveling 1-60 is as it is now, but after that, you can level in any xpac that you want. So Legion will be Legion 1-10, BfA will be BfA 1-10, etc.

I’m sure there are lots of other alternatives to this hypothetical issue, but that doesn’t make it any less hypothetical or unconfirmed.

And then at that point nobody said anything because they thought it was gonna be accepted. Seems logical to me let’s just roll over and let it happen I guess you’re right.

Let what happen?

Your idea of how you think level squish is gonna turn out?

I’m all for voicing your opinion but it seems to me you’ve gotten to the point of dang near believing every word you type is true and will happen


Blizz is gonna accidentally and irreparably bump us all down to level 1 when they do this squish.

Leveling has to be fixed, this is the best way to do it, IF they do it correctly. A vast number of zones have become useless in the game. They can become useful again if they do the scaling correct. You can’t expect to bring new players into this game and give them 120+ levels to gain with no real power increases.

Leveling right now isn’t fun.

Giving power boosts as you level, but making less levels makes perfect sense to me, as long as it’s done correctly.

We currently have no information on how its being done so discussion should be kept to, “this is how i would like it” or “this should absolutely not be part of how it’s done” in my opinion.


As it stands right now you get a new ability every 40 levels or 20 levels… no different to old players sure since it will take the same time but the mental effect of “you have to wait 42 levels before you can interrupt” will put off some people.

Not to mention it is undoubtedly the case that a squish would also make them reconsider what abilities you get and when you get them so the return of old abilities to fill the gaps is inevitable and the best chance at a un-pruning we have had in years.

put it this way, if I told you you owed me

1,432,844 сўм

Which one of those currencies would make you crap your pants more to owe it? Well they are all the same amount of money and that’s my point, to an outsider the unfamiliar and larger numbers look more daunting and scares players away and that is the main point behind a level squish.

This is basically saying that all new players are uninformed and big numbers scare them. I mean ASSUMING you’re right and applying this basic mentality to people who have played the game for a long time how do you justify them having to reearn the levels they’ve already earned? Assuming of course that the levels will eventually increase since more expansions will come out.

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You have to admit that logging in on patch day and trying to level a new character and seeing that it’s going to take double the amount of time per level as it does now is going to shock some people. In the scheme of things you’re right, it’s the same thing. From the survey questions we have seen, it looks like they are toying with anywhere from 90 - 120 hours average to level from 1 - max level in the next xpac. That seems like a range that matches what it takes currently, although you will have those that did it really fast (under 75 hours) using full heirlooms and other XP buffs, but I don’t think they are considering that.

There is no real justification for re-gaining what you had, just like there is no justification behind stat squishes only for the power you hasd to be brought back slowly.

Personally I would be all for getting rid of levels entirely, the scaling in this game is so anti-progress that you don’t gain any power from 1-120 and even after hitting 120 you need to get to 350 ilvl before you can start to feel some power gain. 1-120 350 ilvl might as well not even exist because of what they have done to the game.

I think the less levels there are the better, preferably none.

By your logic being 120 is also an illusion, so who cares?


You can’t have none because so many things are tied to it. So basically there is no justification. The stat squishes can be put behind your mind more because you’re overall actually stronger. For example when you step in ulduar you will guarantee melt everything. When you’re 120 and the next day you’re 60 and the next expansion announces you can be 70. That’s something else entirely. It sounds like a bigger step back than your damage numbers going down but relatively being the same. Also this is going by your basic mentality that people see big numbers they get scared.

That’s what it might start out as, but when people complain that it takes too long to get levels (as we all know they would) and Blizz caves and reduces xp needed, it would effectively nullify the hard work that everyone had put in previously and we would have just lost 60 levels. I earned all 120 levels on 16 chars now and Blizz is not taking them back if they want to keep a customer like me (of over a decade) around! Not to mention that it would ultimately undermine their /played business model. The idea is stupid. Make levels more rewarding: YES. Level squish because big scary numbers: GTHOH.

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Being 120 and becoming 60 the next day and being disappointed by it because you LOST levels is a more real factor than advocating for the squish thinking that it will be shorter when it’s really not.


This is really not correct. I would focus less on the level number itself and more on the time aspect of it. Your current 120 character might be level 60, but that really encompasses all of the xpacs and time spent at 120 as well. I would guess that old raid content would also be scaled down with level, it would have to be. It would be essentially the same thing but it would look awfully weird is all.

You aren’t losing levels. You’re not playing BC, Wrath, Cata over again, it’s just on a different scale. People really have a hard time with this concept?


This argument literally goes the same way around when people say 120 is such a big number. Like literally it’s the same argument. People really have a hard time with this concept? It isn’t the fact that you’re gonna have to do those again but you literally LOST more than what you gained by doing the thing in the first place nothing of value will be gained just LOST and even if it’s sentimental it was still lost.

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Personally I don’t care how many levels there are, I just don’t get how people can’t understand that the SCALING is actually scaling. The only thing you are losing is the number next to your character. It’s still there, it just represents something different.

The only thing you are losing is a number next to your character. IF you say to someone, hey remember when I leveled to 70 in BC? That was a WILD time…they will still know what you mean. The rest is just semantics about the number on your nameplate.

I’m sure they are going to break all kinds of things though, which is another discussion. So can I solo ICC at 25 now? Or…yea I have no idea. But you aren’t actually LOSING anything more than you would have with a stat squish.


Read what I said fam. Instead of doing the squish and giving an artificial feeling of gaining something when you level even though each level will take 10 times longer. How about uhhh I don’t know

Revamp the ability system and talents so that we get something every level on the way to 120 that’s actually meaningful and real not artificial.

I like how when it’s just an arbitrary number going from 120 to 60 is a horrible thing in the example he just used yet earlier on he was saying ,“So either 3 digit numbers just scare you or you actually thought this would drastically change the game.” Which one is it? It can’t be the boogeyman when you want to spin it as a bad thing but a nonfactor when you want to spin it by saying it won’t reduce leveling time.

In the end, a level in an RPG means a significant power increase. Such a power increase that they change the rank next to your class to indicate you’re much stronger now than you used to be. In WoW they’ve taken a lot of that away and most of those levels are just filler. The entire point is not to reduce leveling time (though to be fair I wouldn’t mind that at all), the point is to make a level feel like it’s supposed to in an RPG such that when you get one it matters. That’s not an illusion.

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Right, and with less levels, the increase in relative power, even if it’s a smaller number, would feel better than it does now. Exactly.