Misunderstanding about level squish

Wowhead is not Blizzard.

If you read the article, you’ll see Wowhead’s source for the level squish confirmation is some random guy on reddit.

The quotes in the article attributed to Ion do not confirm a level squish.


More acceptable in my view. Getting a bunch of levels for kicking rocks is dumb.


I like your comments up and down this thread, the OP is ridiculous. You are literally stating that blizzard, the people who make the decisions of the game, have not come out with any type of official statement saying how they’re going to go about this proposed level squish.

Meanwhile the OP already “knows” what’s gonna happen it’s gonna stay the same or take even longer to hit max level

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I would put my bets on it just being a number change. This honestly gives them more wiggle room to even extend the leveling process more because all new metrics based on a lower max goal. Pretty sneaky if done right.

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So you’re saying unless there’s a blue blizzard post you’re not going to believe it. Why’d you even post? You obviously don’t even think it’s a thing like at all so why bother? You couldn’t even address the same thing I’ve been saying to you this whole time.

Agree with everything you said, and don’t forget it is also a ninja nerf to our power/progression. A 120 equivalent will no longer be able to one shot pandaria and WoD mobs for example.

Levels take so long as it is, this is going to make it feel literally double as long.


mobs will get their levels squished also. What orifice are you pulling your “speculation” from?


You’re spreading misinformation. You claim a thing is definitely happening (but you can’t confirm it) and you claim to know how it will be implemented (but you don’t).

You made a thread that is not useful or helpful. But some people might believe it. I posted to make sure people realized you have no idea what you are talking about.

I have no idea what you are talking about.


the fact that the number squish we had at the end of legion was NOT just a number squish, we were all MUCH weaker than we were vs mobs, dungeons, raids etc than prior to it. And exactly the same thing happened in WoD with that squish too.

Thats where I am pulling this from, cold hard facts that we all had to suffer through before because of this maniacal dev

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I agree but it did balance out. Not saying it didn’t feel like Blizz rushed into it, but it did pan out eventually with only a few things still needing tweeking.

something I could see blizzard doing is possibly removing xp from world treasures, and toning down the xp we receive from doing legion invasions.

being able to cheese through 90-110 by collecting warlord treasures and logging in each day for legion invasions, is something they probably wish didn’t exist.

no it didn’t, it only panned out when we could increase our levels again from this expac. I am sick of losing power I earned. Devs need to just lay off with the squishes and actually fix real problems.


True. This may be a big black ship in their view.

Uninspiring, non important levels to pass as if you were going through a checklist.

And before that it was: leveling is easy lol i use two buttons blizzard needs to do somthing. Afterwards it was: omg leveling sucks now blizzard needs to do somthing.

You want me to refute your guess about how an unconfirmed change to the game might possibly be implemented, someday?

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Yes. Give me your own thought up opinion of how else it would be implemented. Or is that too much for you to handle because all you can do is say it’s not a thing until it is a thing.

You support the idea but you can’t come up with a different way for them to do it that a lot of people would accept?

Cold hard facts from the past? So that means they can’t learn from that and make the level squish different in the present/future?

Am I understanding that right?

It’s true though, it really isn’t a thing until it really is a thing.


Ok, such as me

Uh, no?

? Why do you think we think this?

Reality: Yes, we know.

That’s the point. To feel every level is worth it.

It’s the same in terms of effort and time investment. It’s not the same in terms of sense of accomplishment and character growth.

Or you just don’t bother to understand why we’re happy with a level squish.

Level squish will attract new players. It’s not the same for a newcomer to see they have to level up to 130 than to 60, even if the time investment is the same. It’s psychology, it’s marketing, and most important of all, it makes more sense to gain abilities every level than every 4 levels. Why level at all then?

Really doubt this will happen.