Mists Timerunning - You can grind currency and buy the world boss mounts

May your Ji-Kun drop next reset that you may spend your bronze on other cool ******* **** come patch day, my son. :pray: :pray: :pray:

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The mounts lost their value the moment you could go back and farm them solo, being on BMAH at all was digging a hole into negative value.


Blizzard took a mount I bought ages ago from the cash shop that was unobtainable after they pulled it only to a few months ago make it free on the Amazon Gaming thing. By all rights I should be upset but for how long ago I bought it and had plenty of time flying around on it when few others had it, Iā€™m fine with others finally having a chance to get it again.


Yeah, hence why i said the drop rate was abismaly bad and they shouldā€™ve upped it wayyyyyyyyyy before.

But putting stuff on a vendor at this point, feels like a cheap moneygrab to get resubs, which this is all about.

The event feels passable, i misunderstood what it was the first time i read it and the only relevant thing i can see about it for me are the recolored mounts.

Everything else is just, bleh.

My point on the post is how things devalue too absurdly when out of the blue ā€œrulesā€ of rarity are thrown out of the window after 5 years of ā€œyeah we donā€™t careā€. Rules were just changed for quick sub grabs and marketing ploys, which just makes the devs more cynical and the value of our time in game less and less relevant for when we are doing the things.

where were you when they greatly increased the drop chance of the world bosses? I got all three of the ones I was missing within a couple weeks. so much for ā€œvalueā€

I think tiā€™s great that theyā€™re putting in a deterministic way of getting these mounts.


You know what would be cool? A chance to buy the heirlooms that only dropped from Garrosh.


Long overdue, imo. I spent years grinding for the Heavenly Onyx Serpent to finally drop, and now that people have an opportunity to purchase it with some effort? I couldnā€™t be happier for them.

I donā€™t even want to think of how much time I spent hanging out in the Isle of Giants while alt-tabbed waiting for him to spawn. No task in the game should be an undetermined time-sink, optional or otherwise.

ā€œWorkā€ is fine in games, but if itā€™s all carrot and no stick, it really stops feeling like a game.


Yeah itā€™s insanely easy. And thatā€™s with baseline power, meaning your first character. Youā€™ll be able to grind harder and faster once you level up and get more of the infinite progression / power tools.

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Was unsubbed. Itā€™s good they did it, but putting some on a vendor itā€™s overkill imo. But then again just my opinion.

Could reskin/recolor some of the models and also add more on the vendor, would be better imo.

Neat! Looks like I wont be going after Nalak or Galleon anymore!

Iā€™m considering ceasing my Oondasta farming for the time being.


Why is one persons 100 kills and the mount dropped worth more than someone elseā€™s 1000 kills and the mount hasnā€™t dropped?

I donā€™t mind a bit of RNG or a rare drop mount but I am also completely fine with other options like a currency grind for the unlucky, especially considering how long ago MOP was.

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I got this well into the past not even knowing it was a thing my first go around. Clearly, I have earned this mount and others do not deserve to buy this from a vendor.

Heavy /s, obviously.


I want this so bad. I remember last fall they got datamined or something and we all got hyped for soo being a tw raid that dropped them.

yes. a lot of people complaining about this, also complain about those things. anything somebody else gets that they donā€™t get is ā€œpunishmentā€ somehow. itā€™s insane!

It isnā€™t, itā€™s a bad system that was always a bad system, specially with ultra rare stuff.

There used to be a limit into bad stuff, but as time went along, MoP world bosses specifically, were tagged as outliers for abusive drop rates and nonsensical scarcity. People always complained about it. Blizzard always shrugged it off.

My problem with the game, in general, is how value is always shifting. Since we are moving into more seasonal stuff every xpac, they might as well remove super rare drops and make it all a really big grind (i always favored the latter).

My issue, much like the shop mounts going to trading post and vice versa. TCG mounts that were removed and instead of being reintroduced in hearthstone were just shoved into prime/twitch rewards. Is their cynicism into doing players a favor when they were the ones to create a problem for the players in the first place.

I have 800+ mounts, i can tell you i got 3-4 of those mounts under 10 attempts when they were current rare content. Everything else was easily 100+ attempts since i was never lucky, just stubborn about keeping up to get em.

Iā€™m not saying they should remove world bosses mounts from the vendor, they are old and everyone can get em easily nowadays. My problem is the constant short selling of players time with out of the blue rules changes and their carelessness for the quick cash grab.

Itā€™s getting worse every patch.

Iā€™d do this for most of the mounts in pandaria. Iā€™ll take something 100% instead of taking my legion of alts out to these locations

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I donā€™t have terribly strong convictions here but I do get a distaste for these mounts being handed out in such a fashion. Thereā€™s a certain comradery that I see with people who farmed out these mounts, especially in the moments waiting for spawns, that brings a sense of enjoyment from getting it and then using it. With 1% mounts youā€™re virtually guaranteed to get it with enough time/alts so as long as they donā€™t leave the game then I think it should stay as-is and not be handed out for currency.

I will say that abusively rare mounts like pre-nerf Sha or both of the Mechagon world rares have no place (or maybe exceptionally rare place) in WOW. That two such unremarkable mounts were shoved into Mechagon is a crime. If Sha was the only mount with such a drop rate then I think Iā€™d be fine with it - especially with how nice the mount is.

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Yes, yes he does.


Iā€™m only missing one of them. Would gladly pay 20k bronze even though Iā€™ve already leveled 10 str 1h users and may never need to do another one again. Throwing on maximally gemmed and enchanted gear to stomp through TW dungeons is still nice to have.