Mists of Pandaria, Remix!

PSA: If you missed out on the Theramore Tabard or Mini Mana Bomb you can get them by completing the Theramore’s fall scenario at level 35.

I don’t know why it’s level locked, but it works! Did it myself on allyside just now. I’ve wanted that tabard for 11 years, so glad to finally have it!

Again you MUST be level 35. Above or below that and it doesn’t work


For anyone interested, Kalsith on r/wow made an amazing excel sheet that lists all the items, how much they cost and includes a calculator as well. Second tab on the sheet lists achievements with rewards, so you can note those as well.


Really handy. Just be sure you file>make a copy to have your own copy.

Theramore Tabard? Well, guess I’ve got to grind a bit.

Scaling gets weird for 60+ characters in scenarios. I recommend either making an alt that you can run through scenarios without dying, or doing it in a tank spec. Your damage should be fine, it’s more that things will two-shot you. I’m doing good damage in Blood, but can’t live long enough in a scenario to kill things as Frost.

Yep the old prepatch rewards are back!

After a few days and 42 levels, I couldn’t have put it better. It really does harken back to the old days when swarms of players were in the same area, doing the same quest with a wee bit of waiting our turns. I forgot until now how much I really love WoW.

On a more concerning note. I am highly disappointed at the Horde influence in Remix. I have always played Alliance and dammit I’m not used to the glaring lack of usable chairs, thank you very much!



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I’m loving it. Have a 70 and an alt on my main account, then made a full roster on my alt account. I had to log off and let my brain’s CD resolve because I OD’d on this stuff the past few days. But I have no regrets.

Have a few characters with super XP buff thanks to doing both Normals and LFR starting at 25. Getting to like 270% is great.

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I’m currently at 61 on my 2nd remix char. Absolutely enjoying this to no end and I will definitely aim for rolling a Vulpera next. (They seem to have removed most restrictions from rolling an AR, if anyone else is looking to do so.)

Loving the Zandalari I’ve rolled! As someone who typically plays short chars, it’s amazing to actually see the armor on my character instead of mini versions of it. Gnomes (and most short chars) are often clearly never taken into consideration when they design armor. The Zandalari is really tall compared to what I’m used to. I feel like the running animation is a bit wonky, but I’ll get used to it.

Some of these spells and builds feel absolutely amazing to play and I will legitimately miss them when this ends.

Seeing all the people out in the world? People calling out rares! I’m so excited to help oppo factions since everyone can tag. This is happiness!

It makes me wish they had done something more enjoyable with Blunderstorm because we could have had the same feeling with that event.


I agree, but I do like that Blizz is making efforts to put in ‘content’ in the expansion lulls. Plunderstorm may have been not the best, but I do appreciate the attempt to try and - while not overusing devs or resources that should be going towards the next xpac - give us things to do.
Ironic that MoP gave us the longest inter-xpac lull and malaise, but here we are cherishing an opportunity to play it all over again in a way that’s productive instead of just playing classic. I do really hope this is the new model for exploring old xpacs, and I look forward to WoD and Legion Remix in the future.


100%. I was posting in the Blunderstorm forum and said this exactly. I won’t like everything they do, but that’s okay. This game has been going for 20 years. Breathing life into it in any form, is a great thing for the overall health of the game.

People always say this and I know it’s facts, but I never felt it during MOP. Cata nearly sent me packing. I went almost 6 months without really playing during Cata, frankly barely even logging in. MOP kept me busy and entertained. I have nothing but good memories of it.

I would be pretty psyched to get a WOD and Legion remix, no lies. I am genuinely enjoying the remix.


I bought a sub for the first timei n like six months and I’m having a lot of fun with this.
Honestly if they continue the remix stuff I hope they take this as a chance to explore cut content or “what if” versions of events. The infinite dragonflight opens up a lot of fun opportunities.
“Hero, we need to study how the old gods fight so we’re sending you into a version of Wrath where Yogg’Saron successfully escaped ulduar!”
“We want to learn how best the horde can NOT get another ultra hitler as leader, so we’re sending you to a version of Orgrimmar where Vol’Jin never died”
I suppose that might be a bit big for whole expansion but perhaps a remix story of an individual zone.


I want them to go even crazier than Pandaria stuff like: “It’s Wrath but everyone starts with Frostmourne.”


Ending Daddy issues forever - we stabbed them all previous


Wrath, but you have artifacts, the heart of azeroth, and the MOP cloak


Level 55 came pretty quickly and with a massive dose of fun so far! I really wish Blizz would stick with some of this stuff going forward. The meta, tinker and cog slots add a true depth to evolving your character instead of relying on a min/max cookie cutter character. For me, this is the first time that I feel like this character is truly my creation!



The random nature of those special slot powers firing off makes combat a heck of a lot more engaging.
“Oh, dumps! My Frost Armor hasn’t proc’d! Hang on! Going to be a bumpy ride!”


“Whoops! Didn’t mean to pull those other three baddies. Oh well. Graveyard run. Whoa! My Frost Armor proc’d! Heck yeah!”

So much fun!


Just hit 70 on my Zandalari (so excited to finally be able to roll one!). Prot warrior felt even better than my first remix char, the Prot Pally I got to 70 with.

I was sticking with an online recommended cog/meta/tinker build that seems pretty popular, but couldn’t get a bunch of the tinkers to drop while leveling up. So, I started playing around with the ones I did have. I’m not much for dungeons but out in the world, I am easily crushing 20-30 mobs very quickly in one go, since some of the tinkers I ended up going with proc off each other, or proc better/more with multiple mobs. It’s ridiculously fun. I can’t even imagine what people with way higher stats / better gear / etc are doing.

I’ll probably start on remix alt #3 this weekend, since it’s gone so quickly.

Final stats at 70 for the Warrior, just from questing and world running: (no dungeons, no raids, no scenarios):
+538 Strength
+2568 Stamina
+209 Crit
+389 Haste
+283 Leech
+214 Mastery
+300 Speed
+482 Versatility
+197% Experience Gain


People having gotten multiple alts to 70 in Remix already

Me just sitting over here playing with my Cloud Serpent at Level 40


I hated the cloud serpents. I know that’s controversial but I feel like dragons occupy too much damn real estate.

That’s libel. Cloud Serpents aren’t Dragons, otherwise Dragonflight would have featured them.

If it flies with scales, it dies and fails.