Mists of Pandaria, Remix!

I am absolutely loving this! It has Pandaria questing, easier levelling, solo-ability, ease of alt making, free mogging, tons of mogs, and tons of mounts! It is so many parts of the game that I love all rolled into one! I’ve already gone through everything in three zones Alliance side, but I’m looking forward to finishing things and then doing up an alt for the Horde-side experience. I do really wish there was an easy way to get tabards and shirts. So far, that is my biggest complaint about it all. My mog obsessed self feels constricted and unable to put the finishing touches on things.

One thing to note, is that it seems to me that faction rep gain is suuuuper fast. I’m already maxed out with like… 4 factions despite barely trying? Unsure if this is WAD or a bug.


One of the best things about MOP is that maxxing out your MOP reps to exalted, resulted in your alts getting a “max bonus”, which I believe has always been x2?

So, if you’re maxed out on MOP reps through a previous character you rolled, you’re getting multiplied rep bonuses on your new timerunner alt, but it seems to be much greater than x2.

ETA: I was complaining earlier in the thread about the leveling not being as quick, but it’s obvious the higher level you get the quicker it goes, because you’re gaining a XP bonus. I’ll hit 70 today easy. I can barely keep up with maintaining my talent trees / specs, before I get more points to get more talents. Although there still seems to be a lot of debate about bait and switch on Blizz part. PTR was reflecting much quicker, than what’s gone live.

10-20 was slow to normal leveling. After that, it gets progressively quicker. I may end up rolling some more alts after all. Going to see how it feels. To be determined.

One of my biggest personal complaints is that I keep getting all these “toys” that I already own. It would’ve been nice to get some kind of alternative if the system code recognized you already have it.

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Apparently there is a gamebreaking bug going on right now where people are losing all their items and Blizzard hasn’t mentioned anything about it.

Very scary bug and while I really want to play my Remix character I’m kind of afraid to now. Hopefully this is addressed soon.

Anyone know if Remix goes all the way to 70 if you don’t own DF or TWW? Or does it stop you at 60?

All the way to 70 as I understand it.



Probably gunna end up getting TWW anyway, but I am holding out till I get close to 60. Been taking it really slow and playing with my wife so we are only in the 20’s.

Stuck on Isle of Thunder due to some bug with one of the scenarios. Bummer because that’s the one other achievement I want to complete so I can unlock the recolour class wep and armor sets.

Otherwise, I think once I complete this, I’ll probably still do raids and other things to beef up my cloak and then level allied race alts on the side to at least 50, so when the event ends I can do the armor quests.

How does the end-game content work? I’m only at like 30 but I see people posting screenshots of stuff like the Jaina scenario in Dalaran, which as I recall required weeks of rep dailies to unlock under ordinary circumstances. Are rep requirements for the story quests waived in some way?

As far as I can tell, rep requirements went out the door and everything scales so you can do it at lower level. Though there are some level requirements, like to access Isle of Thunder you have to be level 50. However, you can start queuing for LFR, dungeons and whatever at lower levels if you really want to. I don’t know if there are level requirements but I did them when I was in my 30s

My guild is saying though the scaling starts to get really wonky at level 60 and higher. Someone said they were doing a heroic and the tank leveled to 60 and then suddenly all the dungeon mobs started one shotting them lmao


Yeah I have noticed the scaling can be rough even at low levels, I just did a dungeon where the higher-level tank was unable to hold aggro against a low level dps who was doing weird amounts of damage.

The Rep Grind is glorious.

One round of dailies for the Order of the Serpent and I’m already at Honored.

Though I remain eternally irked that Pearlfin Jinyu remain just shy of Exalted.

More like Turdgas

50 Shades of Bleh

Hit 70 last night. No raids, dungeons or scenarios. I wanted to do all questing /treasures / exploring, etc. It felt “normal” from 10-20. There didn’t feel like there was much of a difference and it almost felt like a slog, possibly worse than retail. Once I hit 20, it got better and every level felt much more progressive. I’d have hit 70 sooner, but real life things had my attn.

Cloak ended up at 70 with the following stats:
+689 Strength
+3528 Stamina
+549 Critical Strike
+967 Haste
+465 Leech
+674 Mastery
+406 Speed
+908 Versatility
+100% Experience Gain

I went into this wanting:
2 Mushan Mounts (Palehide and Riverwalker) - Bought them
Snowy Riding Goat Mount - Bought it
Sky Surfer Mount - Not sure I will be buying this. I forgot how cloudy it is when riding and I was never a fan of that, just the disc. I may end up not buying this.
Korkorn Shaman Transmog - bought 1 version so far
Shado-Pan Guise (Silver) - bought it
Halfhill Chicken Backpack - got it
Timerunner title (hit level 70) - obv got it

Got a few other things along the way - Chen’s hat (both versions), Chen’s Keg, a bunch of weapon/shield/armor transmog drops.

I also spent probably 10k or so bronze on gems, scrolls, etc.

I collected quite a bit of bronze while flying and then of course, Blizz just gave us (3) collection quests that rewarded bronze. My total bronze right now is sitting at 62,527. I’m happy with that. Plenty to spend, as there is not much I really want.

I’m sure there’s a lot of people out there with a ton more than I have gotten / achieved, but I set my personal goals and easily far exceeded them. Remix was a great way to roll another alt, I enjoyed the way it plays and of course, Pandaria is a great place to level any alt. It was a great expac.

I am really curious to see how it feels to roll another alt with the cloak transferring some stats over, so I’m going to roll another alt. I was about to go with Dark Iron, but it seems they’ve taken away some of the restrictions on AR Zandalari? I’m not sure when that happened. Going to take a shot at that one, which would get the heritage armor also.

If you’re running in Remix, hope you’re enjoying things.


I’m having a hell of a time, honestly.

Were it not for the rewards, I’d probably not even bother. I’ve come to realize that given how I only really have one character in my whole WoW Career (Even if that character has changed)…I’m not as much of an altaholic as I once thought myself. Combine that with Shadowlands dealing mortal damage to my ability to engage with the game’s narrative and I’m literally just accepting quests in Jade Forest without ever reading any of them.

It’s making the Remix a slog on my end, even though now I’m starting to see the speed up to the leveling system and Enhancement Shaman is beginning to be quite fun.

Admittedly, it’s not helped by the fact Shadow of the Erdtree is dropping in a month and Mechanicus 2 just got announced, resulting in me wanting to replay both those games.


Remix has made me fall in love with WoW again and then be equally mad as I remember why MoP was my favorite expansion and that Blizzard hasn’t matched it for story telling since. Legion close second. It’s only real failing in my eyes with Garrosh going from controversial leader to straight war criminal but that’s for another time.

I’ve gotten 4 characters to 70 so far and with the increased leveling OP gem/cloak system it’s made me love tanking again. I gave up on tanks after Legion and the only time I would even touch the spec was for pvp flag carriers. But being able to lead the pack, herd mobs for the team to mow down has been exciting and I might take it seriously again in retail.


I ran the AR quest to get access to Zandalari (whoo!) and just hit 20. Already feels much quicker than the first remix char I ran through. I may take my time to enjoy this one, since Horde side is new to me. 10-20 went by very quickly.

Also, I realize that I never ran through Pandaria on a Horde char, so it’s really interesting seeing this whole thing from ‘de other side’ and yes, making me remember why I ended up loving MOP. It really was a beautiful expac.


Happy to see that everyone is having fun.

I’ll probably finish character 1 this weekend. Then I set a goal for myself to level 1 character in June, 1 in July and 1 in August so I don’t burn out on WoW before the expac drops. Still haven’t decide what rewards I want.

Apparently anyone farming super-spawns got a nerf and people who didn’t got a bronze boost. I don’t think anyone here was probably a frog farmer, but I thought I’d mention it.


The fact you’ve referred to it as this means you are no true shaman.

No, but now I have neat wolf helm.