Mists of Pandaria, Remix!

@Vanndrel, you’re not alone. I hit 55 and am content to hang out a few days admiring my dwarf streaking across Pandaria collecting the bronze above buildings and landmarks on the Forest Windsteed I bought Sunday night. Lol.


Don’t concern yourself with what anyone else is doing.

Are you enjoying it? Are you excited about the cloud serpent? That’s all that matters.

There’s a lot of people with much more than I have or will ever have in remix or just generally in this game. I’m doing what I enjoy and that’s enough for me.


I’ve collected 23 of the new mounts, I cannot be stopped. MOUNTS FOR THE MOUNT THRONE!


Don’t listen to him, Vanndrel. He’d only tell you not to be concerned with what he’s doing if he’s up to something.

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Wife and I made it to 70 tonight on our first characters. We’re taking everything ultra chill. Gunna finish all the quests and then do some dungeons and maybe raid. Maybe. But we’re having hella fun and got to 70 without DF or TWW. Pretty neato.

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It really is great that you can just get to 70 without the expac purchases.

Same for my wife, her old main was stuck at 50 as she quit before Shadowlands. Yet now she can level to 70 without the expacs and has the parrot from Plunderstorm with full talents, somehow.

Unsure if there’s another way to get a dragonriding mount (those quests at the start maybe? I did not do them) but that has been convenient.

We were both able to pick one dragon riding mount from the starter quests in Remix, which also seemed to unlock all the dragonriding abilities. I did make an alt to see if I could get one of the other colored models by doing the quest again but it does not seem be the case. Still it is nice to play around with dragonriding.

So I got home from work at 8 pm.
I was Level 40.
I stopped playing at around 10:30 pm.
I am Level 51.

Danny Devito “I get it” reaction here


I got my time person to 70 (bizarro ret paladin Miko), it was kinda fun revisiting panda quests. I have a lot of bronze now though and not much to buy with it, because I got the items I wanted while leveling and all the heirlooms/garry shoulders require running Siege of Org, which is maybe the most tedious piece of content in the whole game and I don’t want to do it even once

As for the leveling experience it would have been nice to be able to instantly transfer equipped gems to new pieces on equip, because I got to a point where I was dreading getting new items because it was so fiddly to take a bunch of gems out and put them into the new piece. Other than that, it felt pretty similar to regular retail leveling but panda focused.

Getting different class movement abilities was neat. It’d be cool to have an event like this where cross-class stuff is explored more. A warrior who can stealth? A rogue who can pyroblast?? A priest who can, uh, tame bears or something?

My /played was 16 hours at 70, which I think it a little slower than what normal retail would be, but I suppose it is about half that for subsequent characters due to how the cloak works. And maybe an hour of that playtime was doing “a little patience” because I didn’t really remember how it worked.

I was able to fully complete Valley and Krasarang so I got a chicken and keg back mog

Since all the further rewards require killing garrosh, which I dun wanna do, I guess I’m mostly finished with it


Remember that in retail the raids have daily lockouts until remix is over.


You’re the real hero. I didn’t know this.

Level 66…and I’ve gotten everything I already want from Remix. I guess I’ll keep questing till 70.

Really, I was just after Chen’s Hat and the Dark Shaman Transmogs. Everything else thus far - the Shao-Pan Tiger, the Windrunner, the Golden Crane, the Shao-Pan outfits - are just gravy.

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If you raid while levelling, each boss gives 12% cloak XP and it gets so fast.

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So I’m probably super late to this revelation as I don’t really read up on guides and the like, but I figured I’d kill the final level to 70 on Timewaste Isle (Big mistake. Nothing gives anything for XP there)…and um…

Like I said, probably something everyone knows but I figured I kept hearing the prompts so I’d investigate and…

Orbos is available for everyone. So if you ever wanted to get that Achievement…now is the time.

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Normal raids are so easy. Literally insane. My goal is to get the heroic title and I don’t doubt I’ll have that done soon.

I was looking at this as an opportunity to try out healing but I’m finding that healers really aren’t even required for a lot of the stuff. Leech is so high that the normal rules don’t apply…. At least up until mythic. So oh well.

I’m still having fun though.

And that’s a Pandaren Shaman at Level 70. Yotz.

Fun fact here: Vanndrel here was originally Yotz. I vaguely recall looking up online some Chinese-sounding term and found Yotz but now a decade later I have no idea. Good name though - Yotz Brighteye.

He was the Hunter I rolled up with my free character token when I came back to the game for Mists of Pandaria after taking my first hiatus with Cataclysm, so it felt right to revive him for Remix. Especially since he’s played a key role in Vanndrel’s narrative since bringing my Elf Blueside and retconning his history.

I blew through most of my Bronze on getting what mounts looked interesting, as well as getting Yotz the Raid Finder appearances for Shaman (I farm old raid content for fun, so I’m not super worried about Raid Tier appearances, but RF isn’t something I usually go out of my way for).

Now I guess I wait seven days to get my Warrior out of the deletion bin (I have a habit of just chucking characters I’m not using or have no more interest in) and maybe see what Dragonflight is all about. Debating leveling another alt via Pandaria remix but we’ll see. If I do I’m just sending over every Prismatic Gem I have to see how many Legendaries I can make by the end of it.


Have to say I finally ran into my first group of obvious hyperspawn players today and it’s easy to see how they can suck the fun out of remix in a second flat.

If you’re trying to kill the same thing they are, don’t bother. I gave up and am on my way to do something else.

I really don’t care that they have stats like that, I just care that they are literally locking down areas of gameplay and it’s pointless for normal players to stay there.


I decided not to storm through Pandaria on the Vulpera, so I am only at 50, 11 days after rolling him. I’ve spent more time farming bronze on the Pally and the Warrior and am just questing through / farming bronze on the Vulpera, taking my time.

I figured I’d be over it by now, but still enjoying MOP. Just reminds me how much I enjoyed it the first time.

Vulpera are a conundrum for me. I like playing smaller characters, but I am all about the transmog and Vulpera + transmog seem to not go well together. (IMO)

As a self-proclaimed in-game hat expert, I have to say that Vulpera seem to have limited options and this displeases me greatly. The shoe situation is a tragedy I am not ready to even speak about. I’m not sure what Blizz was thinking when they made these little guys, but there is some work to be done. I wish there were “scruffy haggard looking” Vulpera but there are not. I don’t think I could permanently run a Vulpera char. I will probably race change him after remix to a Zandalari Troll.

Speaking of Zandalari Trolls…

I am enjoying playing my Zandalari so much that Norman is probably fast asleep somewhere at this point. If Blizz gave Zandalari beards (which they should!) I would probably race change a bunch of my alts to Zandalari Trolls.

Aside from Forsaken (my favorite Horde race) these Trolls are something I could see myself playing long-term.

Happy that Blizz removed some AR restrictions.

I did notice that a lot of the remix chars players are creating seem to be AR races and not commonly played races. That’s an interesting observation.


I’m getting my Pandaren Warrior to cap and then going to try to make some of the allied races I’ve had lurking at level 10 just for their heritage armor, just to scratch that completionist itch. Vulpera, Mecha-Gnome, but I’ve got a Highmountain at level 58, I should finish her someday.